
第19章 OleLukOie, The DreamGod(5)

“We shall have no time this evening,” said he, spreading out his prettiest umbrella over the child. “Look at these Chinese,” and then the whole umbrella appeared like a large china bowl, with blue trees and pointed bridges, upon which stood little Chinamen nodding their heads. “We must make all the world beautiful for tomorrow morning,” said OleLukOie, “for it will be a holiday, it is Sunday. I must now go to the church steeple and see if the little sprites who live there have polished the bells, so that they may sound sweetly. Then I must go into the fields and see if the wind has blown the dust from the grass and the leaves, and the most difficult task of all which I have to do, is to take down all the stars and brighten them up. I have to number them first before I put them in my apronapron n.围裙, 外表或作用类似围裙的东西, and also to number the places from which I take them, so that they may go back into the right holes, or else they would not remain, and we should have a number of falling stars, for they would all tumbletumble vi.翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗vt.使摔倒, 使滚翻, 弄乱n.跌倒, 摔跤, 翻斤斗 down one after the other.”


“Hark ye! Mr. LukOie,” said an old portrait which hung on the wall of Hjalmars bedroom. “Do you know me? I am Hjalmars greatgrandfather. I thank you for telling the boy stories, but you must not confuse his ideas. The stars cannot be taken down from the sky and polished. They are spheres like our earth, which is a good thing for them.”


“Thank you, old greatgrandfather,” said OleLukOie. “I thank you. You may be the head of the family, as no doubt you are, but I am older than you. I am an ancient heathen. The old Romans and Greeks named me the Dreamgod. I have visited the noblest houses, and continue to do so. Still I know how to conductconduct v.引导, 管理, 为人, 传导n.行为, 操行 myself both to high and low, and now you may tell the stories yourself.” and so OleLukOie walked off, taking his umbrellas with him.


“Well, well, one is never to give an opinion, I suppose,” grumbled the portrait. And it woke Hjalmar.


“Good evening,” said OleLukOie. Hjalmar nodded, and then sprang out of bed, and turned his greatgrandfathers portraitportrait n.肖像, 人像 to the wall, so that it might not interrupt them as it had done yesterday. “Now,” said he, “you must tell me some stories about five green peas that lived in one pod; or of the chickseed that courted the chickweed; or of the darning needle, who acted so proudly because she fancied herself an embroidery needle.”


“You may have too much of a good thing,” said OleLukOie. “You know that I like best to show you something, so I will show you my brother. He is also called OleLukOie but he never visits any one but once, and when he does come, he takes him away on his horse, and tells him stories as they ride along. He knows only two stories. One of these is so wonderfully beautiful, that no one in the world can imagine anything at all like it. But the other is just as ugly and frightful, so that it would be impossible to describe it.” Then OleLukOie lifted Hjalmar up to the window. “There now, you can see my brother, the other OleLukOie. He is also called Death. You perceive he is not so bad as they represent him in picture books. There he is a skeleton, but now his coat is embroidered with silver, and he wears the splendid uniform of a hussarhussar n.轻骑兵, and a mantlemantle n.斗蓬, 覆盖物, 壁炉架v.披风, 覆盖 of black velvet flies behind him, over the horse. Look, how he gallops along.” Hjalmar saw that as this OleLukOie rode on, he lifted up old and young, and carried them away on his horse. Some he seated in front of him, and some behind, but always inquired first, “How stands the markbook?”


“Good,” they all answered.


“Yes, but let me see for myself,” he replied, and they were obliged to give him the books. Then all those who had “Very good,” or “Exceedingly good,” came in front of the horse, and heard the beautiful story. While those who had “Middling,” or “Tolerably good,” in their books, were obliged to sit behind, and listen to the frightful tale. They trembled and cried, and wanted to jump down from the horse, but they could not get free, for they seemed fastened to the seat.


“Why, Death is a most splendid LukOie,” said Hjalmar. “I am not in the least afraid of him.”


“You need have no fear of him,” said OleLukOie, “if you take care and keep a good conduct book.”


“Now I call that very instructive,” murmured the greatgrandfathers portrait. “It is useful sometimes to express an opinion.” so he was quite satisfied.


These are some of the doings and sayings of OleLukOie. I hope he may visit you himself this evening, and relate some more.
