
第16章 The CaliforniansTale(1)


Thirtyfive years ago I was out prospecting on the Stanislaus, tramping all day long with pick and pan and horn, and washing a hatful of dirt here and there, always expecting to make a rich strike, and never doing it. It was a lovely reason, woodsy woodsy adj.树林中的, 树林多的, balmy balmy adj.芳香的, 温和的, 止痛的, (空气)温和的, delicious, and had once been populous, long years before, but now the people had vanished and the charming paradise paradise n.天堂 was a solitude. They went away when the surface diggings gave out. In one place, where a busy little city with banks and newspapers and fire companies and a mayor and aldermen had been, was nothing but a wide expanse expanse n.宽阔的区域, 宽阔, 苍天, 膨胀扩张 of emerald turf, with not even the faintest sign that human life had ever been present there. This was down toward Tuttletown. In the country neighborhood thereabouts, along the dusty roads, one found at intervals the prettiest little cottage homes, snug and cozy, and so cobwebbed with vines snowed thick with roses that the doors and windows were wholly hidden from sightsign that these were deserted homes, forsaken years ago by defeated and disappointed families who could neither sell them nor give them away. Now and then, half an hour apart, one came across solitary solitary adj.孤独的 log cabins of the earliest mining days, built by the first goldminers, the predecessors predecessor n.前辈, 前任, (被取代的)原有事物 of the cottagebuilders. In some few cases these cabins were still occupied, and when this was so, you could depend upon it that the occupant occupant n.占有者, 居住者 was the very pioneer who had built the cabin, and you could depend on another thing, too—that he was there because he had once had his opportunity to go home to the States rich, and had not done it, had rather lost his wealth, and had then in his humiliation humiliation n.羞辱, 蒙耻 resolved to sever all communication with his home relatives and friends, and be to them thenceforth thenceforth adv.从那时, 其后 as one dead.Round about California in that day were scattered a host of these living dead men—pridesmitten poor fellows, grizzled and old at forty, whose secret thoughts were made all of regrets and longings—regrets for their wasted lives, and longings to be out of the struggle and done with it all.


It was a lonesome land! Not a sound in all those peaceful expanses of grass and woods but the drowsy drowsy adj.昏昏欲睡的, 催眠的, (街、市等)沉寂的 hum of insects, no glimpse of man or beast, nothing to keep up your spirits and make you glad to be alive. And so, at last, in the early part of the afternoon, when I caught sight of a human creature, I felt a most grateful uplift. This person was a man about fortyfive years old, and he was standing at the gate of one of those cozy cozy adj.舒适的, 安逸的, 惬意的 little roseclad cottages of the sort already referred to. However, this one hadnt a deserted look, it had the look of being lived in and petted and cared for and looked after, and so had its front yard, which was a garden of flowers, abundant abundant adj.丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富, 盛产, 富于, gay, and flourishing. I was invited in, of course, and required to make myself at home—it was the custom of the country.


It was delightful to be in such a place, after long weeks of daily and nightly familiarity familiarity n.熟悉, 通晓, 亲密, 熟悉, 精通 with miners cabins—with all which this implies of dirt floor, nevermade beds, tin plates and cups, bacon and beans and black coffee, and nothing of ornament but war pictures from the Eastern illustrated papers tacked to the log walls. That was all hard, cheerless, materialistic materialistic adj.唯物论的, 唯物主义的 desolation desolation n.荒芜, 荒废, 荒凉, 忧伤, 悲哀, but here was a nest which had aspects to rest the tired eye and refresh that something in ones nature which, after long fasting, recognizes, when confronted by the belongings of art, howsoever cheap and modest they may be, that it has unconsciously been famishing and now has found nourishment nourishment n.食物, 营养品. I could not have believed that a rag carpet could feast me so, and so content me, or that there could be such solace to the soul in wallpaper and framed lithographslithograph n.平版(指石版或金属板)印刷, 平版画 vt.以平版印刷, and brightcolored tidies and lampmats, and Windsor chairs, and varnished whatnots, with seashells and books and china vases on them, and the score of little unclassifiable tricks and touches that a womans hand distributesdistribute vt.分发, 分配, 散布, 分布, 分类, 分区 v.分发 about a home, which one sees without knowing he sees them, yet would miss in a moment if they were taken away. The delight that was in my heart showed in my face, and the man saw it and was pleased, saw it so plainly that he answered it as if it had been spoken.