
第19章 The CaliforniansTale(4)

I began to get pretty thoroughly ashamed of him for his childishness, and at last, when he repeated that imploring question still another time, I lost my patience for the moment, and spoke pretty brutally to him. It seemed to shrivel him up and cow him, and he looked so wounded and so humble after that, that I detested myself for having done the cruel and unnecessary thing. And so I was glad when Charley, another veteran, arrived toward the edge of the evening, and nestled up to Henry to hear the letter read, and talked over the preparations for the welcome. Charley fetched out one hearty speech after another, and did his best to drive away his friends bodings and apprehensions.


“Anything happened to her? Henry, thats pure nonsense. There isnt anything going to happen to herm just make your mind easy as to that. What did the letter say? Said she was well, didnt it? And said shed be here by nine oclock, didnt it? Did you ever know her to fail of her word? Why, you know you never did. Well, then, dont you fret, shell be here, and thats absolutely certain, and as sure as you are born. Come, now, lets get to decorating—not much time left.”


Pretty soon Tom and Joe arrived, and then all hands set about adoring the house with flowers. Toward nine the three miners said that as they had brought their instrumentsinstrument n.工具, 手段, 器械, 器具, 手段 they might as well tune up, for the boys and girls would soon be arriving now, and hungry for a good, oldfashioned breakdown. A fiddle, a banjo, and a clarinet—these were the instruments. The trio took their places side by side, and began to play some rattling dancemusic, and beat time with their big boots.


It was getting very close to nine. Henry was standing in the door with his eyes directed up the road, his body swaying to the torturetorture n.折磨, 痛苦, 拷问, 拷打 vt.拷问, 曲解, 折磨, 使弯曲 of his mental distress. He had been made to drink his wifes health and safety several times, and now Tom shouted, “All hands stand by! One more drink, and shes here! ”


Joe brought the glasses on a waiter, and served the party. I reached for one of the two remaining glasses, but Joe growledgrowl v.咆哮, 发牢骚地说 n.咆哮声, 怨言 under his breath, “Drop that! Take the other.”


Which I did. Henry was served last. He had hardly swallowedswallow n.[鸟]燕子, 吞咽, 喉 vt.咽, 淹没, 吞没,取消, 忍受, 轻信, 压制, 耗尽 vi.吞下, 咽下 his drink when the clock began to strike. He listened till it finished, his face growing paler and paler, then he said, “Boys, Im sick with fear. Help me—I want to lie down! ”


They helped him to the sofa. He began to nestle and drowse, but presently spoke like one talking in his sleep, and said, “Did I hear horses feet? Have they come? ”


One of the veterans answered, close to his ear, “It was Jimmy Parish come to say the party got delayed, but theyre right up the road a piece, and coming along. Her horse is lame, but shell be here in half an hour.”


“Oh, Im so thankful nothing has happened! ”


He was asleep almost before the words were out of his mouth. In a moment those handy men had his clothes off, and had tucked him into his bed in the chamber where I had washed my hands. They closed the door and came back. Then they seemed preparing to leave, but I said, “Please dont go, gentlemen. She wont know me, I am a stranger.”


They glanced at each other. Then Joe said, “She? Poor thing, shes been dead nineteen years! ”


“Dead? ”


“That or worse. She went to see her folks half a year after she was married, and on her way back, on a Saturday evening, the Indians capturedcapture n.捕获, 战利品 vt.俘获, 捕获, 夺取 her within five miles of this place, and shes never been heard of since.”


“And he lost his mind in consequence? ”


“Never has been sane an hour since. But he only gets bad when that time of year comes round. Then we begin to drop in here, three days before shes due, to encourage him up, and ask if hes heard from her, and Saturday we all come and fix up the house with flowers, and get everything ready for a dance. Weve done it every year for nineteen years. The first Saturday there was twentyseven of us, without counting the girls, theres only three of us now, and the girls are gone. We drug him to sleep, or he would go wild, then hes all right for another year—thinks shes with him till the last three or four days come round, then he begins to look for her, and gets out his poor old letter, and we come and ask him to read it to us. Lord, she was a darling! ”
