
第3章 The Story of theGood Llttle Boy(3)

He examined his authorities, and found that it was now time for him to go to sea as a cabinboy. He called on a shipcaptain and made his application, and when the captain asked for his recommendationsrecommendation n.推荐, 介绍(信), 劝告, 建议 he proudly drew out a tract and pointed to the word, “To Jacob Blivens, from his affectionate teacher.” But the captain was a coarse, vulgarvulgar adj.粗俗的, 庸俗的, 普通的, 通俗的, 本土的 n.<古>平民, 百姓 man, and he said, “Oh, that be blowed! that wasnt any proof that he knew how to wash dishes or handle a slushbucket, and he guessed he didnt want him.”This was altogether the most extraordinaryextraordinary adj.非常的, 特别的, 非凡的, 特派的 thing that ever happened to Jacob in all his life. A compliment from a teacher, on a tract, had never failed to move the tenderest emotions of shipcaptains, and open the way to all offices of honor and profit in their gift it never had in any book that ever he had read. He could hardly believe his senses.


This boy always had a hard time of it. Nothing ever came out according to the authorities with him. At last, one day, when he was around hunting up bad little boys to admonishadmonish vt.劝告, 训诫, 警告, he found a lot of them in the old ironfoundry fixing up a little joke on fourteen or fifteen dogs, which they had tied together in long procession, and were going to ornamentornament n.装饰物, 教堂用品 vt.装饰, 修饰 with empty nitroglycerin cans made fast to their tails. Jacobs heart was touched. He sat down on one of those cans (for he never minded grease when duty was before him), and he took hold of the foremost dog by the collar, and turned his reproving eye upon wicked Tom Jones. But just at that moment Alderman McWelter, full of wrath, stepped in. All the bad boys ran away, but Jacob Blivens rose in conscious innocenceinnocence n.清白 and began one of those stately little Sundayschoolbook speeches which always commence with “Oh, sir! ” in dead opposition to the fact that no boy, good or bad, ever starts a remark with “Oh, sir.” But the aldermanalderman n.市府参事, 市议员 never waited to hear the rest. He took Jacob Blivens by the ear and turned him around, and hit him a whack in the rear with the flat of his hand, and in an instant that good little boy shot out through the roof and soared away toward the sun with the fragmentsfragment n.碎片, 断片, 片段 of those fifteen dogs stringing after him like the tail of a kite. And there wasnt a sign of that alderman or that old ironfoundry left on the face of the earth, and, as for young Jacob Blivens, he never got a chance to make his last dying speech after all his trouble fixing it up, unless he made it to the birds, because, although the bulk of him came down all right in a treetop in an adjoining county, the rest of him was apportioned around among four townshipstownship n.镇区, and so they had to hold five inquestsinquest n.审讯 on him to find out whether he was dead or not, and how it occurred. You never saw a boy scattered so.


Thus perishedperish vi.毁灭, 死亡, 腐烂, 枯萎 vt.毁坏, 使麻木 the good little boy who did the best he could, but didnt come out according to the books. Every boy who ever did as he did prospered except him. His case is truly remarkableremarkable adj.不平常的, 非凡的, 值得注意的, 显著的. It will probably never be accounted for.
