
第1章 The Hand ThatRiles the World(1)


“Many of our great men,” said I (apropos of many things), “have declared that they owe their success to the aid and encouragementencouragement n.鼓励, 奖励 of some brilliant woman.”


“I know,” said Jeff Peters, “Ive read in history and mythologymythology n.神话 about Joan of Arc and Mme. Yale and Mrs. Caudle and Eve and other noted females of the past. But, in my opinion, the woman of today is of little use in politics or business. Whats she best in, anyway?—Men make the best cooks, millinersmilliner n.女帽制造及贩卖商, nurses, housekeepershousekeeper n.主妇, 女管家, stenographersstenographer n.速记员, clerks, hairdressers and launderers. About the only job left that a woman can beat a man in is female impersonatorimpersonator n.演员, 模拟(名人等的)艺人 in vaudevillevaudeville n.歌舞杂耍.”


“I would have thought,” said I, “that occasionally, anyhow, you would have found the wit and intuitionintuition n.直觉, 直觉的知识 of woman valuable to you in your lines of—er—business.”


“Now, wouldnt you,” said Jeff, with an emphaticemphatic adj.语势强的, 用力的, 显著的, 断然的 nod,“wouldnt you have imagined that? But a woman is an absolutely unreliable partner in any straight swindleswindle v.诈骗 n.诈骗. Shes liable to turn honest on you when you are depending upon her the most. I tried em once.


Bill Humble, an old friend of mine in the Territories, conceived the illusion that he wanted to be appointed United States Marshall. At that time Anda and I was doing a square, legitimatelegitimate adj.合法的, 合理的, 正统的 v.合法 business of selling walking canes. If you unscrewed the head of one and turned it up to your mouth a half pint of good rye whiskey would go trickling down your throat to reward you for your act of intelligence. The deputies was annoying me and Andy some, and when Bill spoke to me about his officious aspirationsaspiration n.热望, 渴望, I saw how the appointment as Marshall might help along the firm of Peters & Tucker.


“Jeff,” says Bill to me, “you are a man of learning and education, besides having knowledge and information concerning not only rudimentsrudiments n 初步;入门 but facts and attainmentsattainments n.成就, 造诣.”


“I do,” says I, “and I have never regretted it. I am not one,” says I, “who would cheapen education by making it free. Tell me,” says I, “which is of the most value to mankind, literature or horse racking?”


“Why—er—, playing the po—I mean, of course, the poets and the great writers have got the call, of course.” says Bill.


“Exactly,” says I. “Then why do the master minds of finance and philanthropyphilanthropy n.慈善事业,” says I, “charge us 2 to get into a racetrack and let us into a library free? Is that distilling into the masses,” says I, “a correct estimate of the relative value of the two means of selfculture and disorder?”


“You are arguing outside of my faculties of sense and rhetoricrhetoric adj.花言巧语的,善争辩的,” says Bill, “What I wanted you to do is to go to Washington and dig out this appointment for me. I havent no ideas of cultivationcultivation n.培养, 教养, 耕作, 中耕 and intrigueintrigue n.阴谋, 诡计 vi.密谋, 私通 vt.激起……的兴趣,用诡计取得. Im a plain citizen and I need the job. Ive killed seven men,” says Bill;“Ive got nine children, Ive been a good Republican ever since the first of May; I cant read nor write, and I see no reason why I aint illegible for the office. And I think your partner, Mr. Tucker,” goes on Bill, “is also a man of sufficient ingratiation and connected system of mental delinquencydelinquency n.行为不良, 错失 to assist you in securing the appointment. I will give you preliminary,” says Bill, “1,000 for drinks, bribes and carfare in Washington. If you land the job I will pay you 1,000 more, cash down, and guarantee you impunity in bootlegging whiskey for twelve months. Are you patriotic to the West enough to help me put this thing through the Whitewashed Wigwam of the Great Father of the most eastern flag station of the Pennsylvania Railroad? ”says Bill.


Well, I talked to Andy about it, and he liked the idea immense. Andy was a man of an involved nature. He was never content to plod along, as I was, selling to the peasantrypeasantry n.农民, 小农阶级 some little tool like a combination steak beater, shoe horn, marcel waver, monkey wrench, nail file, potato masher and Multum in Parvo tuning fork. Andy had the artistic temper, which is not to be judged as a preachers or a moral mans is by purely commercial deflectionsdeflection n.偏斜, 偏转, 偏差. So we accepted Bills offer, and strikes out for Washington.
