
第10章 “Next to ReadingMatter”(7)

“Judson,” says she, “when you are talking to me I can hear nothing else—I can see nothing else—there is nothing and nobody else in the world for me.”


Well, thats about all of the story. Anabela went back to Oratama in the steamer with me. I never heard what became of Fergus. I never saw him any more. Anabela is now Mrs. Judson Tate. Has my story bored you much?”


“No.” said I, “I am always interested in psychologicalpsychological adj.心理(上)的 studies. A human heart—and especially a womans—is a wonderful thing to contemplate.”


“It is.” said Judson Tate, “And so are the trachea and bronchialbronchial adj.[解]支气管的 tubes of man. And the larynx too. Did you ever make a study of the windpipe?”


“Never.” said I, “But I have taken much pleasure in your story. May I ask after Mrs. Tate, and inquire of her present health and whereabouts?”


“Oh, sure.” said Judson Tate, “We are living in Bergen Avenue, Jersey City. The climate down in Oratama didnt suit Mrs. T. I dont suppose you ever dissected the arytenoidarytenoid n.[解]杓状软骨, 杓状肌 adj.杓状的 cartilagescartilage n.[解剖]软骨 of the epiglottis, did you?”


“Why, no,” said I, “I am no surgeon.”


“Pardon me,” said Judson Tate, “but every man should know enough of anatomy and therapeuticstherapeutics n.治疗学, 疗法 to safeguard his own health. A sudden cold may set up capillary bronchitis or inflammationinflammation n.怒火, 发火, 燃烧,[医]炎症, 发炎 of the pulmonarypulmonary adj.肺部的 vesiclesvesicle n.[解][动]囊, 泡, [植]小泡, which may result in a serious affection of the vocal organs.”


“Perhaps so,” said I, with some impatience, “but that is neither here nor there. Speaking of the strange manifestations of the affection of women, I—”


“Yes, yes,” interrupted Judson Tate, “they have peculiar ways. But, as I was going to tell you: when I went back to Oratama I found out from Manuel Iquito what was in that mixture he gave me for my lost voice. I told you how quick it cured me. He made that stuff from the chuchula plant. Now, look here.”—Judson Tate drew an oblong, white pasteboardpasteboard n.纸板, <俚>纸牌 adj.纸板做的, 不坚实的 box from his pocket.


“For any cough,” he said, “or cold, or hoarseness, or bronchial affection whatsoever, I have here the greatest remedy in the world. You see the formula, printed on the box. Each tablet contains licoricelicorice n.[植]欧亚甘草, 由欧亚甘草根熬成的精, 2 grains, balsambalsam n.香液 tolu, 1/10 grain, oil of anise, 1/20 minim, oil of tar, 1/60 minim, oleoresin of cubebs, 1/100 minim; fluid extract of /chuchula/, 1/10 minim.


“I am in New York,” went on Judson Tate, “for the purpose of organizing a company to market the greatest remedy for throat affections ever discovered. At present I am introducing the lozengeslozenge n.菱形, 止咳糖 in a small way. I have here a box containing four dozen, which I am selling for the small sum of fifty cents. If you are suffering—”


I got up and went away without a word. I walked slowly up to the little park near my hotel, leaving Judson Tate alone with his conscience. My feelings were lacerated. He had poured gently upon me a story that I might have used. There was a little of the breath of life in it, and some of the syntheticsynthetic adj.合成的, 人造的, 综合的 atmosphere that passes, when cunningly tinkered, in the marts. And, at the last it had proven to be a commercial pill, deftly coated with the sugar of fiction. The worst of it was that I could not offer it for sale. Advertising departments and countingrooms look down upon me. And it would never do for the literary. Therefore I sat upon a bench with other disappointed ones until my eyelidseyelid n.眼皮, 眼睑 drooped.


I went to my room, and, as my custom is, read for an hour stories in my favourite magazines. This was to get my mind back to art again.


And as I read each story, I threw the magazines sadly and hopelessly, one by one, upon the floor. Each author, without one exception to bring balm to my heart, wrote liltingly and sprightly a story of some particular make of motorcar that seemed to control the sparking plug of his genius.


And when the last one was hurled from me I took heart.


“If readers can swallow so many proprietaryproprietary adj.所有的, 私人拥有的 n.所有者, 所有权 automobiles,” I said to myself, “they ought not to strain at one of Tates Compound Magic Chuchula Bronchial Lozenges.”


And so if you see this story in print you will understand that business is business, and that if Art gets very far ahead of Commerce, she will have to get up and hustlehustle n.急速活动, 挤, 推, 拥挤喧嚷 vt.驱赶, 驱逐,乱挤, 硬逼(某人)买或做事, 强夺 vi.硬挤过去.


I may as well add, to make a clean job of it, that you cant buy the chuchula plant in the drug stores.
