
第14章 Hygeia at the Solito(4)

Strange to say, this new world he had entered did not exist to him. He was an utter egoist of bricks and mortar. He had dropped out, he felt, into open space for a time, and all it contained was an audience for his reminiscencesreminiscence n.回想, 记忆力, 怀旧. Neither the limitless freedom of the prairie days nor the grand hush of the closedrawn, spangled nights touched him. All the hues of Aurora could not win him from the pink pages of a sporting journal. “Get something for nothing” was his mission in life, “Thirtyseventh” Street was his goal.


Nearly two months after his arrival he began to complain that he felt worse. It was then that he became the ranchs incubusincubus n.梦魇, 沉重的负担, its harpy, its Old Man of the Sea. He shut himself in his room like some venomous kobold or flibbertigibbet, whining, complaining, cursing, accusing. The keynote of his plaint was that he had been inveigled into a gehennagehenna n.欣嫩子谷, 地狱, 焦热地狱 against his will, that he was dying of neglect and lack of comforts. With all his dire protestationsprotestation n.明言 of increasing illness, to the eye of others he remained unchanged. His currantlike eyes were as bright and diabolic as ever, his voice was as rasping, his callous face, with the skin drawn tense as a drumhead, had no flesh to lose. A flush on his prominentprominent adj.卓越的, 显著的, 突出的 cheek bones each afternoon hinted that a clinical thermometer might have revealed a symptom, and percussionpercussion 打击乐器 might have established the fact that McGuire was breathing with only one lung, but his appearance remained the same.


In constant attendance upon him was Ylario, whom the coming reward of the mayordomoship must have greatly stimulatedstimulate vt.刺激, 激励 v.刺激, 激励, for McGuire chained him to a bitter existence. The air—the mans only chance for life—he commanded to be kept out by closed windows and drawn curtains. The room was always blue and foul with cigarette smoke, whosoever entered it must sit, suffocating, and listen to the imps interminableinterminable adj.无限的, 冗长的 gasconadegasconade n.吹牛 v.吹牛 concerning his scandalous career.


The oddest thing of all was the relation existing between McGuire and his benefactor. The attitude of the invalid toward the cattleman was something like that of a peevishpeevish adj.易怒的, 暴躁的, 带怒气的, 倔强的, perverse child toward an indulgent parent. When Raidler would leave the ranch McGuire would fall into a fit of malevolent, silent sullenness. When he returned, he would be met by a string of violent and stinging reproaches. Raidlers attitude toward his charge was quite inexplicableinexplicable adj.无法说明的 in its way. The cattleman seemed actually to assume and feel the character assigned to him by McGuires intemperateintemperate adj.放纵的 accusationsaccusation n.谴责, [律]指控—the character of tyrant and guilty oppressor. He seemed to have adopted the responsibility of the fellows condition, and he always met his tirades with a pacific, patient, and even remorsefulremorseful adj.懊悔的, 悔恨的 kindness that never altered.


One day Raidler said to him, “Try more air, son. You can have the buckboard and a driver every day if youll go. Try a week or two in one of the cow camps. Ill fix you up plumb comfortable. The ground, and the air next to it—thems the things to cure you. I knowed a man from Philadelphy, sicker than you are, got lost on the Guadalupe, and slept on the bare grass in sheep camps for two weeks. Well, sir, it started him getting well, which he done. Close to the ground—thats where the medicine in the air stays. Try a little hossback riding now. Theres a gentle pony—”


“Whatve I done to yer?” screamed McGuire. “Did I ever doublecross yer? Did I ask you to bring me here? Drive me out to your camps if you wanter, or stick a knife in me and save trouble. Ride! I cant lift my feet. I couldnt sidestepsidestep n.横跨的一步, (侧面的)台阶 vt.横跨一步躲闪,回避(困难) vi.回避问题, 躲避打击 a jab from a fiveyearold kid. Thats what your dd ranch has done for me. Theres nothing to eat, nothing to see, and nobody to talk to but a lot of Reubens who dont know a punching bagpunching bag n.吊袋, 攻击目标 from a lobster salad.”


“Its a lonesomelonesome adj.寂寞的 place, for certain.” apologised Raidler abashedly. “We got plenty, but its rough enough. Anything you think of you want, the boysll ride up and fetch it down for you.”


It was Chad Murchison, a cowpuncher from the Circle Bar outfit, who first suggested that McGuires illness was fraudulentfraudulent adj.欺诈的, 欺骗性的, 骗得的. Chad had brought a basket of grapes for him thirty miles, and four out of his way, tied to his saddlehorn. After remaining in the smoketainted room for a while, he emerged and bluntly confided his suspicions to Raidler.
