
第17章 Hygeia at the Solito(7)

“So, so.” said Pete, conservatively. “Grub give out twice. Wind scattered the cattle, and weve had to rake the brush for forty mile. I need a new coffeepot. And the mosquitos is some more hellishhellish adj.地狱般的 than common.”


“The boys—all well?”


Pete was no optimist. Besides, inquiries concerning the health of cowpunchers were not only superfluoussuperfluous adj.多余的, 过剩的, 过量的, but bordered on flaccidity. It was not like the boss to make them.


“Whats left of em dont miss no calls to grub,” the cook conceded.


“Whats left of em?” repeated Raidler in a husky voice. Mechanically he began to look around for McGuires grave. He had in his mind a white slab such as he had seen in the Alabama churchyard. But immediately he knew that was foolish.


“Sure,” said Pete, “whats left. Cow camps change in two months. Somes gone.”


Raidler nerved himself.“That—chap—I sent along—McGuire—did—he—”


“Say,” interrupted Pete, rising with a chunk of corn bread in each hand, “that was a dirty shame, sending that poor, sick kid to a cow camp. A doctor that couldnt tell he was graveyardgraveyard n.墓地 meat ought to be skinned with a cinch buckle. Game as he was, too—its a scandal among snakeslemme tell you what he done. First night in camp the boys started to initiate him in the leather breeches degree. Ross Hargis busted him one swipe with his chaparreras, and what do you reckon the poor child did? Got up, the little skeeter, and licked Ross. Licked Ross Hargis. Licked him good. Hit him plenty and everywhere and hard. Rossd just get up and pick out a fresh place to lay down on agin.


Then that McGuire goes off there and lays down with his head in the grass and bleeds. A hemridge they calls it. He lays there eighteen hours by the watch, and they cant budgebudge v.移动 him. Then Ross Hargis, who loves any man who can lick him, goes to work and damns the doctors from Greenland to Poland Chiny, and him and Green Branch Johnson they gets McGuire into a tent, and spells each other feedin him chopped raw meat and whisky.


But it looks like the kid aint got no appetiteappetite n.食欲, 胃口, 欲望, 爱好 to git well, for they misses him from the tent in the night and finds him rooting in the grass, and likewise a drizzledrizzle n.细雨 v.下毛毛雨 falling. “Gwan,” he says, “lemme go and die like I wanter. He said I was a liar and a fake and I was playing sick. Lemme alone.”


“Two weeks,” went on the cook, “he laid around, not noting nobody, and then—”


A sudden thunder filled the air, and a score of galloping centaurscentaur n.[希神]人首马身的怪物, 半人马座 crashed through the brush into camp.


“Illustrious rattlesnakes!” exclaimed Pete, springing all ways at once, “Heres the boys come, and Im an assassinated man if supper aint ready in three minutes.”


But Raidler saw only one thing. A little, brownfaced, grinning chap, springing from his saddle in the full light of the fire. McGuire was not like that, and yet—


In another instant the cattleman was holding him by the hand and shoulder.


“Son, son, how goes it?” was all he found to say.


“Close to the ground, says you,” shouted McGuire, crunching Raidlers fingers in a grip of steel, “and dats where I found it—health and strength, and tumbled to what a cheap skate I been acting. Tanks fer kicking me out, old man. And—say! de jokes on dat croaker, aint it? I looked through the window and see him playing tag on dat Dago kids solar plexus.”


“You son of a tinker,” growled the cattleman, “whynt you talk up and say the doctor never examined you?”


“Ah—gwan!” said McGuire, with a flash of his old asperityasperity n.严酷, 粗暴, 刻薄 ,“nobody cant bluff me. You never ask me. You made your spielspiel n.演说, 故事, 饶舌 v.喋喋不休地高谈阔论, 演奏音乐, and you throwed me out, and I let it go at dat. And, say, friend, dischanging cows is outer sight. Dis is de whitest bunch of sports I ever travelled with. Youll let me stay, wont yer, old man?”

“——算了吧!”麦圭尔以前那种粗鲁的态度又冒出来一会儿,“谁也唬不了我。你从来没有问过我。你既然话已出口, 把我赶了出去,我也就认了。喂,朋友,赶牛的玩意儿真够意思。 我生平交的朋友当中,要算营地上的这批人最好了。你会让我待下去的,是吗,老兄?”

Raidler looked wonderingly toward Ross Hargis.


“That cussed little runtrunt n.发育不全的矮小动物, 矮子,” remarked Ross tenderly, “is the Jodartinest hustler—and the hardest hitter in anybodys cow camp.”
