
第3章 The Hand ThatRiles the World(3)

“I misdoubtmisdoubt vt.怀疑, 不信任, 担心 n.怀疑, 疑虑,” says I, “if any woman ever helped a man to secure a job any more than to have his meals ready promptly and spread a report that the other candidates wife had once been a shopliftershoplifter n.商店扒手. They are no more adapted for business and politics,” says I, “than Algernon Charles Swinburne is to be floor manager at one of Chuck Connors annual balls. I know,” says I to Andy, “that sometimes a woman seems to step out into the kalsomine light as the charged affaires of her mans political job. But how does it come out? Say, they have a neat little berth somewhere as foreign consul of record to Afghanistan or lockkeeperlockkeeper n.水闸看守人 on the Delaware and Raritan Canal. One day this man finds his wife putting on her overshoes and three months supply of bird seed into the canarys cage. “Sioux Falls?” he asks with a kind of hopeful light in his eye. “No, Arthur,” says she, “Washington. Were wasted here.” says she, “You ought to be Toady Extraordinary to the Court of St. Bridget or Head Porter of the Island of Porto Rico. Im going to see about it.”


“Then this lady,” I says to Andy, “moves against the authorities at Washington with her baggagebaggage n.行李, [军]辎重 and munitionsmunitions n.军需品(munition之复数), consisting of five dozen indiscriminatingindiscriminating adj.不区别的, 无差别的 letters written to her by a member of the Cabinet when she was 15; a letter of introduction from King Leopold to the Smithsonian Institution, and a pink silk costume with canarycanary n.[动]金丝雀, 淡黄色 colored spats.”


“Well and then what?” I goes. “She has the letters printed in the evening papers that match her costume, she lectures at an informal tea given in the palm room of the B. & O. Depot and then calls on the President. The ninth Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor, the first aidedecamp of the Blue Room and an unidentifiedunidentified adj.未经确认的 colored man are waiting there to grasp her by the hands and feet. They carry her out to S.W.B. street and leave her on a cellar door. That ends it. The next time we hear of her she is writing postcardspostcard n.明信片, 风景明信片 to the Chinese Minister asking him to get Arthur a job in a tea store.”


“Then,” says Andy, “you dont think Mrs. Avery will land the Marshalship for Bill?”


“I do not,” says I. “I do not wish to be a sceptic, but I doubt if she can do as well as you and me could have done.”


“I dont agree with you,” says Andy. “Ill bet you she does. Im proud of having a higher opinion of the talent and the powers of negotiationnegotiation n.商议, 谈判, 流通 of ladies.”


We was back at Mrs. Averys hotel at the time she appointed. She was looking pretty and fine enough, as far as that went, to make any man let her name every officer in the country. But I hadnt much faith in looks, so I was certainly surprised when she pulls out a document with the great seal of the United States on it, and “William Henry Humble” in a fine, big hand on the back.


“You might have had it the next day, boys,” says Mrs. Avery, smiling. “I hadnt the slightest trouble in getting it,” says she. “I just asked for it, thats all. Now, Id like to talk to you a while,” she goes on, “but Im awfully busy, and I know youll excuse me. Ive got an Ambassadorship, two Consulates and a dozen other minor applications to look after. I can hardly find time to sleep at all. Youll give my complimentscompliment n.称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺 vt.称赞, 褒扬, 恭维 to Mr. Humble when you get home, of course.”


Well, I handed her the 500, which she pitched into her desk drawer without counting. I put Bills appointment in my pocket and me and Andy made our adieusadieu int.n.再见, 再会.


“We started back for the Territory the same day. We wired Bill: “Job landed; get the tall glasses ready.” and we felt pretty good.


Andy joshed me all the way about how little I knew about women.


“All right,” says I, “Ill admit that she surprised me. But its the first time I ever knew one of ”em to manipulatemanipulate vt.(熟练地)操作, 使用(机器等), 操纵(人或市价、市场), 利用, 应付, 假造 vt.(熟练地)操作,巧妙地处理 a piece of business on time without getting it bungled up in some way, says I.


Down about the edge of Arkansas I got out Bills appointment and looked it over, and then I handed it to Andy to read. Andy read it, but didnt add any remarks to my silence.


The paper was for Bill, all right, and a genuine document, but it appointed him postmasterpostmaster n.邮局女局长 of Dade City, Fla.


Me and Andy got off the train at Little Rock and sent Bills appointment to him by mail. Then we struck northeast toward Lake Superior.


I never saw Bill Humble after that.
