
第6章 “Next to ReadingMatter”(3)

One time I found it necessary to go down to this coast town of Oratama to straighten out a lot of political unrest and chop off a few heads in the customs and military departments. Fergus, who owned the ice and sulphurmatch concessionsconcession n.让步 of the republic, says hell keep me company.


So, in a jangle of muletrain bells, we gallopsgallop n.疾驰, 飞奔 vi.飞驰, 急速进行, 急急忙忙地说vt.使飞跑, 迅速运输 into Oratama, and the town belonged to us as much as Long Island Sound doesnt belong to Japan when T. R. is at Oyster Bay. I say us, but I mean me. Everybody for four nations, two oceans, one bay and isthmusisthmus n.[地理]地峡, 峡部, and five archipelagoes around had heard of Judson Tate. Gentleman adventurer, they called me. I had been written up in five columns of the yellow journals, 40,000 words (with marginal decorations) in a monthly magazine, and a stickful on the twelfth page of the New York Times. If the beauty of Fergus McMahan gained any part of our reception in Oratama, Ill eat the pricetag in my Panama. It was me that they hung out paper flowers and palm branches for. I am not a jealous man, I am stating facts. The people were Nebuchadnezzars; they bit the grass before me, there was no dust in the town for them to bite. They bowed down to Judson Tate. They knew that I was the power behind Sancho Benavides. A word from me was more to them than a whole deckleedged library from East Aurora in sectional bookcasesbookcase n.书架, 书柜 was from anybody else. And yet there are people who spend hours fixing their faces—rubbing in cold cream and massaging the muscles (always toward the eyes) and taking in the slack with tincture of benzoinbenzoin n.安息香胶 and electrolyzing moles—to what end? Looking handsome. Oh, what a mistake! Its the larynx that the beauty doctors ought to work on. Its words more than warts, talk more than talcumtalcum n.[矿]滑石, palaver more than powder, blarney more than bloom that counts—the phonographphonograph n.留声机, 电唱机 vi.灌入留声机 instead of the photograph. But I was going to tell you.

在紧急的铃哨声中,我们长驱直入奥拉塔马,这个小镇便属于我们了;正如西奥多·罗斯福在奥伊斯特湾时,长岛海峡不属于日本人一样。我说的虽然是“我们”,事实上是指“我”。只要是到过四个国家,两个海洋,一个海湾和地峡,以及五个群岛的人,都听到过贾德森·塔特的大名。人们管我叫绅士冒险家。 黄色报纸用了五栏,一个月刊用了四万字(包括花边装饰),《纽约时报》用第十二版的全部篇幅来报道我的消息。如果说我们在奥拉塔马受到的欢迎部分原因是由于弗格斯·麦克马汉的俊美,我就可以把我那巴拿马草帽里的标签吃下去。他们张灯结彩是为了我。我不是爱妒忌的人,我说的是事实。镇上的人都是尼布甲尼撒,他们在我面前拜倒也因为这个镇里没有尘埃可以拜倒。他们向贾德森·塔特顶礼膜拜。他们知道我是桑乔·贝纳维德斯背后的主宰。对他们来说,我的一句话比任何别人的话更像是东奥罗拉图书馆书架上的全部毛边书籍。居然有人把时间花在美容上——抹冷霜,按摩面部(顺眼睛内角按摩),用安息香胶防止皮肤松弛,用电疗来除黑病——为了什么的?要漂亮。哦,真是大错特错!美容师应该注意的是喉咙。起作用的不是赘疣而是言语,不是爽身粉而是谈吐,不是香粉而是聊天,不是花颜玉容而是花言巧语——不是照片而是留声机。闲话少说,还是谈正经的吧。

“The local Astors put me and Fergus up at the Centipede Club, a frame building built on posts sunk in the surf. The tides only nine inches. The Little Big High Low Jackinthegame of the town came around and kowtowed. Oh, it wasnt to Herr Mees. They had heard about Judson Tate.


“One afternoon me and Fergus McMahan was sitting on the seawardseaward adj.朝海的, 海那一边的 adv.向海, 向海那一边 gallery of the Centipede, drinking iced rum and talking.


“Judson,” says Fergus, “theres an angel in Oratama.”


“So long,” says I, “as it aint Gabriel, why talk as if you had heard a trumptrump n.王牌, 法宝, 最后大的手段, 喇叭 vt.打出王牌赢, 胜过 vi.出王牌, 吹喇叭 n.<口>好人 blow?”


“Its the Senorita Anabela Zamora,” says Fergus. “Shes—shes—shes as lovely as—as hell!”


“Bravo!” says I, laughing heartily, “You have a true lovers eloquence to paint the beauties of your inamoratainamorata n.情人, 情妇, 姘妇. You remind me,” says I, “of Fausts wooing of Marguerite—that is, if he wooed her after he went down the trapdoor of the stage.”


“Judson,” says Fergus, “you know you are as beautiless as a rhinocerosrhinoceros n.[动]犀牛. You cant have any interest in women. Im awfully gone in Miss Anabela. And thats why Im telling you.”


“Oh, seguramente,” says I. “I know I have a front elevation like an Aztec god that guards a buried treasure that never did exist in Jefferson County, Yucatan. But there are compensationscompensation n.补偿, 赔偿. For instance, I am It in this country as far as the eye can reach, and then a few perches and poles. And again,” says I, “when I engage people in a set of oral, vocal, and laryngeallaryngeal adj.喉的 n.喉部 utterancesutterance n.意见, 说话, 发表, 说话的方式, 死, I do not usually confine my side of the argument to what may be likened to a cheap phonographic reproduction of the ravings of a jellyfish.”


“Oh, I know,” says Fergus, amiableamiable adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的, “that Im not handy at small talk. Or large, either. Thats why Im telling you. I want you to help me.”


“How can I do it?” I asked.


“I have subsidized,” says Fergus, “the services of Senorita Anabelas duennaduenna n.少女的保姆, whose name is Francesca. You have a reputation in this country, Judson,” says Fergus, “of being a great man and a hero.”


“I have,” says I. “And I deserve it.”


“And I,” says Fergus, “am the bestlooking man between the arctic circlearctic circle n.北极圈 and antarctic ice pack.”


“With limitations,” says I, “as to physiognomyphysiognomy n.人相学, 人相, 脸, 相面术, 相貌, 地貌, 地势 and geography, I freely concede you to be.”


“Between the two of us,” says Fergus, “we ought to land the Senorita Anabela Zamora. The lady, as you know, is of an old Spanish family, and further than looking at her driving in the family carruaje of afternoons around the plazaplaza n.广场, 露天汽车停车场, 购物中心, or catching a glimpse of her through a barred window of evenings, she is as unapproachableunapproachable adj.不能接近的, 不可亲的, 无可匹敌的 as a star.”
