
第12章 Three Stages of Chinese...(2)

Refining qi into vitality refers to the intermediate stage, where one completes the exercises to benefit the muscles and grow invisible strength. Invisible strength refers to soft strength. However, “soft” in Wushu doesn’t mean “weak,” but “flexible.” The invisible strength integrates soft and strong strengths, which supplement each other. The stage of refining qi into vitality is meant to eliminate strong strength and grow soft strength. This stage is the second period of strength improvement.

Refining qi is key to this stage. In fact, one shall learn to gather the qi scattered in the body in dantian during the primary stage of refining the spirit into qi, during which one cannot control the flow of genuine qi (zhenqi).

After years of exercise to help improve the internal organs, the strong strength gradually fades away, and the soft strength grows and the congenital qi (yuanqi) thrives. Those who harness invisible strength are often clear-minded and full of energy. If they encounter a difficulty, they could react very soberly and rarely respond with their hands or fists. One who completes years of hard exercises for invisible strength will have a further understanding on the extensive and profound martial art techniques. Such individuals are often found to be easy-going and lacking in arrogance as a result; they also do not show off their martial art techniques, nor bully others. When the exercises, which benefit the muscles, are completed, one will also notice improvements in figure and looks. Firstly, the figure becomes increasingly thin and healthy, with no troubles of obesity. Secondly, one can walk with a spring in their step, without a reel or a stagger. Thirdly, the eyes become as sharp as lightening when fighting against the enemy, but at other times the eyes remain clear and affable. When one has no such violent looks, the person has reached the stage of refining qi into vitality.

Refining vitality into void is the senior stage of both Wushu and exercises meant to benefit the internal organs. One shall complete the exercises to benefit marrow and gain refined strength. The invisible strength will be developed through the refined strength after reaching the state of extreme soft strength and flexible power. The higher level of strength does not exclude the Wushu movements and techniques for attack and defense.

Refining vitality into void is the most senior levels of training for the central nervous system and reaction capacity of the human body. According to the traditional Chinese Qigong theory, the stage of refining vitality into void shall be done at the upper dantian, a round range close to “muddy pellet” (niwan gong); the stage of refining qi into vitality shall be done at the middle dantian, a round range in the rear of zhongwan and jiuwei plexus; the stage of refining spirit into qi shall be down at the lower dantian, a round range a round range under the belly button. The exercise ranges are gradually raised from the bottomup. The key to refining vitality into void is to achieve “void” and “quiet.” The void refers to the modest inner center, while quiet refers to the normal mood.

Wushu masters who reach the level of refining vitality into void are often generous, courteous and open-minded people. One who completes the exercises of refined strength can be called a Wushu master, who is gentle, elegant and appears free from worry. These masters have clear eyes, and their eyebrows come to a healthy red sheen in the middle, which is a sign of brilliant achievement in Wushu. However, such an accomplishment is difficult to achieve.

If an intelligent person begins to learn Chinese Wushu at 10years-old without any interruption under the guidance of a famous Wushu master in a sound environment, it takes somewhere around 20 years for this person to complete the long journey of the three stages. That means a real Wushu master is at least over the age of 30. And sometimes, the journey can take even longer. Doing exercises to benefit the internal organs is also related to age, experiences and cultural awareness of the learners. Generally speaking, middle-aged individuals are better able to understand the true essence of Wushu and complete the long journey of Wushu exercises from the easy to difficult and complicated stages. Therefore, those who gain great achievements in Wushu shall be over 40 years old.