
第12章 Herd of Deer in a Maple Grove-Anonymous

Herd of Deer in a Maple Grove, a Five Dynasties(907.960) hanging scroll by an unknown author, ink and color on silk, 118.5cm×64.6cm, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Taipei.

Some people believe this painting was produced in the Liao Dynasty. It mainly depicts deer herd in thick forest in the autumn. Probably influenced by something,these deer present different looks and postures. Unique for its full-size composition and little margin, it mainly adopts Mogu tinting technique, uses lots of pigment and ink but few line drawing. No matter in content or form, it is like the scene that minorities in North China hunt deer in the autumn.

This valuable painting was previously preserved in the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty and has seal imprints of successive Qing emperors.