
第44章 Hermit Fisherman on Dongting-Wu Zhen

Hermit Fisherman on Dongting, a Yuan Dynasty(1279.1368) hanging scroll by Wu Zhen, ink on paper, 146.6cm×58.6cm, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Taipei.

Wu Zhen(1280.1354), a Yuan painter, did well in painting landscapes and plum blossoms. Huang Gongwang, Ni Zan, Wang Meng and Wu Zhen were acclaimed as “Four Great Painters in the Yuan Dynasty.

Drawn in 1341, the first year of Zhizheng reign, it depicts scenery of mountains and lakes in Jiaxing. Its color gradation is clear, with mountains in the distance and waters in the fore section. In the lake is a small boat where a fisherman punts a boat through bamboo pole. This work can be rated as a representative of Wu Zhen’s landscape paintings.