
第51章 Big Dragon Boat-Wang Zhenpeng

Big Dragon Boat, a Yuan Dynasty(1279.1368) round fan painting, attributed to Wang Zhenpeng, 25.5cm×26.5cm.

Wang Zhenpeng(ca.1278.1350), a Yuan Dynasty painter, was good at drawing palaces, pavilions and figures. Because of his precise composition, delicate brush strokes and unique style, he was acclaimed as number one in late Yuan period. His extant paintings include Palace Efang, Dragon Boat Race in Jinming Lake and Bo Ya Plays the Qin. The dragon boat in this painting, with head held up and proud countenance, is very similar with his work Dragon Boat Race in Jinming Lake. On the dragon boat is a pavilion with double-eaved roof and delicate carvings, while the tail of boat coils in an elegant manner. To drive it swiftly forward, boat rowers make concerted efforts to propel huge rows.