
第82章 Homeward Boat in the Wind and Rain-Dai Jin

Homeward Boat in the Wind and Rain, a Ming Dynasty(1368.1644) painting by Dai Jin, ink and color on silk, 143.cm×81.8cm, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Taipei.

Dai Jin(1388.1462) was a famous painter in the early Ming Dynasty and a founder of “Zhejiang school of painting.” He worked as painter for the Ming court during the Xuande reign(1426.1435) and was proficient at drawing landscapes, characters and flowers. Many of his figure paintings were based on Buddhism and Taoism, historical stories, hermits, fishermen and axemen. His painting style had huge impacts in Ming Dynasty. His followers included his son Dai Quan, son-in-law Wang Shixiang and disciples like Fang Qian, Xia Zhi and Xia Kui. Gradually, a new school of painting was formed. This work depicts the scene that a small boat encounters stormy weather on its way back home. Swaying trees in misty rain, waders and boaters well set off its theme.