
第1章 两个勇敢的特洛伊人(1)

Two Brave Trojans


In the meanwhile Turnus had collected his bands and made all necessary preparations for the war.Juno sent Iris to him with a message incitingincite vt.激动,煽动him to take advantage of the absence of Aeneas and surprise the Trojan camp.Accordingly the attempt was made,but the Trojans were found on their guard,and having received strict orders from Aeneas not to fight in his absence,they lay still in their intrenchments and resisted all the effort of the Rutulians to draw them into the field.Night coming on the army of Turnus,in high spirits at their fancied superiority,feasted and enjoyed themselves and finally stretched themselves on the field and slept securesecure adj.安全的,可靠的,放心的,无虑的v.保护.


In the camp of the Trojans things were far otherwise.There all was watchful and anxiety and impatience for Aeneass return.Nisus stood guard at the entrance of the camp,and Euryalus,a youth distinguished above all in the army for graces of person and fine qualities,was with him.These two were friends and brothers in arms.Nisus said to his friend,“Do you perceive what confidence and carelessness the enemy display?Their lights are few and dim,and the men seem all oppressed with wine or sleep.You know how anxiously our chiefs wish to send to Aeneas and to get intelligenceintelligence n.智力,聪明,智能from him.Now I am strongly moved to make my way through the enemys camp and to go in search of our chief.If I succeed,the glory of the deed will be reward enough for me,and if they judge the service deserves any thing more,let them pay it to you.”


Euryalus,all on fire with the love of adventure,replied,“Would you then,Nisus,refuse to share your enterprise with me?I am fixed in the resolutionresolution n.坚定,决心,决定,决议to go with you.Let us lose no time.”They called the guard and,committing the watch to them,sought the generals tent.They found the chief officers in consultation,deliberating how they should send notice to Aeneas of their situation.The offer of the two friends was gladly accepted,themselves loaded with praises and promised the most liberalliberal n.自由主义者(尤指英国?加拿大等国的)adj.慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的,自由主义的rewards in case of success.
