
第14章 Friends in San Rosario(3)


Then came the cashiers turn, and easy-going Mr. Edlinger rubbed his nose and polished his glasses nervously under the quick fire of questions concerning the circulationcirculation n.循环, 流通, 发行额, undivided profits, bank real estate, and stock ownership.


Presently Nettlewick was aware of a big man towering above him at his elbow—a man sixty years of age, rugged and hale, with a rough, grizzled beard, a mass of gray hair, and a pair of penetrating blue eyes that confronted the formidableformidableadj.强大的, 令人敬畏的, 可怕的, 艰难的 glasses of the examiner without a flicker.


“Er—Major Kingman, our president—er—Mr. Nettlewick.” said the cashier.


Two men of very different types shook hands. One was a finished product of the world of straight lines, conventional methods, and formal affairs. The other was something freer, wider, and nearer to nature. Tom Kingman had not been cut to any pattern. He had been muledriver, cowboy, ranger, soldier, sheriff, prospector, and cattleman. Now, when he was bank president, his old comrades from the prairies, of the saddle, tent, and trail found no change in him. He had made his fortune when Texas cattle were at the high tide of value, and had organized the First National Bank of San Rosario. In spite of his largeness of heart and sometimes unwise generosity toward his old friends, the bank had prosperedprosperv.成功, 兴隆, 昌盛, (指上帝)使成功, 使昌隆, 繁荣, for Major Tom Kingman knew men as well as he knew cattle. Of late years the cattle business had known a depression, and the majors bank was one of the few whose losses had not been great.

两个类型截然不同的人握手了。一个是拘泥古板,墨守成规,公事公办的世界的标准产物;另一个却比较自由豪放,更接近自然。汤姆·金曼没有受到习俗的任何影响。他当过骡夫、牧人、牧场主、士兵、警官、淘金者和牛贩子。如今他当上了银行总经理,那些草原上牧牛的老伙伴却发现他并没有变化。得克萨斯牛生意最兴旺的时候,他发了财,在圣罗萨里奥开了第一国民银行。尽管他心胸开阔,有时对老朋友慷慨得不够精明,银行业务仍旧蒸蒸日上,因为汤姆·金曼少校非但了解牛,也了解人。 近来牛生意疲软,少校的银行是少数几家损失不大的银行之一。

“And now,” said the examiner, briskly, pulling out his watch, “the last thing is the loans. We will take them up now, if you please.”


He had gone through the First National at almost recordbreaking speed—but thoroughly, as he did everything. The running order of the bank was smooth and clean, and that had facilitated his work. There was but one other bank in the town. He received from the Government a fee of twentyfive dollars for each bank that he examined. He should be able to go over those loans and discountsdiscountn.折扣 in half an hour. If so, he could examine the other bank immediately afterward, and catch the 11∶45, the only other train that day in the direction he was working. Otherwise, he would have to spend the night and Sunday in this uninteresting Western town. That was why Mr. Nettlewick was rushing matters.


“come with me, sir,” said Major Kingman, in his deep voice, that united the Southern drawldrawl v.懒洋洋地说, 做作而慢慢地说 n.懒洋洋的说话态度 with the rhythmic twang of the West; “We will go over them together. Nobody in the bank knows those notes as I do. Some of em are a little wobbly on their legs, and some are mavericksmaverick n.没打烙印的动物 vi.闹独立的人 without extra many brands on their backs, but theyll most all pay out at the roundup.”


The two sat down at the presidents desk. First, the examiner went through the notes at lightning speed, and added up their total, finding it to agree with the amount of loans carried on the book of daily balances. Next, he took up the larger loans, inquiring scrupulously into the condition of their endorsersendorsern.背书人, 转让人 or securities. The new examiners mind seemed to course and turn and make unexpected dashes hither and thither like a bloodhoundbloodhoundn.一种大侦探犬 seeking a trail. Finally he pushed aside all the notes except a few, which he arranged in a neat pile before him, and began a dry, formal little speech.


“I find, sir, the condition of your bank to be very good, considering the poor crops and the depression in the cattle interests of your state. The clerical work seems to be done accurately and punctually. Your pastdue paper is moderate in amount, and promises only a small loss. I would recommend the calling in of your large loans, and the making of only sixty and ninety day or call loans until general business revives. And now, there is one thing more, and I will have finished with the bank. Here are six notes aggregating something like 40,000. They are secured, according to their faces, by various stocks, bonds, shares, etc. to the value of 70,000. Those securities are missing from the notes to which they should be attached. I suppose you have them in the safe or vault. You will permit me to examine them.”


Major Toms lightblue eyes turned unflinchingly toward the examiner.
