
第16章 Friends in San Rosario(5)


“Twenty years ago I was sheriff of this country, and I made Bob my chief deputydeputy n.代理人, 代表。 That was before the boom in cattle when we both made our stake. I was sheriff and collector, and it was a big thing for me then. I was married, and we had a boy and a girl—a four and a six year old. There was a comfortable house next to the courthousecourthouse n.法院, 郡政府所在地, furnished by the county, rent free, and I was saving some money. Bob did most of the office work. Both of us had seen rough times and plenty of rustling and danger, and I tell you it was great to hear the rain and the sleet dashing against the windows of nights, and be warm and safe and comfortable, and know you could get up in the morning and be shaved and have folks call you ‘mister’。 And then, I had the finest wife and kids that ever struck the range, and my old friend with me enjoying the first fruits of prosperity and white shirts, and I guess I was happy. Yes, I was happy about that time.”


The major sighed and glanced casually out of the window. The bank examiner changed his position, and leaned his chin upon his other hand.


“One winter,” continued the major, “the money for the county taxes came pouring in so fast that I didnt have time to take the stuff to the bank for a week. I just shoved the checks into a cigar box and the money into a sack, and locked them in the big safe that belonged to the sheriffs office.


“I had been overworked that week, and was about sick, anyway. My nerves were out of order, and my sleep at night didnt seem to rest me. The doctor had some scientific name for it, and I was taking medicine. And so, added to the rest, I went to bed at night with that money on my mind. Not that there was much need of being worried, for the safe was a good one, and nobody but Bob and I knew the combination. On Friday night there was about 6,500 in cash in the bag. On Saturday morning I went to the office as usual. The safe was locked, and Bob was writing at his desk. I opened the safe, and the money was gone. I called Bob, and roused everybody in the courthouse to announce the robbery. It struck me that Bob took it pretty quiet, considering how much it reflected upon both him and me.


“Two days went by and we never got a clew. It couldnt have been burglars, for the safe had been opened by the combination in the proper way. People must have begun to talk, for one afternoon in comes Alice—thats my wife—and the boy and girl, and Alice stamps her foot, and her eyes flash, and she cries out, The lying wretches—Tom, Tom! and I catch her in a faint, and bring her round little by little, and she lays her head down and cries and cries for the first time since she took Tom Kingmans name and fortunes. And Jack and Zilla—the youngsters—they were always wild as tiger cubs to rush over Bob and climb all over him whenever they were allowed to come to the courthouse—they stood and kicked their little shoes, and herded together like scared partridges. They were having their first trip down into the shadows of life. Bob was working at his desk, and he got up and went out without a word. The grand jury was in sessionsessionn.会议, 开庭 then, and the next morning Bob went before them and confessed that he stole the money. He said he lost it in a poker game. In fifteen minutes they had found a true bill and sent me the warrant to arrest the man with whom Id been closer than a thousand brothers for many a year.

“过了两天。我们仍旧毫无线索。不可能是外贼偷的,因为保险箱是按照暗码正常打开的。别人一定在说闲话了,因为一天下午,艾丽斯——那是我老婆的名字——带了男孩女孩走了进来,她顿着脚,眼睛直冒火,嚷道:‘那些红口白舌的家伙——汤姆,汤姆!’她昏了过去。我抱着她,呼唤着她。她慢慢醒来,垂下头,开始哭了。自从她同汤姆·金曼结婚以来,这是第一次哭呢。那两个孩子,杰克和齐拉,一向像虎崽子那样顽皮,只要让他们到办公室来,他们就扑在鲍勃身上乱爬,这时候也局促不安地站着,像受惊的松鸡似的挤在一起。他们还是初次遇到生活中的阴暗面。鲍勃正在桌上写字,他站起来,一声不响地走了出去。那期间,大陪审团正开庭,鲍勃第二天早晨去他们那儿坦白说钱是他偷的。他说这笔钱被他赌输掉了。十五分钟后,他们裁定他有罪,给我送来一张拘捕证,要我逮捕这个多年来同我一起,比兄弟还要亲的人。”I did it, and then I said to Bob, pointing: ‘Theres my house, and heres my office, and up theres Maine, and out that way is California, and over there is Florida—and thats your range til court meets. Youre in my charge, and I take the responsibility. You be here when youre wanted.’


“‘Thanks, Tom,’ he said, kind of carelessly; ‘I was sort of hoping you wouldnt lock me up. Court meets next Monday, so, if you dont object, Ill just loaf around the office until then. Ive got one favour to ask, if it isnt too much. If youd let the kids come out in the yard once in a while and have a romp Id like it.’
