
第5章 The Third Ingredient(1)


The (socalled) Vallambrosa ApartmentHouse is not an apartmenthouse.It is composed of two oldfashioned, brownstonefront residences welded into one. The parlor floor of one side is gay with the wraps and headgear of a modistemodiste n.经营女装或女帽店的人; the other is lugubrious with the sophisticalsophistical adj.诡辩的,强词夺理的 promises and grisly display of a painless dentist. You may have a room there for two dollars a week or you may have one for twenty dollars. Among the Vallambrosas roomers are stenographersstenographer n.速记员, musicians, brokers, shopgirls, spacerate writers, art students, wiretappers, and other people who lean far over the banisterrail when the doorbell rings.


This treatise shall have to do with but two of the Vallambrosians—though meaning no disrespectdisrespect n.失礼, 无礼 vt.不尊敬, 不尊重 to the others.


At six oclock one afternoon Hetty Pepper came back to her thirdfloor rear 3.50 room in the Vallambrosa with her nose and chin more sharply pointed than usual. To be discharged from the department store where you have been working four years, and with only fifteen cents in your purse, does have a tendencytendencyn.趋向, 倾向 to make your features appear more finely chiseled.


And now for Hettys thumbnail biography while she climbs the two flights of stairs.


She walked into the Biggest Store one morning four years before with seventyfive other girls, applying for a job behind the waist department counter. The phalanx of wageearners formed a bewilderingbewilderingadj.令人困惑的, 使人混乱的 scene of beauty, carrying a total mass of blond hair sufficient to have justified the horseback gallops of a hundred Lady Godivas.


The capable, cooleyed, impersonal, young, baldheaded man whose task it was to engage six of the contestants, was aware of a feeling of suffocationsuffocation n.窒息 as if he were drowning in a sea of frangipanni, while white clouds, handembroidered, floated about him. And then a sail hove in sight. Hetty Pepper, homely of countenance, with small, contemptuous, green eyes and chocolatecolored hair, dressed in a suit of plain burlap and a commonsense hat, stood before him with every one of her twentynine years of life unmistakably in sight.


“Youre on!。” shouted the baldheaded young man, and was saved. And that is how Hetty came to be employed in the Biggest Store. The story of her rise to an eightdollaraweek salary is the combined stories of Hercules, Joan of Arc, Una, Job, and LittleRedRidingHood. You shall not learn from me the salary that was paid her as a beginner.There is a sentiment growing about such things, and I want no millionairemillionaire n.百万富翁, 大富豪 storeproprietors climbing the fireescape of my tenementhouse to throw dynamitedynamite n.炸药, <俚> 能产生不凡效果的人或物 vt.炸毁, 使失败 bombs into my skylight boudoir.


The story of Hettys discharge from the Biggest Store is so nearly a repetitionrepetition n.重复, 循环, 复制品, 副本 of her engagement as to be monotonous.


In each department of the store there is an omniscientomniscient adj.全知的, 无所不知的 n.无所不知者, [宗]上帝, omnipresentomnipresent adj.无所不在的, 同时遍在的, and omnivorousomnivorous adj.杂食的, 什么都吃的, 什么都读的, 随手乱拿的 person carrying always a mileage book and a red necktie, and referred to as a “buyer”。 The destinies of the girls in his department who live on (see Bureau of Victual Statistics)—so much per week are in his hands.


This particular buyer was a capable, cooleyed, impersonal, young, baldheaded man. As he walked along the aisles of his department lie seemed to be sailing on a sea of frangipanni, while white clouds, machineembroidered, floated around him. Too many sweets bring surfeit. He looked upon Hetty Peppers homely countenance, emeraldemerald n.[矿]祖母绿, 翡翠, 绿宝石, 翠绿色adj.翡翠的, 翠绿色的 eyes, and chocolatecolored hair as a welcome oasis of green in a desert of cloying beauty. In a quiet angle of a counter he pinched her arm kindly, three inches above the elbow. She slapped him three feet away with one good blow of her muscularmuscular adj.肌肉的, 强健的 and not especially lilywhite right. So, now you know why Hetty Pepper came to leave the Biggest Store at thirty minutes notice, with one dime and a nickel in her purse.


This mornings quotationsquotation n.引用语, 价格, 报价单, 行情表 list the price of rib beef at six cents per (butchers) pound. But on the day that Hetty was “released” by the B.S. the price was seven and onehalf cents. That fact is what makes this story possible. Otherwise, the extra four cents would have-