
第7章 The Third Ingredient(3)


“You may call me Cecilia,” said the artist. “No; I spent my last penny three days ago.”


“Then well have to cut the onion out instead of slicing it in.” said Hetty. “Id ask the janitressjanitress n.女性的守卫, 女性的门警 for one, but I dont want em hep just yet to the fact that Im pounding the asphaltasphalt n.沥青 for another job. But I wish we did have an onion.”


In the shopgirls room the two began to prepare their supper.Cecilias part was to sit on the couch helplessly and beg to be allowed to do something, in the voice of a cooing ringdove. Hetty prepared the rib beef, putting it in cold salted water in the stewpan and setting it on the oneburner gasstove.


“I wish we had an onion.” said Hetty, as she scraped the two potatoes.


On the wall opposite the couch was pinned a flaming, gorgeousgorgeous adj.华丽的, 灿烂的 advertising picture of one of the new ferryboats of the P. U. F.F. Railroad that had been built to cut down the time between Los Angeles and New York City oneeighth of a minute.


Hetty, turning her head during her continuous monologuemonologue n.独白, 独角戏, saw tears running from her guests eyes as she gazed on the idealized presentment of the speeding, foamgirdled transport.


“Why, say, Cecilia, kid,” said Hetty, poising her knife, “is it as bad art as that? I aint a critic; but I thought it kind of brightened up the room. Of course, a manicurepainter could tell it was a bum picture in a minute. Ill take it down if you say so. I wish to the holy Saint Potluck we had an onion.”


But the miniature miniaturepainter had tumbled down, sobbing, with her nose indenting the hardwoven drapery of the couch. Something was here deeper than the artistic temperamenttemperament n.气质, 性情, 易激动, 急躁 offended at crude lithographylithography n.平版印刷术。


Hetty knew. She had accepted her role long ago. How scant the words with which we try to describe a single quality of a human being! When we reach the abstract we are lost. The nearer to Nature that the babbling of our lips comes, the better do we understand. Figuratively (let us say), some people are Bosoms, some are Hands, some are Heads, some are Muscles, some are Feet, some are Backs for burdens.


Hetty was a Shoulder. Hers was a sharp, sinewysinewy adj.强壮有力的 shoulder; but all her life people had laid their heads upon it, metaphorically or actually, and had left there all or half their troubles. Looking at Life anatomically, which is as good a way as any, she was preordainedpreordain vt.预定, 预先注定命运 to be a Shoulder. There were few truer collarbones anywhere than hers.


Hetty was only thirtythree, and she had not yet outlived the little pang that visited her whenever the head of youth and beauty leaned upon her for consolationconsolationn.(被)安慰, 起安慰作用的人或事物。 But one glance in her mirror always served as an instantaneous painkiller. So she gave one pale look into the crinkly old lookingglass on the wall above the gasstove, turned down the flame a little lower from the bubbling beef and potatoes, went over to the couch, and lifted Cecilias head to its confessionalconfessional adj.自白的, 忏悔的 n.(教堂中神甫听取忏悔的)忏悔室。


“Go on and tell me, honey,” she said, “I know now that it aint art thats worrying you. You met him on a ferryboat, didnt you? Go on, Cecilia, kid, and tell your—your Aunt Hetty about it.”


But youth and melancholy must first spend the surplussurplus n.剩余, 过剩, [会计]盈余 adj.过剩的, 剩余的vt.转让, 卖掉 of sighs and tears that waft and float the barque of romance to its harbor in the delectable islesislen.小岛, 岛vt.使成为岛屿 vi.住在岛屿上。 Presently, through the stringy tendons that formed the bars of the confessional, the penitent—or was it the glorified communicantcommunicant n.领圣餐者, 报道者, 通知者 adj.传达消息的 of the sacred flame—told her story without art or illuminationillumination n.照明, 阐明, 启发, 灯彩(通常用复数)。


“It was only three days ago. I was coming back on the ferry from Jersey City. Old Mr. Schrum, an art dealer, told me of a rich man in Newark who wanted a miniature of his daughter painted. I went to see him and showed him some of my work. When I told him the price would be fifty dollars he laughed at me like a hyena. He said an enlarged crayoncrayon n.有色粉笔, 蜡笔, 粉笔画 twenty times the size would cost him only eight dollars.
