
第9章 The Third Ingredient(5)


A young man came down the stairs from above just as she was opposite the lower step. He was decently dressed, but pale and haggard. His eyes were dull with the stress of some burden of physical or mental woewoe n.悲哀。 In his hand he bore an onion—a pink, smooth, solid, shining onion as large around as a ninetyeightcent alarmclock.


Hetty stopped. So did the young man. There was something Joan of Arcish, Herculean, and Unaish in the look and pose of the shoplady—she had cast off the roles of Job and LittleRedRidingHood. The young man stopped at the foot of the stairs and coughed distractedly.He felt marooned, held up, attacked, assailed, levied upon, sacked, assessed, panhandledpanhandle n.锅柄, 狭长的土地 v.行乞, 讨钱, browbeaten, though he knew not why. It was the look in Hettys eyes that did it. In them he saw the Jolly Roger fly to the masthead and an able seaman with a dirk between his teeth scurry up the ratlines and nail it there. But as yet he did not know that the cargo he carried was the thing that had caused him to be so nearly blown out of the water without even a parley.


“Beg your pardon,” said Hetty, as sweetly as her dilute acetic acid tones permitted, “but did you find that onion on the stairs? There was a hole in the paper bag; and Ive just come out to look for it.”


The young man coughed for half a minute. The interval may have given him the courage to defend his own property. Also, he clutched his pungentpungent adj.(指气味、味道)刺激性的, 辛辣的, 尖锐的,苦痛的, 严厉的 prize greedily, and, with a show of spirit, faced his grim waylayer.


“No,” he said huskily, “I didnt find it on the stairs. It was given to me by Jack Bevens, on the top floor. If you dont believe it, ask him. Ill wait until you do.”


“I know about Bevens.” said Hetty, sourly. “He writes books and things up there for the paper-and-rags man. We can hear the postman guy him all over the house when he brings them thick envelopes back.Say—do you live in the Vallambrosa?”


“I do not.” said the young man. “I come to see Bevens sometimes.Hes my friend. I live two blocks west.”


“What are you going to do with the onion? —begging your pardon?” said Hetty.


“Im going to eat it.”




“Yes, as soon as I get home.”


“Havent you got anything else to eat with it?”


The young man considered briefly. “No,” he confessedconfess v.承认, 坦白, 忏悔; “theres not another scrap of anything in my diggings to eat. I think old Jack is pretty hard up for grub in his shack, too. He hated to give up the onion, but I worried him into parting with it.”


“Man,” said Hetty, fixing him with her worldsapient eyes, and laying a bony but impressiveimpressive adj.给人深刻印象的, 感人的 finger on his sleeve, “youve known trouble, too, havent you?”


“Lots.” said the onion owner, promptly. “But this onion is my own property, honestly come by. If you will excuse me, I must be going.”


“Listen.” said Hetty, paling a little with anxiety. “Raw onion is a mighty poor diet. And so is a beefstew without one. Now, if youre Jack Bevens friend, I guess youre nearly right. Theres a little lady—a friend of mine—in my room there at the end of the hall. Both of us are out of luck; and we had just potatoes and meat between us.Theyre stewing now. But it aint got any soul. Theres something lacking to it. Theres certain things in life that are naturally intended to fit and belong together. One is pink cheesecloth and green roses, and one is ham and eggs, and one is Irish and trouble.And the other one is beef and potatoes with onions. And still another one is people who are up against it and other people in the same fix.”


The young man went into a protracted paroxysmparoxysmn.发作, 突发 of coughing. With one hand he hugged his onion to his bosom.“No doubt; no doubt.” said he, at length. “But, as I said, I must be going, because——” Hetty clutched his sleeve firmly.


“Dont be a Dago, Little Brother. Dont cat raw onions. Chip it in toward the dinner and line yourself inside with the best stew you ever licked a spoon over. Must two ladies knock a young gentleman down and drag him inside for the honor of dining with em? No harm shall befall you, Little Brother. Loosen up and fall into line.”


The young mans pale face relaxed into a grin.“Believe Ill go you.” he said, brightening. “If my onion is good as a credentialcredentialn.外交使节所递的国书, 信任状, Ill accept the invitation gladly.”
