
第1章 母亲的故事(1)


The Story of a Mother母亲的故事

A mother sat by her little child,she was very sad,for she feared it would die. It was quite pale,and its little eyes were closed,and sometimes it drew a heavy deep breath,almost like a sigh,and then the mother gazed more sadly than ever on the poor little creature. Some one knocked at the door,and a poor old man walked in. He was wrapped in something that looked like a great horsecloth,and he required it truly to keep him warm,for it was cold winter. The country everywhere lay covered with snow and ice,and the wind blew so sharply that it cut ones face. The little child had dozed doze vi.瞌睡,假寐vt.打瞌睡度过n.瞌睡 off to sleep for a moment,and the mother,seeing that the old man shivered with the cold,rose and placed a small mug of beer on the stove to warm for him. The old man sat and rocked the cradle; and the mother seated herself on a chair near him,and looked at her sick child who still breathed heavily,and took hold of its little hand.


“You think I shall keep him,do you not?” she said. “Our allmerciful God will surely not take him away from me.”


The old man,who was indeed Death himself,nodded his head in a peculiar manner,which might have signified signify vt.表示,意味vi.要紧,有重要性v.颇为重要,表示 either Yes,or No,and the mother cast down her eyes,while the tears rolled down her cheeks. Then her head became heavy,for she had not closed her eyes for three days and nights,and she slept,but only for a moment. Shivering with cold,she started up and looked round the room. The old man was gone,and her child—it was gone too!—the old man had taken it with him. In the corner of the room the old clock began to strike,“whirr” went the chains,the heavy weight sank to the ground,and the clock stopped,and the poor mother rushed out of the house calling for her child. Out in the snow sat a woman in long black garments,and she said to the mother,“Death has been with you in your room. I saw him hastening away with your little child,he strides faster than the wind,and never brings back what he has taken away.”


“Only tell me which way he has gone.” said the mother,“ tell me the way,I will find him.”


“I know the way,” said the woman in the black garments; “but before I tell you,you must sing to me all the songs that you have sung to your child. I love these songs,and I have heard them before. I am Night,and I saw your tears flow as you sang.”


“I will sing them all to you,” said the mother; “but do not detain me now. I must overtake him,and find my child.”


But Night sat silent and still. Then the mother wept and sang,and wrung her hands. And there were many songs,and yet even more tears,till at length Night said,“Go to the right,into the dark forest of firtrees,for I saw Death take that road with your little child.”


Within the wood the mother came to cross roads,and she did not know which to take. Just by stood a thornbush,it had neither leaf nor flower,for it was the cold winter time,and icicles hung on the branches. “Have you not seen Death go by,with my little child?” she asked.


“Yes,” replied the thornbush,“but I will not tell you which way he has taken until you have warmed me in your bosom. I am freezing to death here,and turning to ice.”
