
第14章 素琪(3)

The Star of the roseate dawn beheld and understood what was stirring within the young man,and could read the meaning of the changing color of his cheek,of the light that flashed from his eye,as he stood busily working,reproducing what had been put into his soul from above.


“Thou art a master like those masters among the ancient Greeks,” exclaimed his delighted friends. “soon shall the whole world admire thy Psyche.”


“My Psyche!” he repeated. “Yes,mine. She must be mine. I,too,am an artist,like those great men who are gone. Providence has granted me the boon,and has made me the equal of that lady of noble birth.” “我的素琪!”他重复着这个名词,“我的!是的,她应是我的!像以前的那些伟大的巨匠一般,我也是一个艺术家!上天赐给我这种恩典,把我提高到与贵人同等的地位。”

And he knelt down and breathed a prayer of thankfulnesss to Heaven,and then he forgot Heaven for her sake—for the sake of her picture in stone—for her Psyche which stood there as if formed of snow,blushing in the morning dawn.


He was to see her in reality reality n.真实,事实,本体,逼真,the living,graceful Psyche,whose words sounded like music in his ears. He could now carry the news into the rich palace that the marble Psyche was finished. He betook himself thither,strode through the open courtyard where the waters ran splashing from the dolphins jaws into the marble basins,where the snowy lilies and the fresh roses bloomed in abundance. He stepped into the great lofty hall,whose walls and ceilings shone with gilding and bright colors and heraldic heraldic adj.纹章学的,纹章的,传令官的 devices. Gaylydressed servingmen,adorned with trappings like sleigh horses,walked to and fro,and some reclined at their ease upon the carved oak seats,as if they were the masters of the house.


He told them what had brought him to the palace,and was conducted up the shining marble staircase,covered with soft carpets and adorned with many a statue. Then he went on through richlyfurnished chambers,over mosaic mosaic n.镶嵌,镶嵌图案,镶嵌工艺adj.嵌花式的,拼成的 floors,amid gorgeous pictures. All this pomp and luxury seemed to weary him,but soon he felt relieved,for the princely old master of the house received him most graciously,almost heartily,and when he took his leave he was requested to step into the Signoras apartment,for she,too,wished to see him. The servants led him through more luxurious luxurious adj.奢侈的,豪华的 halls and chambers into her room,where she appeared the chief and leading ornament.


She spoke to him. No hymn of supplication supplication n.恳求,祈愿,哀求,no holy chant,could melt his soul like the sound of her voice. He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. No rose was softer,but a fire thrilled through him from this rose—a feeling of power came upon him,and words poured from his tongue—he knew not what he said. Does the crater of the volcano know that the glowing lava is pouring from it? He confessed what he felt for her. She stood before him astonished,offended,proud,with contempt contempt n.轻视,轻蔑,耻辱,不尊敬 in her face,an expression of disgust,as if she had suddenly touched a cold unclean reptile. Her cheeks reddened,her lips grew white,and her eyes flashed fire,though they were dark as the blackness of night.


“Madman!” she cried,“Away! Begone!”


And she turned her back upon him. Her beautiful face wore an expression like that of the stony countenance countenance n.面容,脸色,支持vt.支持,赞助 with the snaky locks.


Like a stricken,fainting man,he tottered down the staircase and out into the street. Like a man walking in his sleep,he found his way back to his dwelling. Then he woke up to madness and agony,and seized his hammer,swung it high in the air,and rushed forward to shatter the beautiful marble image. But,in his pain,he had not noticed that his friend Angelo stood beside him,and Angelo held back his arm with a strong grasp,crying,“Are you mad? What are you about?” 像一个失掉了知觉的人一样,他摇摇欲倒地来到街上。像一个梦游者一样,他摸到自己的家里来。这时他突然惊醒,进入一种疯狂和痛苦中。他拿起锤子,高高地举向空中,要把这尊大理石像打得粉碎。可是在痛苦中,他没注意到,他的朋友安吉罗就在他的旁边,安吉罗一下抓住他的手臂,说道:“你疯了吗?你在干什么?”

They struggled together. Angelo was the stronger,and,with a deep sigh of exhaustion,the young artist threw himself into a chair.


“What has happened?” asked Angelo. “command yourself. Speak!”


But what could he say? How could he explain? And as Angelo could make no sense of his friends incoherent incoherent adj.不连贯的,语无伦次的 words,he forbore to question him further,and merely said—