
第18章 老房子(3)


“Ah,but I never see any,and I dont know them,” said the tin soldier,“and I cannot bear it.”


“You must bear it.” said the little boy. Then the old man came back with a pleasant face,and brought with him beautiful preserved fruits,as well as apples and nuts,and the little boy thought no more of the tin soldier. How happy and delighted the little boy was,and after he returned home,and while days and weeks passed,a great deal of nodding took place from one house to the other,and then the little boy went to pay another visit. The carved trumpeters trumpeter n.喇叭手,号兵 blew “Tantarara. There is the little boy. Tantarara.” The swords and armor on the old knights pictures rattled. The silk dresses rustled,the leather repeated its rhyme,and the old chairs had the gout in their backs,and cried,“Creak”,it was all exactly like the first time,for in that house,one day and one hour were just like another.


“I cannot bear it any longer.” said the tin soldier,“I have wept tears of tin,it is so melancholy here. Let me go to the wars,and lose an arm or a leg,that would be some change,I cannot bear it. Now I know what it is to have visits from ones old recollections,and all they bring with them. I have had visits from mine,and you may believe me it is not altogether pleasant. I was very nearly jumping from the shelf. I saw you all in your house opposite,as if you were really present. It was Sunday morning,and you children stood round the table,singing the hymn that you sing every morning. You were standing quietly,with your hands folded,and your father and mother. You were standing quietly,with your hands folded,and your father and mother were looking just as serious,when the door opened,and your little sister Maria,who is not two years old,was brought into the room. You know she always dances when she hears music and singing of any sort; so she began to dance immediately,although she ought not to have done so,but she could not get into the right time because the tune was so slow,so she stood first on one leg and then on the other,and bent her head very low,but it would not suit the music. You all stood looking very grave,although it was very difficult to do so,but I laughed so to myself that I fell down from the table,and got a bruise,which is there still. I know it was not right to laugh. So all this,and everything else that I have seen,keeps running in my head,and these must be the old recollections that bring so many thoughts with them. Tell me whether you still sing on Sundays,and tell me about your little sister Maria,and how my old comrade is,the other tin soldier. Ah,really he must be very happy,I cannot endure endure v.耐久,忍耐 this life.”


“You are given away,” said the little boy,“you must stay. Dont you see that?” Then the old man came in,with a box containing many curious things to show him. Rougepots,scentboxes,and old cards,so large and so richly gilded,that none are ever seen like them in these days. And there were smaller boxes to look at,and the piano was opened,and inside the lid were painted landscapes. But when the old man played,the piano sounded quite out of tune. Then he looked at the picture he had bought at the brokers,and his eyes sparkled sparkle v.发火花,(使)闪耀,(香槟酒等)发泡n.火花,闪光,光彩,活力 brightly as he nodded at it,and said,“Ah,she could sing that tune.”
