
第20章 老墓碑(1)


The Old GraveStone老墓碑

IN a house,with a large courtyard,in a provincial town,at that time of the year in which people say the evenings are growing longer,a family circle were gathered together at their old home. A lamp burned on the table,although the weather was mild and warm,and the long curtains hung down before the open windows,and without the moon shone brightly in the darkblue sky.


But they were not talking of the moon,but of a large,old stone that lay below in the courtyard not very far from the kitchen door. The maids often laid the clean copper saucepanssaucepan n.长柄而有盖子的深锅,炖锅 and kitchen vessels on this stone,that they might dry in the sun,and the children were fond of playing on it. It was,in fact,an old gravestone.


“Yes,” said the master of the house,“I believe the stone came from the graveyard of the old church of the convent which was pulled down,and the pulpitpulpit n.(教堂的)讲道坛,the monuments,and the gravestones sold. My father bought the latter,most of them were cut in two and used for pavingstones,but that one stone was preserved whole,and laid in the courtyard.”


“Any one can see that it is a gravestone,” said the eldest of the children,“the representationrepresentation n.表示法,表现,陈述,请求,扮演,画像,继承,代表 of an hourglass and part of the figure of an angel can still be traced,but the inscription beneath is quite worn out,excepting the name ‘Preben’,and a large ‘S’ close by it,and a little farther down the name of ‘Martha’ can be easily read. But nothing more,and even that cannot be seen unless it has been raining,or when we have washed the stone.”


“Dear me! how singular. What that must be the gravestone of Preben Schwane and his wife.” The old man who said this looked old enough to be the grandfather of all present in the room.


“Yes,” he continued,“these people were among the last who were buried in the churchyard of the old convent. They were a very worthy old couple,I can remember them well in the days of my boyhood. Every one knew them,and they were esteemedesteem vt.把…看作,尊敬,尊重,认为n.尊敬,尊重 by all. They were the oldest residents in the town,and people said they possessed a ton of gold,yet they were always very plainly dressed,in the coarsest stuff,but with linen of the purest whiteness. Preben and Martha were a fine old couple,and when they both sat on the bench,at the top of the steep stone steps,in front of their house,with the branches of the lindentree waving above them,and nodded in a gentle,friendly way to passers by,it really made one feel quite happy. They were very good to the poor,they fed them and clothed them,and in their benevolencebenevolence n.仁爱心,善行 there was judgment as well as true Christianity.


“The old woman died first,that day is still quite vividly before my eyes. I was a little boy,and had accompanied my father to the old mans house. Martha had fallen into the sleep of death just as we arrived there. The corpse lay in a bedroom,near to the one in which we sat,and the old man was in great distressdistress n.悲痛,穷困,不幸,危难,忧伤v.使悲痛,使穷困,使忧伤 and weeping like a child. He spoke to my father,and to a few neighbors who were there,of how lonely he should feel now she was gone,and how good and true she,his dead wife,had been during the number of years that they had passed through life together,and how they had become acquaintedacquainted adj.有知识的,知晓的,and learnt to love each other.
