
第6章 看门人的儿子(1)


The Porters Son看门人的儿子

THE General lived in the grand first floor,and the porter lived in the cellar. There was a great distance between the two families—the whole of the ground floor,and the difference in rank; but they lived in the same house,and both had a view of the street,and of the courtyard. In the courtyard was a grassplot,on which grew a blooming acacia tree (when it was in bloom),and under this tree sat occasionally the finelydressed nurse,with the still more finelydressed child of the General—little Emily. Before them danced about barefoot the little son of the porter,with his great brown eyes and dark hair; and the little girl smiled at him,and stretched out her hands towards him; and when the General saw that from the window,he would nod his head and cry,“Charming!” The Generals lady (who was so young that she might very well have been her husbands daughter from an early marriage) never came to the window that looked upon the courtyard. She had given orders,though,that the boy might play his antics to amuse her child,but must never touch it. The nurse punctuallypunctually adv.按时地,如期地 obeyed the gracious ladys orders.


The sun shone in upon the people in the grand first floor,and upon the people in the cellar; the acacia tree was covered with blossoms,and they fell off,and next year new ones came. The tree bloomed,and the porters little son bloomed too,and looked like a fresh tuliptulip n.[植]郁金香,郁金香花,郁金香球茎。


The Generals little daughter became delicate and pale,like the leaf of the acacia blossom. She seldom came down to the tree now,for she took the air in a carriage. She drove out with her mamma,and then she would always nod at the porters George; yes,she used even to kiss her hand to him,till her mamma said she was too old to do that now.


One morning George was sent up to carry the General the letters and newspapers that had been delivered at the porters room in the morning. As he was running up stairs,just as he passed the door of the sandbox,he heard a faint piping. He thought it was some young chicken that had strayed there,and was raising cries of distressdistress n.悲痛,穷困,不幸,危难,忧伤v.使悲痛,使穷困,使忧伤; but it was the Generals little daughter,decked out in lace and finery.


“Dont tell papa and mamma,” she whimperedwhimper vi.呜咽,哀诉; “they would be angry.”


“Whats the matter,little missie?” asked George.


“Its all on fire!” she answered. “Its burning with a bright flame!”


George hurried up stairs to the Generals apartments; he opened the door of the nursery. The window curtain was almost entirely burnt,and the wooden curtainpole was one mass of flame. George sprang upon a chair he brought in hastein haste adv.急速地,急忙地,草率地,and pulled down the burning articles; he then alarmed the people. But for him,the house would have been burned down. The General and his lady crossquestioned little Emily.


“I only took just one lucifermatch,” she said,“and it was burning directly,and the curtain was burning too. I spat at it,to put it out; I spat at it as much as ever I could,but I could not put it out; so I ran away and hid myself,for papa and mamma would be angry.”


“I spat!” cried the Generals lady; “What an expression! Did you ever hear your papa and mamma talk about spitting? You must have got that from down stairs!”


And George had a penny given him. But this penny did not go to the bakers shop,but into the savingsbox; and soon there were so many pennies in the savingsbox that he could buy a paintbox and color the drawings he made,and he had a great number of drawings. They seemed to shoot out of his pencil and out of his fingers ends. His first colored pictures he presented to Emily.


“Charming!” said the General,and even the Generals lady acknowledged that it was easy to see what the boy had meant to draw. “He has genius.” Those were the words that were carried down into the cellar.
