
第8章 看门人的儿子(3)

“If he had had a better position,and been able to keep a workshop and journeymen,” the porters wife said,“he might have been a court tailor.”


The clothes were ready,and the candidatecandidate n.候选人,投考者 for confirmation was ready. On his confirmation day,George received a great pinchbeck watch from his godfather,the old iron mongers shopman,the richest of his godfathers. The watch was an old and tried servant. It always went too fast,but that is better than to be lagging behind. That was a costly present. And from the Generals apartment there arrived a hymnbook bound in morocco,sent by the little lady to whom George had given pictures. At the beginning of the book his name was written,and her name,as “his gracious patroness”。 These words had been written at the dictation of the Generals lady,and the General had read the inscription,and pronounced it “Charming”!

衣服准备好了,要去参加仪式的人也准备好了。乔治在参加坚信礼那天,从他的教父那里得到了一块黄铜表。他的教父是一位麻商的老伙计,在乔治的教父中算最富有的一位。表很旧了,用过了多年,走起来总是快,但是总比走得慢要好一些。这是一件很值钱的礼物。将军家则送给他一本羊皮封面的赞美诗,是乔治曾经送画给她的那位小姐送的。书前面有他的名字和她的名字及“敬重恩主”。这是将军夫人口授写下的,将军念了一遍,说“好极了” !

“That is really a great attention from a family of such position”,said the porters wife; and George was sent up stairs to show himself in his confirmation clothes,with the hymnbook in his hand.


The Generals lady was sitting very much wrapped up,and had the bad headache she always had when time hung heavy upon her hands. She looked at George very pleasantly,and wished him all prosperityprosperity n.繁荣,and that he might never have her headache. The General was walking about in his dressinggown. He had a cap with a long tassel on his head,and Russian boots with red tops on his feet. He walked three times up and down the room,absorbed in his own thoughts and recollections,and then stopped and said:将军夫人裹得严严实实的,正害着她那心一烦就剧烈头疼的病。她很友善地看着乔治,祝他万事如意,也祝自己永远不再头痛。将军穿着睡袍,戴着一顶拖着丝带的便帽,脚上穿一双俄罗斯红长统靴。他在地板上来回走了三趟,他在沉思中,在回忆中,然后便停住说道:“So little George is a confirmedconfirmed adj.证实的,惯常的,慢性的 Christian now. Be a good man,and honor those in authority over you. Some day,when you are an old man,you can say that the General gave you this preceptprecept n.规则。”


That was a longer speech than the General was accustomed to make,and then he went back to his ruminations,and looked very aristocraticaristocratic adj.贵族的,贵族化的,贵族政治的。 But of all that George heard and saw up there,little Miss Emily remained most clear in his thoughts. How graceful she was,how gentle,and fluttering,and pretty she looked. If she were to be drawn,it ought to be on a soapbubble. About her dress,about her yellow curled hair,there was a fragrance as of a freshblown rose; and to think that he had once divided his bread and butter with her,and that she had eaten it with enormous appetite,and nodded to him at every second mouthful! Did she remember anything about it? Yes,certainly,for she had given him the beautiful hymnbook in remembrance of this; and when the first new moon in the first new year after this event came round,he took a piece of bread,a penny,and his hymnbook,and went out into the open air,and opened the book to see what psalmpsalm n.圣歌 he should turn up. It was a psalm of praise and thanksgiving. Then he opened the book again to see what would turn up for little Emily. He took great pains not to open the book in the place where the funeral hymns were,and yet he got one that referred to the grave and death. But then he thought this was not a thing in which one must believe; for all that he was startled when soon afterwards the pretty little girl had to lie in bed,and the doctors carriage stopped at the gate every day.


“They will not keep her with them”。 said the porters wife. “The good God knows whom He will summon to Himself.”


But they kept her after all; and George drew pictures and sent them to her. He drew the Czars palace; the old Kremlin at Moscow,just as it stood,with towers and cupolascupola n.炮塔; and these cupolas looked like gigantic green and gold cucumbers,at least in Georges drawing. Little Emily was highly pleased,and consequently,when a week had elapsed,George sent her a few more pictures,all with buildings in them; for,you see,she could imagine all sorts of things inside the windows and doors.
