
第16章 The Pimienta Pancakes(5)


“One day I galloped over to the store with a fine bunch of blue verbenasverbena n.马鞭草属植物 that I cut out of a herd of wild flowers over on Poisoned Dog Prairie. Uncle Emsley looked at em with one eye shut and says:‘Havent ye heard the news?’


“‘Cattle up?’ I asks.


“‘Willella and Jackson Bird was married in Palestine yesterday.’ says he. ‘Just got a letter this morning.’


“I dropped them flowers in a crackerbarrel,and let the news trickle in my ears and down toward my upper lefthand shirt pocket until it got to my feet.


“‘Would you mind saying that over again once more,Uncle Emsley?’ says I. ‘Maybe my hearing has got wrong,and you only said that prime heifers was 4.80 on the hoof,or something like that.’


“‘Married yesterday,’ says Uncle Emsley,‘and gone to Waco and Niagara Falls on a wedding tour. Why,didnt you see none of the signs all along? Jackson Bird has been courting Willella ever since that day he took her out riding.’


“‘Then,’ says I,in a kind of yell,‘what was all this zizzaparoola he gives me about pancakes? Tell me that.’


“When I said ‘pancakes’ Uncle Emsley sort of dodged and stepped back.


“‘Somebodys been dealing me pancakes from the bottom of the deck,’ I says,‘and Ill find out. I believe you know. Talk up,’ says I,‘or well mix a panful of batter right here.’


“I slid over the counter after Uncle Emsley. He grabbed at his gun,but it was in a drawer,and he missed it two inches. I got him by the front of his shirt and shoved him in a corner.


“‘Talk pancakes,’ says I,‘or be made into one. Does Miss Willella make em?’


“‘She never made one in her life and I never saw one.’ says Uncle Emsley,soothing. ‘Calm down now,Jud calm down. Youve got excited,and that wound in your head is contaminating your sense of intelligence. Try not to think about pancakes.’


“‘Uncle Emsley,’ says I,‘Im not wounded in the head except so far as my natural cognitive instinctsinstinct n.本能 run to runts. Jackson Bird told me he was calling on Miss Willella for the purpose of finding out her system of producing pancakes,and he asked me to help him get the bill of lading of the ingredientsingredient n.成分,因素。 I done so,with the results as you see. Have I been sodded down with Johnson grass by a pinkeyed snoozer,or what?’


“‘Slack up your grip in my dress shirt,’ says Uncle Emsley,‘and Ill tell you. Yes,it looks like Jackson Bird has gone and humbuggedhumbug n.欺骗 v.欺骗 you some. The day after he went riding with Willella he came back and told me and her to watch out for you whenever you got to talking about pancakes. He said you was in camp once where they was cooking flapjacks,and one of the fellows cut you over the head with a frying pan. Jackson said that whenever you got overhot or excited that wound hurt you and made you kind of crazy,and you went raving about pancakes. He told us to just get you worked off of the subject and soothed down,and you wouldnt be dangerous. So,me and Willella done the best by you we knew how. Well,well,’ says Uncle Emsley,‘that Jackson Bird is sure a seldom kind of a snoozer.’”


During the progress of Juds story he had been slowly but deftly combining certain portions of the contents of his sacks and cans. Toward the close of it he set before me the finished producta pair of redhot,richhued pancakes on a tin plate. From some secret hoarding he also brought a lump of excellent butter and a bottle of golden syrup.

贾德讲故事的时候,已经不慌不忙、十分熟练地把那些口袋和铁皮罐里的东西调和起来。快讲完时,他把完成的产品端到我面前 两张搁在铁皮碟子上的、滚烫的、深黄色的薄饼。他又从某些秘密的贮藏处取出一块上好的黄油和一瓶金黄色的糖浆。

“How long ago did these things happen?” I asked him.


“Three years.” said Jud. “Theyre living on the Mired Mule Ranch now. But I havent seen either of ‘em since. They say Jackson Bird was fixing his ranch up fine with rocking chairs and window curtains all the time he was putting me up the pancake tree. Oh,I got over it after a while. But the boys kept the racketracket n.球拍,喧闹纷乱 v.过着花天酒地的生活 up.”


“Did you make these cakes by the famous recipe?” I asked.


“Didnt I tell you there wasnt no receipt?” said Jud. “The boys hollered pancakes till they got pancake hungry,and I cut this recipe out of a newspaper. How does the truck taste?”


“Theyre delicious.” I answered. “Why dont you have some,too,Jud?”


I was sure I heard a sigh.


“Me?” said Jud. “I dont ever eat em.”
