
第7章 A Call Loan(2)

“You see.” said Longley,easily explaining the thing away,“Tom heard of 2000 head of twoyearolds down near Rocky Ford on the Rio Grande that could be had for 8 a head. I reckon twas one of old Leandro Garcias outfits that he had smuggled over,and he wanted to make a quick turn on em. Those cattle are worth 15 on the hoof in Kansas City. Tom knew it and I knew it. He had 6,000,and I let him have the 10,000 to make the deal with. His brother Ed took em on to market three weeks ago. He ought to be back most any day now with the money. When he comes Tomll pay that note.”


The bank examiner was shocked. It was perhaps,his duty to step out to the telegraph office and wire the situation to the comptroller. But he did not. He talked pointedly and effectively to Longley for three minutes. He succeeded in making the banker understand that he stood upon the border of a catastrophe catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸。 And then he offered a tiny loophole of escape.


“I am going to Hilldales tonight.” he told Longley,“to examine a bank there. I will pass through Chaparosa on my way back. At twelve oclock tomorrow I shall call at this bank. If this loan has been cleared out of the way by that time it will not be mentioned in my report. If notI will have to do my duty.”


With that the examiner bowed and departed.


The President of the First National lounged in his chair half an hour longer,and then he lit a mild cigar,and went over to Tom Merwins house. Merwin,a ranchman in brown duck,with a contemplative contemplative adj.沉思的,冥想的,[宗]祈祷的 eye,sat with his feet upon a table,plaiting a rawhide rawhide n.生牛皮,<美>生牛皮鞭 vt.用生牛皮鞭抽打adj.生牛皮的 quirt.


“Tom,” said Longley,leaning against the table,“you heard anything from Ed yet?”


“Not yet.” said Merwin,continuing his plaiting. “I guess Edll be along back now in a few days.”


“There was a bank examiner,” said Longley,“nosing around our place today,and he bucked a sight about that note of yours. You know I know its all right,but the thing is against the banking laws. I was pretty sure youd have paid it off before the bank was examined again,but the sonofagun slipped in on us,Tom. Now,Im short of cash myself just now,or Id let you have the money to take it up with. Ive got till twelve oclock tomorrow,and then Ive got to show the cash in place of that note or—”


“Or what,Bill?” asked Merwin,as Longley hesitated.


“Well,I suppose it means be jumped on with both of Uncle Sams feet.”


“Ill try to raise the money for you on time.” said Merwin,interested in his plaiting.


“All right,Tom,” concluded Longley,as he turned toward the door,“I knew you would if you could.”


Merwin threw down his whip and went to the only other bank in town,a private one,run by Cooper & Craig.


“Cooper,” he said,to the partner by that name,“Ive got to have 10,000 today or tomorrow. Ive got a house and lot there thats worth about 6,000 and thats all the actual collateral collateral adj.间接的。 But Ive got a cattle deal on thats sure to bring me in more than that much profit within a few days.”


Cooper began to cough.


“Now,for Gods sake dont say no.” said Merwin. “I owe that much money on a call loan. Its been called,and the man that called it is a man Ive laid on the same blanket with in cowcamps and rangercamps for ten years. He can call anything Ive got. He can call the blood out of my veins and itll come. Hes got to have the money. Hes in a devil of a—Well,he needs the money,and Ive got to get it for him. You know my words good,Cooper.”
