
第10章 Thumbling(2)

“你愿意坐在哪儿?” 他们问大拇指。“嗨,就把我放在您帽檐上吧,我可以在那儿散步,欣赏周围的风景,不会掉下来的。” 他们顺了他的意,等大拇指和父亲告过别,就带着他走了。这样子,他们一直走到黄昏时分。突然,小家伙说:“快接我下去,我要拉屎啦!” “就拉在上边好了,” 脑袋上坐着大拇指的那个陌生人说,“我不在乎,有时鸟儿们也在我帽子上拉过。” “不,” 大拇指说,“我自己知道该怎么做。快接我下去!” 陌生人只好摘下帽子,把小家伙放在路旁的庄稼地里。只见他在一些土块中间跳来跳去,爬上爬下,突然钻进了一个他选中的老鼠洞。“再见,先生们,回家去吧,别等我喽。” 他大声告诉他们,嘲笑他们。两个陌生人冲过来,用小棍掏老鼠洞,然而白费劲儿,大拇指越钻越深。天很快完全黑下来,他俩只好气冲冲地往回走,钱包却空空的了。

When Thumbling saw that they were gone,he crept back out of the subterraneansubterranean adj.地下的 passage. “It is so dangerous to walk on the ground in the dark,” said he,“how easily a neck or a leg is broken.” Fortunately he stumbled against an empty snailshell. “Thank God.” said he,“In that I can pass the night in safety. And got into it.” Not long afterwards,when he was just going to sleep,he heard two men go by,and one of them was saying,“How shall we set about getting hold of the rich pastors silver and gold?” “I could tell you that.” cried thumbling,interruptinginterrupt vt.打断(正在说话或动作的人),中断,妨碍,插嘴 them.

大拇指发现他们走了,才从地洞里爬出来。“田野上黑漆漆的,赶路非常危险,” 他说,“很容易摔断脖子和腿!” 幸好他找到一个空蜗牛壳。“感谢上帝,” 他说,“这下我可以安全过夜啦,” 说着便爬了进去。一会儿,他刚要睡着,就听见两个过路的男人说话的声音。一个道:“咱们去弄那个富有的牧师的钱和银子,怎么下手才好呢?” “我可以告诉你们怎么办。” 大拇指拉开嗓门插进来说。

“What was that?” said one of the thieves in fright,“I heard someone speaking.” They stood still listening,and Thumbling spoke again,and said,“Take me with you,and Ill help you.” “But where are you.” “Just look on the ground,and observeobserve vt.观察,观测,遵守,评述,说 from whence my voice comes.” he replied.

“怎么回事?” 一个小偷惊慌不安地问,“我听见有人在说话!” 他们站住脚,仔细听,突然大拇指又讲:“你们带我去,我就帮助你们。” “你究竟在哪儿?” “在地上仔细找找,就会发现声音是从哪儿来的。” 他回答。

There the thieves at length found him,and lifted him up. “You little imp,how will you help us?” they said. “Listen,” said he,“I will creep into the pastors room through the iron bars,and will reach out to you whatever you want to have.” “come then,” they said,“and we will see what you can do.” When they got to the pastors house,Thumbling crept into the room,but instantly cried out with all his might,“Do you want to have everything that is here?” The thieves were alarmed,and said,“But do speak softly,so as not to waken any one.” Thumbling however,behaved as if he had not understood this,and cried again,“What do you want? Do you want to have everything that is here?”

两个小偷终于找到了他,把他捡起来生气的问:“小家伙,你打算怎么帮助我们?” “喏,” 大拇指回答,“我从铁栅栏中间爬进牧师的房间,把你们要的东西递出来。” “行啊,” 两个小偷说,“那咱们就看你的啦。” 到牧师的家,大拇指钻进房间,立刻拉开嗓门大喊:“你们想要房里所有的东西,对吗?” 两小偷吓一大跳,忙说:“轻一点,别把谁吵醒了!” 大拇指呢,仍旧装糊涂,继续大声喊叫:“你们想要什么?你们想要屋里所有的东西吗?”