
第15章 Faithful John(4)

When therefore they came to shore,all happened as had been foretold by the ravens,and a magnificent chestnut horse sprang forward. “Good,” said the king,“he shall carry me to my palace,” and was about to mount it when faithful John got before him,jumped quickly on it,drew the pistol out of the holster,and shot the horse. Then the other attendants of the king,who were not very fond of faithful John,cried,“How shameful to kill the beautiful animal,that was to have carried the king to his palace.” But the king said,“Hold your peace and leave him alone,he is my most faithful John. Who knows what good may come of this.” They went into the palace,and in the hall there stood a dish,and therein lay the bridal garment looking no otherwise than as if it were made of gold and silver. The young king went towards it and was about to take hold of it,but faithful John pushed him away,seizedseize v.抓住,逮住,夺取 it with gloves on,carried it quickly to the fire and burnt it. The other attendants again began to murmurmurmur v.发低沉连续的声音,发怨言,低声说,低语,and said,“Behold,now he is even burning the kings bridal garment.” But the young king said,“Who knows what good he may have done,leave him alone,he is my most faithful John.” And now the wedding was solemnized—the dance began,and the bride also took part in it,then faithful John was watchful and looked into her face,and suddenly she turned pale and fell to the ground as if she were dead. On this he ran hastilyhastily adv.急速地,轻率地,慌忙地,草率地 to her,lifted her up and bore her into a chamber—then he laid her down,and knelt and sucked the three drops of blood from her right breast,and spat them out. Immediately she breathed again and recovered herself,but the young king had seen this,and being ignorantignorant adj.无知的 why faithful John had done it,was angry and cried,“Throw him into a dungeondungeon n.地牢。” Next morning faithful John was condemnedcondemn vt.判刑,处刑,声讨,谴责,and led to the gallowsgallows n.绞架,绞刑,and when he stood on high,and was about to be executedexecute vt.执行,实行,完成,处死,制成,[律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效,he said,“Every one who has to die is permitted before his end to make one last speech,may I too claim the right?” “Yes,” answered the king,“it shall be granted unto you.” Then said faithful John,“I am unjustly condemned,and have always been true to you.” And he related how he had hearkenedhearken vi.倾听 to the conversation of the ravens when on the sea,and how he had been obliged to do all these things in order to save his master. Then cried the king,“Oh,my most faithful John. Pardon,pardon—bring him down.” But as faithful John spoke the last word he had fallen down lifelesslifeless adj.无生命的,无生气的 and become a stone.

这时候,他们上了岸,果真如乌鸦说过的,迎面跑来一匹极漂亮的枣红马。“太好啦,” 国王说,“它是让我骑着回宫的!” 说着就想跨上去。可忠诚的约翰抢在他前面跃身上马,拔出笼头中的枪来,一枪把马打死了。国王的其他侍从本来就对忠诚的约翰没好气儿,这时便一齐嚷起来:“真缺德哟,多漂亮的马驹,让国王骑回宫去多好,他竟给杀死了!” 国王呢,却说:“住嘴!管他!他是我最忠诚的侍从约翰,他这样做准有道理。” 接着,他们进了宫殿,看见殿中摆着一只盘子,盘里盛着一件现成的结婚礼服,完全像金丝银线织成。年轻的国王走过去取,忠诚的约翰却推开他,戴上手套抓起礼服,很快扔进火里,让它烧成了灰烬。其他侍从又嚷嚷开了,说:“瞧瞧,他竟敢烧毁国王结婚礼服!” 年轻的国王却说:“他这样做准有道理。随他去吧,他是我最忠诚的约翰。” 随后便举行了婚礼,开始跳起舞来。新娘子也走进舞池,忠诚的约翰马上留神地望着她的脸,见她突然脸色苍白,昏死在地上了。约翰赶紧跑过去,从地上抱起她,走进一间卧室,把她放在床上,跪在她跟前,从她右边乳房吸吮了三滴血,然后又吐掉。这一来,王后又有了呼吸,恢复了精神。年轻的国王把整个过程全看在眼里,却不明白忠诚的约翰为什么这样干,一怒之下便喝道:“把他给我关进监狱。” 第二天,忠诚的约翰被判处绞刑,押上了刑场;可当他已站上绞刑台就要被处决的时候,却问国王:“每一个被处死的人在临刑前都允许再讲讲话,你是否也给我这个权利呢?” “是的,” 国王回答,“也赐给你这个权利。” 忠诚的约翰于是说:“我是冤枉的,我对你一贯忠心耿耿。” 接着就讲他在海上听见乌鸦们谈了些什么话,他为了救自己的主人,怎么不得不干先前所干的那一切。国王听后高喊:“呵,我最忠诚的约翰,我赦免你,我赦免你!快放他下来呀!” 哪想到,忠诚的约翰刚说完最后一句话,已经摔下台来没了生气,变成了一具石像。

Thereupon the king and the queen suffered great anguish,and the king said,“Ah,how ill I have requited great fidelity.” And ordered the stone figure to be taken up and placed in his bedroom beside his bed. And as often as he looked on it he wept and said,“Ah,if I could bring you to life again,my most faithful John.” Some time passed and the queen bore twins,two sons who grew fast and were her delight. Once when the queen was at church and the father was sitting with his two children playing beside him,he looked at the stone figure again,sighed,and full of grief he said,“Ah,if I could but bring you to life again,my most faithful John.” Then the stone began to speak and said,“You can bring me to life again if you will use for that purpose what is dearest to you.” Then cried the king,“I will give everything I have in the world for you.” The stone continued,“If you will cut offcut off v.切断,断绝,剥夺继承权 the heads of your two children with your own hand,and sprinklesprinkle v.撒(某物)于(某物之表面),洒,喷洒 me with their blood,I shall be restored to life.” The king was terrified when he heard that he himself must kill his dearest children,but he thought of faithful Johns great fidelity,and how he had died for him,drew his sword,and with his own hand cut off the childrens heads. And when he had smearedsmear v.涂上,抹掉,涂污,诽谤,抹去 the stone with their blood,life returned to it,and faithful John stood once more safe and healthy before him. He said to the king,“Your truth shall not go unrewarded,and took the heads of the children,put them on again,and rubbedrub v.擦,搓,摩擦 the wounds with their blood,at which they became whole again immediately,and jumped about,and went on playing as if nothing had happened.” Then the king was full of joy,and when he saw the queen coming he hid faithful John and the two children in a great cupboard. When she entered,he said to her,“Have you been praying in the church?” “Yes,” answered she,“but I have constantly been thinking of faithful John and what misfortune has befallen him through us.” Then said he,“Dear wife,we can give him his life again,but it will cost us our two little sons,whom we must sacrifice.” The queen turned pale,and her heart was full of terror,but she said,“We owe it to him,for his great fidelity.” Then the king was rejoiced that she thought as he had thought,and went and opened the cupboard,and brought forth faithful John and the children,and said,“God be praised,he is delivered,and we have our little sons again also,and told her how everything had occurred.” Then they dwelt together in much happiness until their death.

国王和王后为这事非常难过。国王说:“唉,对他的一片忠诚,我竟这么忘恩负义!” 随后便命人把石像搬回宫中,竖在他卧室里的床边。他每次瞅见石像,都流着眼泪说:“唉,我最忠诚的约翰呵,我要能叫你死而复生就好啦!” 过了一些时候,王后生了一对双胞胎,一对小王子。小哥儿俩渐渐长大了,成了王后的心肝宝贝儿。一天,王后上教堂去了,两兄弟坐在父亲房里玩儿。这当儿国王又伤心难过地望着石像,叹了口气,大声说;“唉,我最忠诚的约翰呵,我要能叫你死而复生就好啦!” 突然,石像开始讲起话来,说道:“能,你能够使我复活,只要你肯牺牲你最心爱的东西。” 国王一听高声回答:“为了救你,我愿牺牲我在世界上拥有的一切!” 石像继续说:“要是你亲手砍下你那两个孩子的头,把他们的血涂在我身上,我就会活转来。” 国王听说要他杀死自己最心爱的孩子,吓了一跳,可是他想到约翰对自己的耿耿忠心,想到他是为自己而死的,还是拔出宝剑,亲手把两个孩子的头给砍了。接着,他把他们的血涂抹在石像身上,石像立刻恢复生气,忠诚的约翰又健壮活泼地站在了他的面前。他对国王讲:“你的忠诚也不应得不到报答,” 说着,便拾起两孩子的脑袋,把它们又接在脖子上并用他们的血抹了抹伤口,小哥儿俩一眨眼便活了,又蹦蹦跳跳玩儿起来,像什么事也没发生一样,国王满心欢喜,看见王后回宫来了,就把忠诚的约翰和两个孩子藏进一只大立柜。王后跨进他房间,他问她:“你在教堂祈祷了吗?” “祈祷了,” 王后回答,“可我心里一直惦着忠诚的约翰,为了我们,他是那样地不幸。” 国王听了说:“亲爱的妻子,我们可以使他复活,可代价是我们的两个孩子,我们必须拿他们作牺牲。” 王后一听脸色苍白,大为震惊,可到底还是说:“他对我们一片忠心,我们应该这样。” 国王高兴极了,她想的竟和他完全一样,便走过去打开立柜,把两个孩子和忠诚的约翰放了出来,说:“赞美上帝,他得救了,我们也没失去自己的儿子。” 并对她讲了全部经过。从此以后,他们在一起过着幸福美满的生活,直到离开人世。