
第2章 The Frog King(2)

“Ah,no.” replied she. “It is no giant but a disgustingdisgusting adj.令人厌恶的 frog.” “What does a frog want with you?” “Ah,dear father,yesterday as I was in the forest sitting by the well,playing,my golden ball fell into the water. And because I cried so,the frog brought it out again for me,and because he so insisted,I promised him he should be my companion,but I never thought he would be able to come out of his water. And now he is outside there,and wants to come in to me.” In the meantime it knocked a second time,and cried,“Princess,youngest princess,open the door for me,do you not know what you said to me yesterday by the cool waters of the well? Princess,youngest princess,open the door for me.”

“唉,不是的,” 她回答,“不是巨人,是一只讨厌的青蛙。” “青蛙找你干什么呢?” “唉,亲爱的爸爸,昨天我坐在森林中的水井边上玩儿,突然我的金球掉到了水井里。我哭得很伤心,青蛙就替我把它捞了上来。因为它坚持要求,我答应让它做我的朋友。可我压根儿没想到,它真能从水井里爬出来。这会儿它就在门外,想要上我这儿来。” 这时候,只听外边又敲起门来,并且在喊:“小公主啊小公主,







Then said the king,“That which you have promised must you perform. Go and let him in.” She went and opened the door,and the frog hopped in and followed her,step by step,to her chair. There he sat and cried,“Lift me up beside you.” She delayed,until at last the king commanded her to do it. Once the frog was on the chair he wanted to be on the table,and when he was on the table he said,“Now,push your little golden plate nearer to me that we may eat together.” She did this,but it was easy to see that she did not do it willinglywillingly adv.自动地,欣然地。 The frog enjoyed what he ate,but almost every mouthful she took chokedchoke v.窒息,哽住,使呼吸困难,阻塞 her. At length he said,“I have eaten and am satisfied,now I am tired,carry me into your little room and make your little silken bed ready,and we will both lie down and go to sleep.” The kings daughter began to cry,for she was afraid of the cold frog which she did not like to touch,and which was now to sleep in her pretty,clean little bed. But the king grew angry and said,“He who helped you when you were in trouble ought not afterwards to be despiseddespise vt.轻视 by you.” So she took hold of the frog with two fingers,carried him upstairs,and put him in a corner,but when she was in bed he crept to her and said,“I am tired,I want to sleep as well as you,lift me up or I will tell your father.” At this she was terribly angry,and took him up and threw him with all her might against the wall. “Now,will you be quiet,odiousodious adj.可憎的,讨厌的 frog,” said she.

国王听了说:“你不管答应了什么,都得办到。去,给它开门吧。” 公主去打开门,青蛙一蹦就进来了,而且一步一步地紧跟着她,到了椅子前。它蹲在那儿喊道:“抱我上来呀!” 公主犹豫不决,直到国王命令她抱。青蛙起先被放在椅子上,它却想上桌子;上了桌子又说:“现在把你的小金盘子推过来一点,我们好一块儿吃。” 公主也这么做了,可看样子却很不情愿。青蛙倒是吃得津津有味,她呢,却什么都咽不下去。终于,青蛙说:“我吃饱了,也疲倦了,现在抱我去你的小卧室,整理好你的缎子被盖,咱们躺下睡觉吧。” 公主一听哭起来,她怕这只冷冰冰的青蛙,碰都不敢碰它一下,更别提让它在她又漂亮又干净的被盖里睡觉。可是国王生气了,说:“在你困难的时候无论谁帮助了你,过后你都不应该瞧不起!” 这样,她才用两根指头把青蛙拈起来,放到卧室的一个角落上。可是等她在床上睡好了,它却爬过来说:“我累了,想和你一样舒舒服服睡一觉。抱我上去,要不我告诉你爸爸。” 这一来公主真气坏了,一把抓起青蛙,狠命朝墙上摔去:“这下你该老实啦,你这讨厌的家伙!”

But when he fell down he was no frog but a kings son with kind and beautiful eyes. He by her fathers will was now her dear companion and husband. Then he told her how he had been bewitchedbewitch vt.施魔法于,蛊惑,迷人 by a wicked witch,and how no one could have delivered him from the well but herself,and that tomorrow they would go together into his kingdom. Then they went to sleep,and next morning when the sun awoke them,a carriage came driving up with eight white horses,which had white ostrichostrich n.鸵鸟,鸵鸟般的人 feathers on their heads,and were harnessedharness vt.上马具,披上甲胄,利用(河流、瀑布等)产生动力(尤指电力) with golden chains,and behind stood the young kings servant Faithful Henry. Faithful Henry had been so unhappy when his master was changed into a frog,that he had caused three iron bands to be laid round his heart,lest it should burst withburst with v.突然发生 grief and sadness. The carriage was to conduct the young king into his kingdom. Faithful Henry helped them both in,and placed himself behind again,and was full of joy because of this deliverancedeliverance n.释放,意见,判决。 And when they had driven a part of the way the kings son heard a cracking behind him as if something had broken. So he turned round and cried,“Henry,the carriage is breaking.” “No,master,it is not the carriage. It is a band from my heart,which was put there in my great pain when you were a frog and imprisonedimprison v.监禁 in the well.”

谁知它一落在地上,已经不是青蛙,而变成了一位王子,一位长着又美丽又善良的眼睛的王子。于是,遵照国王的旨意,他做了公主亲密的伴侣和丈夫。这时候,他才告诉她,他原来被一个狠毒的妖婆施了魔法,除了公主一个人,谁也不能救他出那水井。明天,他们就要一道回他的王国去。说完,他俩便睡着了。第二天早上,太阳唤醒了他们,门外已驶来一辆八匹白马拉的马车,马头上都插着白色的鸵鸟毛,马身上套的链子金光闪闪。车后边站着王子的仆人,他就是忠诚的亨利。在他的主人被变成一只青蛙的时候,这位忠诚的亨利伤心极了,他让人在自己胸口上箍了三道铁箍,免得他的心难过痛苦得破碎掉。这会儿,马车来接王子回他的王国去。忠诚的亨利扶他夫妇俩上了车,自己又站到车后边,心中因为王子获救而充满了喜悦。他们走了一段路,王子听见后面发出咔啦咔啦的响声,像是有什么东西破了。他于是调过头,大声说:“亨利,车子破了。” “不,主人,不是车子是我心口上的铁箍;我的心啊,当你变成青蛙,困在井里,真是非常非常痛苦。”

Again and once again while they were on their way something cracked,and each time the kings son thought the carriage was breaking,but it was only the bands which were springing from the heart of Faithful Henry because his master was set free and was happy.
