
第8章 The Raven(3)

When the man awoke and saw that he had slept,he was sad at heart,and said,“She has certainly driven by,and I have not set her free.” Then he perceivedperceive v.感知,感到,认识到 the things which were lying beside him,and read the letter wherein was written how everything had happened. So he arose and went away,intending to go to the golden castle of Stromberg,but he did not know where it was. After he had walked about the world for a long time,he entered into a dark forest,and walked for fourteen days,and still could not find his way out. Then it was once more evening,and he was so tired that he lay down in a thicket and fell asleep. Next day he went onwards,and in the evening,as he was again about to lie down beneath some bushesbush n.矮树丛,(机械)衬套,he heard such a howling and crying that he could not go to sleep. And at the time when people light the candles,he saw one glimmeringglimmering n.微光,隐约的一瞥,and arose and went towards it. Then he came to a house which seemed very small,for in front of it a great giant was standing. He thought to himself,if I go in,and the giant sees me,it will very likely cost me my life. At length he ventured it and went in. When the giant saw him,he said,“It is well that you come,for it is long since I have eaten,I will at once devour you for my supper.” “Id rather you did not,” said the man,“I do not like to be eaten,but if you have any desire to eat,I have quite enough here to satisfy you.” “If that be true,” said the giant,“you may be easy,I was only going to devourdevour vt.(尤指动物)吞吃,狼吞虎咽,挥霍,(火灾等)毁灭,破坏,吞没,贪看,贪听 you because I had nothing else.” Then they went,and sat down to the table,and the man took out the bread,wine,and meat which would never come to an end. “This pleases me well.” said the giant,and ate to his hearts content. Then the man said to him,“Can you tell me where the golden castle of Stromberg is?” The giant said,“I will look at my map,all the towns,and villages,and houses are to be found on it.” He brought out the map which he had in the room and looked for the castle,but it was not to be found on it. “Its no matter,” said he,“I have some still larger maps in my cupboard upstairs,and we will look at them.” But there,too,it was in vain. The man now wanted to set out again,but the giant beggedbeg v.请求,乞求 him to wait a few days longer until his brother,who had gone out to bring some provisions,came home. When the brother came home they inquired about the golden castle of Stromberg. He replied,“When I have eaten and have had enough,I will look at the map.” Then he went with them up to his chamber,and they searched on his map,but could not find it. Then he brought out still older maps,and they never rested until they found the golden castle of Stromberg,but it was many thousand miles away. “How am I to get there?” asked the man. The giant said,“I have two hours time,during which I will carry you into the neighborhood,but after that I must be at home to sucklesuckle vt.哺乳,养育,吮吸 the child that we have.” So the giant carried the man to about a hundred leagues from the castle,and said,“You can very well walk the rest of the way alone.” And he turned back,but the man went onwards day and night,until at length he came to the golden castle of Stromberg. It stood on a glassmountain,and the bewitched maiden was driving in her carriage round the castle,and then went inside it. He rejoiced when he saw her and wanted to climb up to her,but when he began to do so he always slipped down the glass again. And when he saw that he could not reach her,he was very worried,and said to himself,“I will stay down here below,and wait for her.”

那男子醒来,见自己又睡了一觉,打心眼儿里感到难过,说:“肯定,她已经驾着车来过了,我没能搭救她。” 然后,摆在旁边的那些东西被他看见了,他读了信上写的,知道是怎么回事。他立刻从地上爬起来,准备动身去金宫,但却不知道金宫在哪里。他在世界上到处流浪,很久以后走进了一座幽暗的森林,在林中一直走了十四天还走不出去。这时候,天又黑了,他已非常疲倦,往小树丛旁边一躺便睡着了。第二天,他继续走,天晚后又准备躺在小树丛边睡觉,却听见一阵吼叫和哀声,叫他睡不着。等到了一般该点灯的时分,他看见前方亮起一盏灯来,便从地上爬起,向着灯光走去。走着走着到了一所房子前面,房子显得很小,因为面前站着一个巨人。他于是暗自盘算:你要进屋去,那巨人会看见你,你的小命儿就难保啦!可他终于还是鼓起勇气,走向巨人。巨人一见他就说:“你来得正好,我很久没吃一点东西,马上拿你当晚饭吞下肚去!” “最好别这样,” 他回答,“我可不高兴让谁吞进肚里去!你要吃东西我有的是,一定让你吃饱。” “如果这是真的,那你就没事儿,” 巨人说,“我只是因为完全没别的什么吃,才打算吃你。” 他俩于是走进屋,坐到桌边;他拿出面包、肉和酒,他们怎么吃仍不见少。“这倒挺合我的意,” 巨人说,边说边尽情吃喝。吃完后,他问巨人:“你可以告诉我,急流山的金宫在哪儿吗?” “让我查查我的地图,” 巨人回答,“所有的城市、村庄和房屋全在上面找得着。” 他取来放在房里的地图,寻找急流山的金宫,图上却没有。“不要紧,” 他说,“我在柜子里还有几张更大的,咱们可以再找一找。” 谁知仍旧白费劲儿。那男子想走,巨人却请求他再住几天,等巨人的哥哥出去弄了粮食回来。哥哥回来了,他们问他急流山的金宫在什么地方,他回答:“等我先吃饱了,再在地图上找找吧。” 他吃饱以后,三人一起去他房里,在他的地图上找来找去还是没找着。他于是又拿来一些老地图,最后终于找到了急流山的金宫。可是,它远在好几千里之外。“我怎么去那里呀?” 他问。巨人回答:“我有两个钟头时间,愿意送你到附近,随后可得回家来喂我们的小孩吃东西。” 说罢,巨人就背起他,走到了离金宫还有约摸两百小时路程的地方,说:“剩下的路你要单独一个人走啦。” 巨人回去了,那男子呢日夜继续赶路,终于走到了急流山的金宫前。谁知道,金宫矗立在一座玻璃山上,遭了诅咒的公主驾着车绕金宫转了一圈,就进去了。一看见她,他非常高兴,立刻想爬上山去,不料刚一爬就从玻璃上往下滑,一次又一次都这样。他看出,他到不了她那儿啦,心中非常难过,自言自语说:“我要待在山下,一直等着她!”

So he built himself a hut and stayed in it for a whole year,and every day saw the kings daughter driving about above,but never could reach her.


Then one day he saw from his hut three robbers who were beating each other,and cried to them,“God be with you.” They stopped when they heard the cry,but as they saw no one,they once more began to beat each other,and that too most dangerously. So he again cried,“God be with you.” Again they stopped,looked round about,but as they saw no one they went on beating each other. Then he cried for the third time,“God be with you,” and thought,“I must see what these three are about,” and went thither and asked why they were beating each other so furiouslyfuriously adv.狂暴地,猛烈地。 One of them said that he found a stick,and that when he struck a door with it,that door would spring open. The next said that he had found a mantle,and that whenever he put it on,he was invisibleinvisible adj.看不见的,无形的,but the third said he had found a horse on which a man could ride everywhere even up the glassmountain. And now they did not know whether they ought to have these things in common,or whether they ought to divide them. Then the man said,“I will give you something in exchange for these three things. Money indeed have I not,but I have other things of more value,but first I must make an experiment to see if you have told the truth.” Then they put him on the horse,threw the mantlemantle n.斗篷,覆盖物,壁炉架 round him,and gave him the stick in his hand,and when he had all these things they were no longer able to see him. So he gave them some vigorousvigorous adj.精力旺盛的,有力的,健壮的 blows and cried,“Now,vagabondsvagabond n.流浪者,游民,浪子,流氓,懒汉,you have got what you deserve,are you satisfied.” And he rode up the glassmountain,but when he came in front of the castle at the top,it was shut. Then he struck the door with his stick,and it sprang open immediately. He went in and ascendedascend v.攀登,上升 the stairs until he came to the hall where the maiden was sitting with a golden gobletgoblet n.高脚玻璃杯,酒杯 of wine before her. She,however,could not see him because he had the mantle on. And when he came up to her,he drew from his finger the ring which she had given him,and threw it into the gobletso that it rang. Then she cried,“That is my ring,so the man who is to set me free must be here.” They searched the whole castle and did not find him,but he had gone out,and had seated himself on the horse and thrown off the mantle. When they came to the door,they saw him and cried aloud in their delight. Then he alightedalight vi.落下 and took the kings daughter in his arms,but she kissed him and said,“Now have you set me free,and tomorrow we will celebrate our wedding.”

有一天,他从小屋里看见三个强盗在争斗,就冲他们叫:“上帝保佑你们!” 强盗一听叫声住了手,可他们看不见一个人影儿,就又动手打起来,而且打得你死我活。他又叫了一次:“上帝保佑你们!” 强盗们又住了手,调转头东张西望,还是看不见有谁,便重新动手我打你,你打我。他只好喊第三次:“上帝保佑你们!” 并且想,你得去看看,他们到底打算干什么,便走过去问三个强盗为何相互争斗。一个强盗说,他找到了一根棍子,用这棍子一碰门,门就会自动开开,另一个强盗说,他找到了一件斗篷,披上这斗篷,他便隐了身,第三个强盗说,他抓到了一匹马,骑上这马哪儿都能去,包括上玻璃山。现在他们不知道是共同拥有这些东西呢,还是散伙更好些,因此打起来了。那男子听后说:“我想换你们这三样东西。虽说我没有钱,我有的东西却比钱更有价值!只不过,我得先试验试验,看你们讲的是不是真话。” 随后,强盗们让他骑上了马,给他披上斗篷,把棍子递到他手中;他一得到所有的宝贝,强盗就看不见他了。接着,他狠狠揍三个家伙一顿,说:“喏,你们这些懒虫,这就是你们的报应。该满意了吧!” 揍完骑着马上了玻璃山,来到金宫门前,见门锁着,就用宝棍一敲,门立即自动开了。他跨进宫门,登上台阶,到了一座大厅,厅内坐着那个受了诅咒的少女,她面前放着一只盛着葡萄酒的金盏。可她看不见他,他披着隐身斗篷嘛。他走到她跟前,捋下她给他的金戒指,扔进金盏中,丁当响了一声。她喊出来:“这是我的戒指,来救我的男子也一定到啦!” 她马上在厅里到处找,可是没找着他。他呢已经走出宫去,骑到马上,脱了隐身斗篷。现在,公主也来到宫门外,一看见他,高兴得发出了欢呼。他赶紧下马来,拥抱公主。她亲吻着他,说:“现在你已救了我,明天我们就举行婚礼吧!”