
第10章 (1)

The celebration went off well. The friends were all present, both the young and the old. Among the young were Flossie and Gracie Peanut and their brother Adelbert, who was a rising young journeymanjourneyman n.学徒期满的职工, 熟练工人 tinnertinner n.锡矿工人, also Hosannah Dilkins, Jr., journeyman plasterer, just out of his apprenticeship. For many months Adelbert and Hosannah had been showing interest in Gwendolen and Clytemnestra Foster, and the parents of the girls had noticed this with private satisfaction. But they suddenly realized now that that feeling had passed. They recognized that the changed financial conditions had raised up a social bar between their daughters and the young mechanics. The daughters could now look higher—and must. Yes, must. They need marry nothing below the grade of lawyer or merchant, poppa and momma would take care of this, there must be no mesalliances.


However, these thinkings and projects of their were private, and did not show on the surface, and therefore threw no shadow upon the celebration. What showed upon the surface was a serene and lofty contentment and a dignity of carriagecarriage n.马车, 客车, 运费, 姿态, (机械)车架 and gravitygravity n.地心引力, 重力 of deportment which compelled the admiration and likewise the wonder of the company. All noticed it and all commented upon it, but none was able to divine the secret of it. It was a marvel and a mystery. Three several persons remarked, without suspecting what clever shots they were making:“Its as if theyd come into property.”That was just it, indeed.

可是,这些念头和设想都藏在心里,没有摆到桌面上来,也没有给庆祝活动罩上阴影。摆到桌面上来的是志得意满的矜持和高傲,以及气度不凡的派头和从容的举止,让客人们发出由衷的赞叹,感到十分惊讶。人人都察觉了这一点,大家议论纷纷,但是没人能发现其中的秘密。这里面有非同寻常的神秘之处。有人随口说了两句,却没想到他们是歪打正着:“他们就像是发了横财似的。” 一语中的,正是如此。

Most mothers would have taken hold of the matrimonialmatrimonial adj.与婚姻有关的, 根据结婚的惯例 matter in the old regulation way. They would have given the girls a talking to, of a solemn sort and untactful—a lecture calculated to defeat its own purpose, by producing tears and secret rebellionrebellion n.谋反, 叛乱, 反抗, 不服从。 And the said mothers would have further damaged the business by requesting the young mechanics to discontinue their attentions. But this mother was different. She was practical. She said nothing to any of the young people concerned, nor to any one else except Sally. He listened to her and understood, understood and admired. He said:“I get the idea. Instead of finding fault with the samples on view, thus hurting feelings and obstructingobstruct v.阻隔, 阻塞, 遮断(道路、通道等) n.阻碍物, 障碍物 trade without occasion, you merely offer a higher class of goods for the money, and leave nature to take her course. Its wisdom, Aleck, solid wisdom, and sound as a nut. Whos your fish? Have you nominatednominate vt.提名, 推荐, 任命, 命名 him yet?”
