
第14章 (3)


The liberal spendings of the Fosters upon their fancies began early in their prosperitiesprosperity n.繁荣, and grew in prodigality step by step with their advancing fortunes. In time they became truly enormous. Aleck built a university or two per Sunday, also a hospital or two, also a Rowton hotel or so; also a batch of churches, now and then a cathedralcathedral n.大教堂, and once, with untimely and illchosen playfulness, Sally said, “It was a cold day when she didnt ship a cargo of missionaries to persuade unreflecting Chinamen to trade off twentyfour carat Confucianism for counterfeit Christianity.”


This rude and unfeeling language hurt Aleck to the heart, and she went from the presence crying. That spectaclespectacle n.观览物, 展览物, 公开展示, 奇观, 景象,光景, (a pair of ~s)眼镜 went to his own heart, and in his pain and shame he would have given worlds to have those unkind words back. She had uttered no syllable of reproach—and that cut him. Not one suggestion that he look at his own record—and she could have made, oh, so many, and such blistering ones! Her generous silence brought a swift revenge, for it turned his thoughts upon himself, it summoned before him a spectralspectral adj.光谱的, 鬼怪的 procession, a moving vision of his life as he had been leading it these past few years of limitless prosperity, and as he sat there reviewing it his cheeks burned and his soul was steeped in humiliationhumiliation n.羞辱, 蒙耻。 Look at her life—how fair it was, and tending ever upward, and look at his own—how frivolous, how charged with mean vanities, how selfish, how empty, how ignobleignoble adj.不光彩的! And its trend—never upward, but downward, ever downward!


He instituted comparisonscomparison n.比较, 对照, 比喻, 比较关系 between her record and his own. He had found fault with her—so he mused—HE! And what could he say for himself? When she built her first church what was he doing? Gathering other blase multimillionairesmultimillionaire n.拥有数百万家财的富豪, 千万富翁 into a Poker Club; defiling his own palace with it, losing hundreds of thousands to it at every sitting, and sillily vain of the admiring notorietynotoriety n.恶名, 丑名, 声名狼藉, 远扬的名声 it made for him. When she was building her first university, what was he doing? Polluting himself with a gay and dissipateddissipated adj.沉迷于酒色的, 消散的, 闲游浪荡的 secret life in the company of other fast bloods, multimillionaires in money and paupers in character. When she was building her first foundling asylumasylum n.庇护, 收容所, 救济院, 精神病院, what was he doing? Alas! When she was projecting her noble Society for the Purifying of the Sex, what was he doing? Ah, what, indeed! When she and the W. C. T. U. and the Woman with the Hatchet, moving with resistless march, were sweeping the fatal bottle from the land, what was he doing? Getting drunk three times a day. When she, builder of a hundred cathedrals, was being gratefully welcomed and blest in papalpapal adj.罗马教皇的, 教皇制度的 Rome and decorated with the Golden Rose which she had so honorably earned, what was he doing? Breaking the bank at Monte Carlo.


He stopped. He could go no farther, he could not bear the rest. He rose up, with a great resolutionresolution n.坚定, 决心, 决定, 决议 upon his lips: this secret life should be revealing, and confessed, no longer would he live it clandestinely, he would go and tell her All.


And that is what he did. He told her All, and wept upon her bosombosom n.胸部, 胸, 胸怀, 内心, 内部, 中间, 任何温暖、舒适而熟悉的地方 vt.怀抱, 隐匿, wept, and moaned, and begged for her forgiveness. It was a profoundprofound adj.深刻的, 意义深远的, 渊博的, 造诣深的 shock, and she staggered under the blow, but he was her own, the core of her heart, the blessing of her eyes, her all in all, she could deny him nothing, and she forgave him. She felt that he could never again be quite to her what he had been before, She knew that he could only repent, and not reform, yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worshipworship n.崇拜, 礼拜, 尊敬 vi.敬神, 拜神 vt.崇拜, 尊敬? She said she was his serf, his slave, and she opened her yearning heart and took him in.
