
第17章 (1)

During three days the couple walked upon air, with their heads in the clouds. They were but vaguely conscious of their surroundings, they saw all things dimly, as through a veil, they were steeped in dreams, often they did not hear when they were spoken to, they often did not understand when they heard, they answered confusedly or at randomrandom n.随意, 任意 adj.任意的, 随便的, 胡乱的adv.胡乱地, Sally sold molasses by weight, sugar by the yard, and furnished soap when asked for candles, and Aleck put the cat in the wash and fed milk to the soiled linen. Everybody was stunned and amazed, and went about muttering, “What can be the matter with the Fosters?”


Three days. Then came events! Things had taken a happy turn, and for fortyeight hours Alecks imaginary corner had been booming. Up—up—still up! Cost point was passed. Still up—and up—and up! Cost point was passed. Still up—and up—and up! Five points above cost—then ten—fifteen—twenty! Twenty points cold profit on the vast venture, now, and Alecks imaginary brokers were shouting frantically by imaginary longdistance, “Sell! sell! for Heavens sake SELL!”


She broke the splendid news to Sally, and he, too, said, “Sell! sell—oh, dont make a blunderblunder v.跌跌撞撞地走, 犯大错, 做错 n.大错, 失误, now, you own the earth!—sell, sell!” But she set her iron will and lashed it amidshipsamidships adv.在船中部, 在船腹, and said she would hold on for five points more if she died for it.


It was a fatal resolve. The very next day came the historic crash, the record crash, the devastatingdevastating adj.破坏性的, 全然的 crash, when the bottom fell out of Wall Street, and the whole body of giltedged stocks dropped ninetyfive points in five hours, and the multimillionaire was seen begging his bread in the Bowery. Aleck sternly held her grip and “put up” ass long as she could, but at last there came a call which she was powerless to meet, and her imaginary brokers sold her out. Then, and not till then, the man in her was vanished, and the woman in her resumed sway. She put her arms about her husbands neck and wept, saying:“I am to blame, do not forgive me, I cannot bear it. We are pauperspauper n.叫花子, 乞丐! Paupers, and I am so miserable. The weddings will never come off, all that is past, we could not even buy the dentist, now.”


A bitter reproach was on Sallys tongue: “I begged you to sell, but you—” He did not say it, he had not the heart to add a hurt to that broken and repentant spirit. A nobler thought came to him and he said:“Bear up, my Aleck, all is not lost! You really never invested a penny of my uncles bequest, but only its unmaterialized future, what we have lost was only the incremented harvest from that future by your incomparable financial judgment and sagacitysagacity n.睿智, 聪敏。 Cheer up, banish these griefs, we still have the thirty thousand untouched, and with the experience which you have acquired, think what you will be able to do with it in a couple years! The marriages are not off, they are only postponed.”


These are blessed words. Aleck saw how true they were, and their influence was electric, her tears ceased to flow, and her great spirit rose to its full stature again. With flashing eye and grateful heart, and with hand uplifted in pledge and prophecyprophecy n.预言, 预言能力, she said:“Now and here I proclaimproclaim vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露—”
