
第2章 (1)

Now came great news! Stunning newsjoyous news, in fact. It came from a neighboring state, where the familys only survivingsurviving 继续存在的 未死的 依然健在的 relative lived. It was Sallys relative—a sort of vague and indefinite uncle or second or third cousin by the name of Tilbury Foster, seventy and a bachelor, reputed well off and corresponding sour and crustycrusty adj.有硬壳的, 顽固的, 脾气暴躁的。 Sally had tried to make up to him once, by letter, in a bygone time, and had not made that mistake again. Tilbury now wrote to Sally, saying he should shortly die, and should leave him thirty thousand dollars, cash, not for love, but because money had given him most of his troubles and exasperationsexasperation n.恼怒, and he wished to place it where there was good hope that it would continue its malignantmalignant adj.恶性的 work. The bequest would be found in his will, and would be paid over. PROVIDED, that Sally should be able to prove to the executors that he had TAKEN NO NOTICE OF THE GIFT BY SPOKEN WORD OR BY LETTER, HAD MADE NO INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE MORIBUNDS PROGRESS TOWARD THE EVERLASTING TROPICS, AND HAD NOT ATTENDED THE FUNERAL.


As soon as Aleck had partially recovered from the tremendous emotions created by the letter, she sent to the relatives habitat and subscribedsubscribe v.捐款, 订阅, 签署(文件), 赞成, 预订 for the local paper.


Man and wife entered into a solemnsolemn adj.庄严的, 隆重的, 严肃的 compact, now, to never mention the great news to any one while the relative lived, lest some ignorant person carry the fact to the deathbed and distort it and make it appear that they were disobediently thankful for the bequest, and just the same as confessing it and publishing it, right in the face of the prohibitionprohibition n.禁止, 阻止, <美>禁酒令。


For the rest of the day Sally made havoc and confusionconfusion n.混乱, 混淆 with his books, and Aleck could not keep her mind on her affairs, not even take up a flowerpot or book or a stick of wood without forgetting what she had intended to do with it. For both were dreaming.“Thirty thousand dollars!”All day long the music of those inspiring words sang through those peoples heads.


From his marriageday forth, Alecks grip had been upon the purse, and Sally had seldom known what it was to be privilegedprivileged adj.有特权的, 有特别恩典的 to squandersquander v.浪费 a dime on nonnecessities.


“Thirty thousand dollars!” the song went on and on. A vast sum, an unthinkableunthinkable adj.不能想像的, 想像不到的, 不可思议的, 过分的 sum!


All day long Aleck was absorbed in planning how to investinvest v.投(资), 购买(有用之物)~, 授予, 投资 it, Sally in planning how to spend it.


There was no romancereading that night. The children took themselves away early, for their parents were silent, distraughtdistraught adj.发狂的, and strangely unentertaining. The goodnight kisses might as well have been impressed upon vacancyvacancy n.空, 空白, 空缺, 空闲, 清闲, 空虚, for all the response they got, the parents were not aware of the kisses, and the children had been gone an hour before their absence was noticed. Two pencils had been busy during that hournotemaking, in the way of plans. It was Sally who broke the stillness at last. He said, with exultationexultation n.狂喜, 大悦, 欢欣, 得意:“Ah, itll be grand, Aleck! Out of the first thousand well have a horse and a buggy for summer, and a cutter and a skin laprobe for winter.”

这天晚上的朗读项目停了。爸爸妈妈一言不发,心情烦躁,一点儿玩的心思也没有,孩子们也就早早地离开了。道晚安时的亲吻像给了空气,没有任何反应,爸爸妈妈根本没有意识到孩子们的吻,一个小时后他们才发觉孩子们离开起居室了。在这一个小时里,最忙的是两支铅笔,夫妇俩一直把它们拿在手里运筹帷幄。最后,萨利打破了沉默,兴高采烈地说:  “太好了,艾莱柯!夏天咱们先拿出一千块钱来,买一匹马,一辆马车,冬天再拿出一千块钱来,买一架雪橇和一副皮雪橇障子。”

Aleck responded with decision and composurecomposure n.镇静, 沉着—“Out of the CAPITAL? Nothing of the kind. Not if it was a million!”


Sally was deeply disappointed, the glow went out of his face.“Oh, Aleck!” he said, reproachfully. “Weve always worked so hard and been so scrimpedscrimp vt.过度缩减, 克扣 vi.节省或精打细算 adj.不足的, 吝啬的, and now that we are rich, it does seem—”


He did not finish, for he saw her eye soften, his supplicationsupplication n.恳求, 祈愿, 哀求 had touched her. She said, with gentle persuasivenesspersuasive n.说服者, 劝诱 adj.善说服的:“We must not spend the capital, dear, it would not be wise. Out of the income from it—”


“That will answer, that will answer, Aleck! How dear and good you are! There will be a noble income and if we can spend that—”


“Not ALL of it, dear, not all of it, but you can spend a part of it. That is, a reasonable part. But the whole of the capital—every penny of it—must be put right to work, and kept at it. You see the reasonablenessreasonableness n.合理, 妥当 of that, dont you?”


“Why, yes. Yes, of course. But well have to wait so long. Six months before the first interest falls due.”


“Yes—maybe longer.”


“Longer, Aleck? Why? Dont they pay halfyearly?”