
第4章 (3)

“Oh, jolly! oh, thanks!” And Sally jumped up and kissed his wife in gratitudegratitude n.感谢的心情。 “Itll be three thousand—three whole thousand! How much of it can we spend, Aleck? Make it liberal!—do, dear, thats a good fellow.”


Aleck was pleased, so pleased that she yieldedyield v.出产, 生长, 生产 vi.(~ to)屈服, 屈从 n.产量, 收益 to the pressure and conceded a sum which her judgment told her was a foolish extravagance—a thousand dollars. Sally kissed her half a dozen times and even in that way could not express all his joy and thankfulness. This new access of gratitude and affection carried Aleck quite beyond the bounds of prudenceprudence n.审慎, and before she could restrain herself she had made her darling another grant—a couple of thousand out of the fifty or sixty which she meant to clear within a year of the twenty which still remained of the bequestbequest n.遗产, 遗赠。 The happy tears sprang to Sallys eyes, and he said:“Oh, I want to hug you!” And he did it. Then he got his notes and sat down and began to check off, for first purchasepurchase vt.买, 购买 n.买, 购买, the luxuries which he should earliest wish to secure.“Horse—buggy—cutter—laprobe—patentleathers—dog—plughat—churchpew—stemwinder—new teeth—SAY, Aleck!”




“Ciphering away, arent you? Thats right. Have you got the twenty thousand invested yet?”


“No, theres no hurry about that; I must look around first, and think.”


“But you are ciphering; whats it about?”


“Why, I have to find work for the thirty thousand that comes out of the coal, havent I?”


“Scott, what a head! I never thought of that. How are you getting along? Where have you arrived?”


“Not very far—two years or three. Ive turned it over twice; once in oil and once in wheat.”


“Why, Aleck, its splendid! How does it aggregateaggregate n.合计, 总计, 集合体 adj.合计的, 集合的,聚合的 v.聚集, 集合, 合计?”


“I think—well, to be on the safe side, about a hundred and eighty thousand clear, though it will probably be more.”


“My! Isnt it wonderful? By gracious! Luck has come our way at last, after all the hard sledding, Aleck!”




“Im going to cash in a whole three hundred on the missionaries—what real right have we care for expenses!”


“You couldnt do a nobler thing, dear; and its just like your generous nature, you unselfish boy.”


The praisepraise vt.赞扬, 歌颂, 称赞 n.赞扬, 赞美的话, 赞美, 荣耀, 称赞made Sally poignantly happy, but he was fair and just enough to say it was rightfully due to Aleck rather than to himself, since but for her he should never have had the money.


Then they went up to bed, and in their deliriumdelirium n.(暂时的)精神狂乱, 精神错乱, 说谵语状态,狂语, 精神极度兴奋of bliss they forgot and left the candle burning in the parlor. They did not remember until they were undressed, then Sally was for letting it burn, he said they could afford it, if it was a thousand. But Aleck went down and put it out.


A good job, too; for on her way back she hit on a scheme that would turn the hundred and eighty thousand into half a million before it had had time to get cold.
