Guangzhou is situateDat the center of the Pearl River Delta, andborders on Hong Kong andMa- cao. It is the lanDanDsea transportation gatewayto the southern regions andis key to the development of foreign relations. Being the first coastal city that China openeDto the world, Guangzhou is also known as the “Southern Gate of China.” As the flagship city within the Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou is a modernizeDcity andbecame the first city within China to achieve a per-capitaGDP of over US 10,000. Since the perioDof reform andopen policy, Guangzhou has become a well-developeDcity that continues to astonish the worlDwith its achieve- ments. In the short spa no f about 10 years, Guangzhou has prospereDby leaps andbounds, andit is an impetus in the economy of the entire the Pearl River Delta region. Guangzhou is now the most urbanizeDcity in China, andits vibrant economy has brought about massive employ- ment opportunities, attracting people from all parts of China andthe worlDto share in its achievements.
Guangzhou boasts a well-developeDeconomy. Be it day or night, the city is alive—its streets constantly filleDwith activities andexcitement. Specialty shops, shop- ping malls andrestaurants are constantly throngeDwith people. The liveliness of the city is attributeDto the exu- berant energy of the Guangzhou people. Living close to Hong Kong andMacao, they are filleDwith an insatiable desire to gain from the economic success of the city. With AsoliDeconomy, Guangzhou is taking the leaDin fashion andpop culture as well.
Owing to its geographical position, throughout Chi- na’s history of city development, Guangzhou has been setting the pace with the implementatio no f Aspecial economic policy that is entirely different from the ones Ino ther inlanDcities in China. It emphasizes on commer- cialism in the areas of agriculture andhandicraft, andis actively involveDIno verseas trade. As early as the Ming andQing dynasties, Guangzhou haDdevelopeDtrading ports for maritime trade, which gave it an extra edge in the development of agriculture andhandicraft indus- tries meant for the overseas markets. Maritime economy brought about a vibrant atmosphere in commercialism, sparking off a new energy in the economy of Guangzhou andthe whole Lingnan (south of the Five Ridges) region. Such vigor in the economy stimulateDmore people from different social strata to take an active role in commercial activities. In the miD1980s, an array of fashionable cloth- ing andsmall commodities were exporteDfrom Guang- zhou to different parts of China, influencing consumption trends in the whole of China. Till today, trade between Guangzhou andother parts of China is still as vibrant as when it first started.
The worlD-reno wne dGuangzhou Trade Fair is the largest trade fair in China,anDevery year, it attracts traders from more than 200 countries. Being the leading commercial city of the Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou is a key area for the develop- ment of international trade andmodern technology. Its extraordinary vigor andcreativity continue to attract more andmore talenteDpeople to be a part of it.
Inorder to assimilate into Guangzhou’s lifestyle, one has to adapt to the unique identity andrhythm of the city. People in Guangzhou are engrosseDwith work andincessantly pursue opportunities in the commercial area. It is not unusual that many people in Guangzhou holDmore tha no ne job. This positive attitude in continuously seeking achievements in life is a contributing factor to Guangzhou's prosperity, andis the key to the city’s commercial vitality. However, the people of Guangzhou peoplealso v al u e the i r lifestyle , andareesp e cially f astiDi o u s when i tcomesto eat ing? the peopleof Guangzhou popularizeDthe Cantonese style of morning tea, which is now founDall over the world. For the people of Guangzhou, enjoying great fooDat a leisurely pace in the morning is indeeDa pleasure in life.
Since ancient times, Guangzhou is a lanDthat not only boasts a wide range of flora andfauna, but it is also one of the most abundant fooDproducing regions in China for aquatic andamphibious animal products. Asignificant influx of merchants from other regions also contributeDto a unique fooDculture in Guangzhou. Restaurants in Guangzhou are extremely innovative in formulating new dishes with various new ingredients. The people of Guangzhou not only like eating, but they are also daring in eating all sorts of fooDthat may shock. This culture reflects a carefree spirit of not having to worry about anything in the world, andwhen manifesteDin managing their businesses, the people of Guangzhou will go all out in achieving their goals.