
第51章 你来我往 (2)

Unit 73 上单元介绍了拒绝邀请的句型,这单元的接受邀请想必就简单多了。毕竟,谁不愿意做点头的活儿啊?拒绝他人老得考虑着对方的脸面问题,但接受以后就无后顾之忧了,还可以开开主人的玩笑,何乐而不为呢?

1 I’m in. 我去。

A: Who want to go to the movie? B: I’m in. What’s on? A: Avatar. 甲:有没有人想跟我去看电影?乙:我去。在演什么?甲:《阿凡达》。

■ Plus Plus:与 I’m in意思相反的是 I’m out,意思是“我不去”。两者都是十分随性的说法,多用于熟人之间。 2 I’ll be there. 我会去的。

A: I’ll have a party tomorrow. B: I’ll be there.甲:明天我有个派对。乙:我会去的。

3 Count me in. 算我一个。

A: Who would go to the gala tomorrow? B: What gala? A: A charity gala. B: Count me in.甲:谁想去明天的庆典?乙:什么庆典?甲:一个慈善庆典。乙:算我一个。

■ Plus Plus:count的本义是“数数”,count me one指“算上我”,也可以说成 count me in。count me out表示“不用算我了、我不去”。 ■ Plus Plus:count的本义是“数数”,count me one指“算上我”,也可以说成 count me in。count me out表示“不用算我了、我不去”。 4 Of course I’m coming. 我当然会来了。

A: Will you go to my birthday party? B: Of course I’m coming. When is it? A: Sunday, at seven.甲:你会来我的生日派对吗?乙:我当然会来了。什么时候?甲:周日,七点。

5 I don’t want to miss it. 我可不想错过它。

A: Is Gabby’s party tomorrow? B: No, the day after tomorrow. A: OK, I’ll write it down. I don’t want to miss it.甲:加比的派对是明天吗?乙:不是,是后天。甲:好的,我要把它记下来。我可不想错过它。

>>>你来我往>>>Chapter 13 ■ Plus Plus:与I’ll write it down.意思相近的句子还有: I’ll jot it down. 6 I’ll regret if I don’t go. 不去我会后悔的。 A: Are you going to Maggie’s party? B: Yes, I’m going. How about you? A: I’ll regret if I don’t go. Helen told me there would be some celebrity.甲:你要去麦琪的派对吗?乙:是的,我要去。你呢?甲:不去我会后悔的。海伦说有名人要去呢。

7 How can you do it without me? 没有我你怎么能行?

A: I’m so happy that you will come to my ceremony. B: How can you do it without me? I’ll always back you up. A: Thank you very much.


■ Plus Plus:与I’ll always back you up. 意思相近的句子还有: I’ll support you. You have my support. I will stand by your side. 8 I promise I’ll show up. 我保证我会去的。

A: Mike said he couldn’t come to my party. And so did Jason. B: They must have something urgent. A: But this is the first time ever for me to have a party. I feel nobody will come! B: Don’t worry. I promise I’ll show up.甲:迈克说他不能来我的派对了。杰森也是。乙;他们肯定有其他急事。甲:但这是我第一次举办派对。我觉得没有人会来了!乙:别急。我保证我会去的。

gala ['g2:l4] n. 庆典 ceremony ['serim4uni] n. 仪式 charity ['t51r4ti] n. 慈善 urgent ['4:d94nt] adj. 紧急的 count [kaunt] v. 计数 assure [4'5u4(r)] v. 保证celebrity [si'lebr4ti] n. 名人

> Conversation

拜 访 Unit 74定期或不定期的亲朋聚会,联络感情很重要。如果老外邀请你去他家串门,那可是他和你称兄道弟友情升级的一大标志!

1 Hello, is anyone home? 你好,有人在家吗?

A: Hello, is anyone home? B: Oh, Wagner! What a surprise! A: I’m coming to see my old friend.甲:你好,有人在家吗?乙:哦,瓦格纳!稀客啊!甲:我来看老朋友了。

>>>你来我往>>>Chapter 13■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Anybody home/ in/ there? 2 Hey, come on in! 嘿,请进!

A: Hey, come on in! B: Wow, nice place you’ve got here!甲:嘿,请进!乙:哦,你这地方真不错!

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Hi! (Please) come in! Hey, come right in! 3Hi. My name's Rick. I just moved next door to you. 嘿,我叫里克,我刚搬到你隔壁。

A: Hi I’m Rick. I just moved next door to you. B: Nice to meet you. Welcome to the neighborhood.甲:嘿,我叫里克,我刚搬到你隔壁。乙:很高兴见到你。欢迎来到我们社区。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I just moved in next door. I’m your new next door neighbor. 4I feel awful I haven't come to visit sooner. 没有及早过来拜访,我觉得过意不去。 A: Hi! Welcome. B: Thank you. I feel awful I haven’t come to visit sooner.甲:你好!欢迎光临。乙:谢谢。没有及早过来拜访,我觉得过意不去。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m really sorry I haven’t visited sooner. I feel terrible that I haven’t come to visit until now. I feel/ badly awful I haven’t come to visit before this. 5 I’m just in the community, so I think I may drop by. 我正好在这附近,于是就来串个门。 A: Wow, David. What brings you here? B: I’m just in the community, so I think I may drop by. A: How nice. Come in.甲:哇,大卫,什么风把你吹过来了?乙:我正好在这附近,于是就来串个门。甲:你真有心。进来吧。

■ Plus Plus:老外想表达“在附近”时很少用 I’m nearby.而是用: I’m in the community. I’m in the neighborhood.community和 neighborhood都是指“社区”。 6 Can I have your address? 能告诉我你的地址吗? A: Can I have your address? I can’t go to your party without it. B: But I told you already. A: I know. I lost it in the laundry.甲:能告诉我你的地址吗?不然我就去不了你的派对了。乙:但是我告诉过你了啊。甲:我知道。我在洗衣房把它弄丢了。

314 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I just moved in next door. I’m your new next door neighbor. 4I feel awful I haven't come to visit sooner. 没有及早过来拜访,我觉得过意不去。 A: Hi! Welcome. B: Thank you. I feel awful I haven’t come to visit sooner.甲:你好!欢迎光临。乙:谢谢。没有及早过来拜访,我觉得过意不去。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I’m really sorry I haven’t visited sooner. I feel terrible that I haven’t come to visit until now. I feel/ badly awful I haven’t come to visit before this. 5 I’m just in the community, so I think I may drop by. 我正好在这附近,于是就来串个门。

A: Wow, David. What brings you here? B: I’m just in the community, so I think I may drop by. A: How nice. Come in.甲:哇,大卫,什么风把你吹过来了?乙:我正好在这附近,于是就来串个门。甲:你真有心。进来吧。

■ Plus Plus:老外想表达“在附近”时很少用 I’m nearby.而是用: I’m in the community. I’m in the neighborhood.community和 neighborhood都是指“社区”。 6 Can I have your address? 能告诉我你的地址吗? A: Can I have your address? I can’t go to your party without it. B: But I told you already. A: I know. I lost it in the laundry.甲:能告诉我你的地址吗?不然我就去不了你的派对了。乙:但是我告诉过你了啊。甲:我知道。我在洗衣房把它弄丢了。

>>>你来我往>>>Chapter 13 neighborhood ['neib4hud] n. 临近 drop by拜访 awful ['3:ful] adj. 糟糕的 address [4'dres] n. 地址 community [k4'mju:niti] n. 社区 laundry ['l3:ndri] n. 洗衣房

> Conversation

赠 送 礼 物

Unit 75 去别人家中做客时一定要带小礼物以答谢主人的邀请,若是能收到对方亲手做的礼物就更 sweet了。送的礼物也不必贵重,自制的饼干或者自家酿的酒都是不错的选择。所谓“礼轻情意重”啊。

1 This is for you. 这是给你的。

A: Hello, Ellen. Welcome! B: Thank you. This is for you. A: It’s beautiful. Thanks.甲:你好,艾伦,欢迎欢迎。乙:谢谢。这是给你的。甲:谢谢。

■ Plus Plus:收到礼物时,一般要赞美一番。除了说礼物很漂亮以外,还可以说:Oh, this is what I dream for. 这个是我一直想要的。也可以恭维送礼人的心意,例如:How considerate you are. 你想得真周到。 2 Take this, please. 请收下这个。

A: Take this, please. A present for you. B: Thank you.甲:请收下这个。这是给你的礼物。乙:谢谢。

3We brought you this little housewarming gift. 我们给你带来了乔迁礼物。

A: We brought you this little housewarming gift. B: That’s very kind of you. Thank you.甲:我们给你带来了乔迁礼物。乙:你们太好了。谢谢。