
第53章 你来我往 (4)

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: I must leave now. I have to go now. I must be going. 2 Thanks for stopping by. 谢谢过来拜访。

A: Thanks for stopping by. B: I'll see you again.甲:谢谢过来拜访。乙:我会再来看你的。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Thanks for coming by/ over. Thanks for stopping in. It was nice of you to stop by.

3 Thank you. I had a great time. 谢谢,我玩得很开心。

A: Thank you. I had a great time. B: I’m glad you like it.甲:谢谢,我玩得很开心。乙:很高兴你喜欢。

4 Thank you for inviting us. 谢谢你邀请我们来。

A: Your party is great. Thank you for inviting us. B: As long as you like it.甲:你的派对棒极了。谢谢你邀请我们来。乙:你们喜欢就好。

>>>你来我往>>>Chapter 13 ■ Plus Plus:as long as表示“只要”,例如: I’ll do it as long as he keeps his promise. 只要他信守承诺我就会做这件事。as long as还有“和……一样长”的意思,例如:This road is as long as the Nile. 这条路简直就和尼罗河一样长。 5 It’s so nice of you to come. 很高兴你们能来。

A: We must go now. Thank you for everything. B: It’s so nice of you to come. I know you are busy. A: What are you talking about! We’ll always come to your party.甲:我们得走了。谢谢你做的一切。乙:很高兴你们能来。我知道你们很忙。甲:哪里的话!我们当然会来给你捧场的。

6 Thank you for your present. 感谢你送的礼物。

A: Thank you for your present. Again. B: You are too kind.甲:再次感谢你送的礼物。乙:你太客气了。

7 Drop by sometime. 有空就来玩。

A: You are going? B: Yes, I’m afraid so. A: Drop by sometime. B: I will.


8 Send my regards to your parents. 代我问候你的父母。

A: Send my regards to your parents. B: I’ll keep that in mind. A: I’m so sorry that they can’t come.甲:代我问候你的父母。乙:我会记住的。甲:他们不能来真遗憾。

■ Plus Plus:临别时请别人向未能出席聚会的成员致以问候也是告别的一部分:Say hello to your sister. 帮我给你妹妹打声招呼。Remember me to Kim. 帮我问候金。Tell Mary I miss her. 告诉玛丽我想她。 9Do you need me to help you clean this up? 你需要我留下来帮你打扫吗?

A: They are all leaving. B: OK, thank you. A: Do you need me to help you clean this up. B: No. There will be someone to do the going-over tomorrow.甲:他们都走了。乙:好的。谢谢你。甲:你需要我留下来帮你打扫吗?乙:不用了。明天会有人来大扫除的。

starved [st2:vd] adj. 饥饿的 clean [kli:n] v. 打扫 regard [ri'g2:d] n. 问候 going-over [`g4ui6'4uv4(r)] n. 大扫除

> Conversation

[句 型 演 练] 会 话 演 练 Unit 781. I’m in my best mood.mood表示“心情”,例如:

Leave him alone. He’s in a bad mood. 让他去吧。他心情不好。

Look at her smile. I bet she’s in her good mood. 看看她笑的样子。我打赌她心情很好。

2. No wonder...这个句型表示“难怪……”,例如:

No wonder you lost your key. There’s a hole in your pocket! 难怪你的钥匙丢了呢。你的口袋上有个洞!

For three years he did nothing but concentrating in this project. No wonder he made it. 三年的时间除了专注于这个项目他什么也没做。难怪他成功了。

3. Noise is not her cup of tea.  one’s cup of tea表示“某人喜欢的事物”。例如:

Math is his cup of tea, but he doesn’t like literature. 他喜欢数学,但是他不喜欢文学。

Rock and roll is not my cup of tea. 我不喜欢摇滚乐。

4. I may introduce you to her. “把谁介绍给谁”就是introduce sb. to sb. 例如:Oliver introduced Tom to Lee. 奥利弗把汤米介绍给李。Please allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我自我介绍。

5. Music is beyond the boundaries.  这句话的意思是“音乐无国界”。beyond指“超越……”,例如:

The significance is beyond our imagination. 这个意义超乎想象。

It’s beyond her capability to run 100m within 10 sec. 她不能 10秒钟跑完 100米。

[模 拟 对 话][模 拟 对 话]1  In the Supermarket

Peter: Sara! Never thought I’d meet you here!

Sara: Hello, Peter. How’s everything going?

Peter: I’m good. Actually I’m in my best mood.

Sara: What’s the matter?

Peter: I just got a promotion.

Sara: Congratulations!

Peter: Thank you. So what about you?

Sara: Everything is fine. I’m having a party tonight.

Peter: No wonder you buy so many things.

Sara: Do you want to come? Tina, Jack, Anderson... They’ll all be there.

Peter: Oh, I wish I could but I have other appointment. I’m so sorry.

Sara: What a shame. My parents love your stories.

Peter: Send my regards to them, please. You know what? I’m planning to have a party, too. To celebrate my promotion.

Sara: Really? When?

Peter: I can’t decide the time right now. Within this month, I think.

Sara: Call me when you settle it down.

Peter: Definitely.





Nice to Meet You!

Henry: Hello, I’m Henry.

Wei Ren: I’m Wei Ren. Nice to meet you.

Henry: Nice to meet you. So you’re Linda’s friend?

Wei Ren: Yes, we work in the same department. So she invited me.

Henry: I see. This is a great party. Isn’t it?

Wei Ren: Yes. It’s very casual and it’s not that noisy. I enjoy this atmosphere.

Henry: Noise is not her cup of tea. She likes doing things in this way.

Wei Ren: I guess so. By the way, do you know the girl who sang My Mother?

Henry: Yes, she’s Linda’s little sister, Cathy.

Wei Ren: Oh, her performance is fantastic. She sang like an angel.

Henry: I may introduce you to her if you want.

Wei Ren: That’s so kind of you. Thanks.

Henry: Also I think you should meet Ken. He’s a singer himself.

Wei Ren: Where is he now?

Henry: He didn’t come today. He has to perform in the studio.

Wei Ren: What a pity! I like to sing myself and I always want to meet a real singer.

Henry: How about you sing for us? I’ll tell Linda. Maybe you can sing with Cathy if you want.

Wei Ren: But I can only sing Chinese songs. Henry: That’s OK. You know, music is beyond boundaries.




promotion [pr4u'm4u54n] n. 升职 wonder ['w8nd4(r)] n. 惊奇 celebrate ['selibreit] v. 庆祝 settle ['setl] v. 安排 definitely ['definitli] adv. 确定地

department [di'p2:tm4nt] n. 部门 casual ['k19ju4l] adj. 随便的 atmosphere ['1tm4`sfi4(r)] n.气氛 studio ['stju:di4u] n. 录音室 boundary ['baund4ri] n. 界线