
第5章 The Hairy Apes


The Hairy Apes


Scene Ⅶ

SCENE Nearly a month later. An I. W. W. local near the waterfront,showing the interior of a front room on the ground floor,and the street outside. Moonlight on the narrow street,buildings massed in black shadow. The interior of the room,which is general assembly room,office,and reading room,resembles some dingy settlement boys club. A desk and high stool are in one corner. A table with papers,stacks of pamphlets,chairs about it,is at center. The whole is decidedly cheap,banal,commonplace and unmysterious as a room could well be. The secretary is perched on the stool making entries in a large ledger. An eye shade casts his face into shadows. Eight or ten men,longshoremen,iron workers,and the like,are grouped about the table. Two are playing checkers. One is writing a letter. Most of them are smoking pipes. A big signboard is on the wall at the rear,“Industrial Workers of the World— Local No. 57.”

(Yank Comes down the street outside. He is dressed as in Scene Five.

Secretary:(turning around on his stool) What the devil is that—someone knocking? (shouts) Come in,why don’t you?

Yank:(blurts out) Hello.


Yank:I tought I’d bumped into de wrong dump.

Secretary:Maybe you have. Are you a member?

Yank:Naw,not yet. That’s what I come for—to join.

Secretary:That’s easy. What’s your job—longshore?

Yank:Naw. Fireman—stoker on de liners.

Secretary:(with satisfaction) Welcome to our city. Glad to know you people are waking up at last. We haven’t got many members in your line.

Yank:Naw. They’re all dead to de woild.

Secretary:Well,you can help to wake ’em. What’s your name? I’ll make out your card.

Yank:(confused) Name? Let me think.

Secretary:(sharply) Don’t you know your own name?

Yank:Sure;but I been just Yank for so long—Bob,that’s it—Bob Smith.

Secretary:(writing) Robert Smith,(fills out the rest of card) Here you are. Cost you half a dollar.

Yank:Is dat all—four bits? Dat’s easy,(gives the secretary the money)

Secretary:(throwing it in drawer) Thanks. Well,make yourself at home. No introductions needed. There’s literature on the table. Take some of those pamphlets with you to distribute aboard ship. They may bring results. Sow the seed,only go about it right. Don’t get caught and fired. We got plenty out of work. What we need is men who can hold their jobs—and work for us at the same time.


Secretary:(looking at him—curiously) What did you knock for? Think we had a coon in uniform to open doors?

Yank:Naw. I tought it was locked—and dat yuh’d wanter give me the once-over trou a peep-hole or somep’n to see if I was right.

Secretary:(alert and suspicious but with an easy laugh) Think we were running a crap game? That door is never locked. What put that in your nut?

Yank:(with a knowing grin,convinced that this is all camouflage,a part of the secrecy) Dis burg is full of bulls,ain’t it?

Secretary:(sharply) What have the cops got to do with us? We’re breaking no laws.

Yank:(with a knowing wink) Sure. Youse wouldn’t for woilds. Sure. I’m wise to dat.

Secretary:You seem to be wise to a lot of stuff none of us knows about.

Yank:(with another wink) Aw,dat’s aw right,see. (then made a bit resentful by the suspicious glances from all sides) Aw,can it! Youse needn’t put me trou de toid degree. Can’t youse see I belong? Sure! I’m reg’lar. I’ll stick,get me? I’ll shoot de works for youse. Dat’s why I wanted to join in.

Secretary:(breezily,feeling him out) That’s the right spirit. Only are you sure you understand what you’ve joined? It’s all plain and above board;still,some guys get a wrong slant on us. (sharply) What’s your notion of the purpose of the I. W. W.?

Yank:Aw,I know all about it.

Secretary:(sarcastically) Well,give us some of your valuable information.

Yank:(cunningly) I know enough not to speak outa my toin. (then resentfully again) Aw,say! I’m reg’lar. I’m wise to de game. I know yuh got to watch your step with a stranger. For all youse know,I might be a plain-clothes dick,or somep’n,dat’s what yuh’re tinkin’,huh? Aw,forget it! I belong,see? Ask any guy down to de docks if I don’t.

Secretary:Who said you didn’t?

Yank:After I’m ’nitiated,I’II show yuh.

Secretary:(astounded) Initiated? There’s no initiation.

Yank:(disappointed) Ain’t there no password—no grip nor nothin’?

Secretary:What’d you think this is—the Elks—or the Black Hand?

Yank:De Elks,hell! De Black Hand,dey’re a lot of yellow backstickin’ Ginees. Naw. Dis is a man’s gang,ain’t it?

Secretary:You said it! That’s why we stand on our two feet in the open. We got no secrets.

Yank:(surprised but admiringly) Yuh mean to say yuh always run wide open—like dis?


Yank:Den yuh sure got your noive wit youse!

Secretary:(sharply) Just what was it made you want to join us? Come out with that straight.

Yank:Yuh call me? Well,I got noive,too! Here’s my hand. Yuh wanter blow tings up,don’t yuh? Well,dat’s me! I belong!

Secretary:(with pretended carelessness) You mean change the unequal conditions of society by legitimate direct action—or with dynamite?

Yank:Dynamite! Blow it offen de oith—steel-all de cages—all de factories,steamers,buildings,jails—de Steel Trust and all dat makes it go.

Secretary:So—that’s your idea,eh? And did you have any special job in that line you wanted to propose to us. (He makes a sign to the men,who get up cautiously one by one and group behind Yank. )

Yank:(boldly) Sure,I’ll come out wit it. I’ll show youse I’m one of de gang. Dere’s dat millionaire guy,Douglas—

Secretary:President of the Steel Trust,you mean? Do you want to assassinate him?

Yank:Naw,dat don’t get yuh nothin’. I mean blow up de factory,de woiks,where he makes de steel. Dat’s what I’m after—to blow up de steel,knock all de steel in de woild up to de moon. Dat’II fix tings! (eagerly,with a touch of bravado) I’ll do it by me lonesome! I’ll show yuh! Tell me where his woiks is,how to git there,all de dope. Gimme de stuff,de old butter—and watch me do de rest! Watch de smoke and see it move! I don’t give a damn if dey nab me—long as it’s done! I’ll solve life for it—and give ’em de laugh! And I’ll write her a letter and tell her de hairy ape done it. Dat’ll square tings.

Secretary:Very interesting. (He gives a signal. The men,huskies all,throw themselves on Yank and before he knows it they have his legs and arms pinioned. But he is too flabber-gasted to make a struggle,anyway. They feel him over for weapons. )

Man:No gat,no knife. Shall we give him what’s what and put the boots to him?

Secretary:No. He isn’t worth the trouble we’d get into. He’s too stupid. (He comes closer and laughs mockingly in Yank’S face.) Ho-ho! By God,this is the biggest joke they’ve put up on us yet. Hey,you Joke! Who sent you—Burns or Pinkerton? No,by God,you’re such a bonehead. I’ll bet you’re in the secret service! Well,you dirty spy,you rotten agent provocator,you can go back and tell whatever skunk is paying you blood-money for betraying your brothers that he’s wasting his coin. You couldn’t catch a cold. And tell him that all he’ll ever get on us,or ever has got,is just his own sneaking plots that he’s framed up to put us in jail. We are what our manifesto says we are,neither more or less—and we’ll give him a copy of that any time he calls. And as for you—Oh,hell,what’s the use of talking? You’re a brainless ape.

Yank:(aroused by the word to fierce but futile struggles) What’s dat,yuh Sheeny bum,yuh!

Secretary:Throw him out,boys. (In spite of his struggles,this is done with gusto and eclat. Propelled by several parting kicks.)

Yank:(bitterly) So dem boids don’t tink I belong,neider. Aw,to hell wit ’em! Dey’re in de wrong pew—de same old bull—soapboxes and Salvation Army—no guts! Cut out an hour offen de job a day and make me happy! Gimme a dollar more a day and make me happy! Tree square a day,and cauliflowers in de front yard—ekal rights—a woman and kids—a lousey vote—and I’m all fixed for Jesus,huh? Aw,hell! What does dat get yuh? Dis ting’s in your inside,but it ain’t your belly. Feedin’ your face—sinkers and coffee—dat don’t touch it. It’s way down—at de bottom. Yuh can’t grab it,and yuh can’t stop it. It moves,and everything moves. It stops and de whole woild stops. Dat’s me now—I don’t tick,see?—I’m a busted Ingersoll,dat’s what. Steel was me,and I owned de woild. Now I ain’t steel,and de woild owns me. Aw,hell! I can’t see—it’s all dark,get me? It’s all wrong! (He turns a bitter mocking face up like an ape gibbering at the moon.) Say,youse up dere,Man in de Moon,yuh look so wise,gimme de answer,huh? Slip me de inside dope,de information right from de stable—where do I get off at,huh?

A policeman:(who has come up the street in time to hear this last—with grim humor) You’ll get off at the station,you boob,if you don’t get up out of that and keep movin’.

Yank:Sure! Lock me up! Put me in a cage! Dat’s de on’y answer yuh know. G’wan,lock me up!

Policeman:What you been doin’ ?

Yank:Enuf to gimme life for! I was born,see? Sure,dat’s de charge. Write it in de blotter. I was born,get me!

Policeman:(jocosely) God pity your old woman! But I’ve no time for kidding. You’re soused. I’d run you in but it’s too long a walk to the station. Come on now,get up,or I’ll fan your ears with this club. Beat it now! (He hauls Yank to his feet)

Yank:(in a vague mocking tone) Say,where do I go from here?

Policeman:(giving him a push—with a grin,indifferently) Go to hell.

Scene VIII

Scene:Twilight of the next day. The monkey house at the Zoo. On the one cage a sign from which the word“gorilla”stands out. The gigantic animal himself is seen squatting on his haunches on a bench in much the same attitude as Rodin’s“Thinker.”Yank enters from the left. Immediately a chorus of angry chattering and screeching breaks out. The gorilla turns his eyes but makes no sound or move.

Yank:(with a hard,bitter laugh) Welcome to your city,huh? Hail,hail,de gang’s all here! Say,yuh’re some hard-lookin’ guy,ain’t yuh? I seen lots of tough nuts dat de gang called gorillas,but yuh’re de foist real one I ever seen. Some chest yuh got,and shoulders,and dem arms and mits! I bet yuh got a punch in eider fist dat’d knock ’em all silly! Sure,I get yuh. Yuh challenge de whole woild,huh? Yuh got what I was sayin’ even if yuh muffed de woids. And why wouldn’t yuh get me? Ain’t we both members of de same club—de Hairy Apes? (They stare at each other—a pause—) So yuh’re what she seen when she looked at me,de white-faced tart! I was you to her,get me? On’y outa de cage—broke out—free to moider her,see? Sure! Dat’s what she tought. She wasn’t wise dat I was in a cage,too—worser than yours—sure—a damn sight—’cause you got some chanct to bust loose—but me—(He grows confused.) Aw,hell! It’s all wrong,ain’t it? (a pause) I s’pose yuh wanter know what I’m doin’here,huh? I been warmin’ a bench down to de Batten—ever since last night. Sure. I seen de sun come up. Dat was pretty,too—all red and pink and green. I was lookin’ at de skyscrapers—steel—and all de ships comin’ in,sailin’ out,all over de oith—and dey was steel,too. De sun was warm,dey wasn’t no clouds,and dere was a breeze blowin’. Sure,it was great stuff. I got it aw right— what Paddy said about dat bein’de right dope—on’y I couldn’t get in it,see? I couldn’t belong in dat. It was over my head. And I kept tinkin’—and den I beat it up here to see what youse was like. And I waited till dey was all gone to git yuh alone. Say,how d’yuh feel sittin’ in dat pen all de time,havin’to stand for ’em comin ’and starin’at yuh—de white-faced,skinny tarts and de boobs what marry ’em—makin ’fun of yuh,laughin ’at yuh,gittin’scared of yuh—damn ’em! (The gorilla rattles the bars of his cage and snarls. All the other monkeys set up an angry chattering in the darkness. Yank goes on excitedly.) Sure! Dat’s de way it hits me,too. On’y yuh’re lucky,see? Yuh don’t belong wit ’em and yuh know it. But me,I belong wit ’em—but I don’t,see? Dey don’t belong wit me,dat’s what. Get me? Tinkin’ is hard—(He passes one hand across his forehead with a painful gesture. The gorilla growls impatiently. Yank goes on gropingly.) It’s dis way,what I’m drivin’ at. Youse can sit and dope dream in de past,green woods,de jungle and de rest of it. Den yuh belong and dey don’t. Den yuh kin laugh at ’em,see? Yuh’re de champ of de woild. But me—I ain’t got no past to tink in,nor nothin’ dat’s coming’,on’y what’s now—and dat don’t belong. Sure,you’re de best off! Yuh can’t tink,can yuh? Yuh can’t talk neider. But I kin make a bluff at talkin’ and tinkin’— a’most git away wit it—a’most!—and dat’s where de joker comes in. (He laughs.) I ain’t on oith and I ain’t in heaven,get me? I’m in de middle tryin’to separate ’em,takin’all de woist punches from bot’ of ’em. Maybe dat’s what dey call hell,huh? But you,yuh’re at de bottom. You belong! Sure! Yuh’re de on’y one in de woild dat does,yuh lucky stiff! (The gorilla growls proudly.) And dat’s why dey gotter put yuh in a cage,see? (The gorilla roars angrily.) Sure! Yuh get me. It beats it when you try to tink it or talk it—it’s way down—deep—behind—you’n ’me we feel it. Sure! Bot’members of dis club! (He laughs—then in a savage tone.) What de hell! T’hell wit it! A little action,dat’s our meat! Dat belongs! Knock ’em down and keep bustin’ ’em till dey croaks yuh wit a gat—wit steel! Sure! Are yuh game? Dey’ve looked at youse,ain’t dey—in a cage? Wanter git even? Wanter wind up like a sport ’stead of croakin’slow in dere? (The gorilla roars an emphatic affirmative. Yank goes on with a sort of furious exaltation.) Sure! Yuh’re reg’lar! Yuh’ll stick to de finish! Me and you,huh? —bot’members of this club! We’ll put up one last star bout dat’II knock ’em offen deir seats! Dey’II have to make de cages stronger after we’re trou! Pardon from de governor! Step out and shake hands! I’ll take yuh for a walk down Fif’Avenoo. We’ll knock ’em offen de oith and croak wit de band playin’. Come on,Brother. (The gorilla scrambles gingerly out of his cage. Goes to Yank and stands looking at him. Yank keeps his mocking tone—holds out his hand. ) Shake-de secret grip of our order. (Something,the tone of mockery,perhaps,suddenly enrages the animal. With a spring he wraps his huge arms around Yank in a murderous hug. There is a crackling snap of crushed ribs—a gasping cry,still mocking,from Yank.) Hey,I didn’t say,kiss me. Say—dey oughter match him—wit Zybszko. He got me,aw right. I’m trou. Even him didn’t think I belonged,(then,with sudden passionate despair) Christ,where do I get off at? Where do I fit in? (checking himself as suddenly) Aw,what de hell! No squakin’,see! No quittin,get me! Croak wit your boots on! (He grabs hold of the bars of the cage and hauls himself painfully to his feet—looks around him bewilderedly—forces a mocking laugh.) In de cage,huh? Ladies and gents,step forward and take a slant at de one and only—(his voice weakening) — one and original—Hairy Ape from de wilds of—(He slips in a heap on the floor and dies. The monkeys set up a chattering,whimpering wail.


场景 将近一个月之后。靠近岸边的一个世界产联分部,可以见到底层的一间客厅和外面的街道。月光照在窄窄的街道上,高楼形成大片的黑影。客厅的内部,看上去既是会议厅,办公室又是阅览室,有点类似那些简陋邋遢的少年俱乐部。角落处是一张办公桌和一把高凳子。中间还有张桌子,上面是报纸,一摞摞的宣传小册子,旁边是几把椅子。无疑,整个屋子档次很低,平俗,蹩脚而且毫无新意。秘书高坐在凳子上,在一个大账簿上登记着什么。一个眼罩遮住了他的脸。约八或十个人,有码头工人,钢铁工人等人,都围在那张桌子前。两个人在下跳棋,一个人在写信,大多数人在抽烟斗。一个大招牌挂在后面的墙上,“世界产业工人联合会——第57地方分会”。

































































场景 第二天黄昏。动物园的猴房。有个笼子上挂了个牌子,上面写着“大猩猩”。那个庞大的动物蹲在个长凳上,样子就像罗丹的“沉思者”。扬克从左上。顿时爆发出一阵愤怒的咯吱声和尖叫声。大猩猩转过眼睛,但没动弹也没作声。



尤金·奥尼尔(Eugene O’Neill)是美国民族戏剧的奠基人、诺贝尔文学奖获得者。奥尼尔的《天边外》获普利策奖,由此奠定了他在美国戏剧界的地位。奥尼尔创作的鼎盛期不仅题材和主题丰富多样,而且形式上也从早期的以自然主义为主,发展成一种糅合着象征主义、表现主义和意识流手法等现代艺术意识和技巧的新型风格。


decidedly [di5saididli] adv. 确定地;断然地;明确地

grin [^rin] v. 露齿而笑

legitimate [li5dVitimit] adj. 正当的,合理的

manifesto [7mAni5festEu] n. 宣言;告示

exaltation [7e^zC:l5teiFEn] n.欣喜;提拔;晋升


I seen lots of tough nuts dat de gang called gorillas,but yuh’re de foist real one I ever seen.


Yuh challenge de whole woild,huh? Yuh got what I was sayin’ even if yuh muffed de woids.
