
第19章 House-Buying or Renting (2)



In some instances,the price of owning can be comparable to renting in the long run.

While a monthly mortgage payment may be comparable in some cases to a monthly rent,there are other expenses to consider.

To determine whether it makes more financial sense to buy or rent in your area,compare home sales prices with the cost of renting a similar place.

第一章 5 Messures to Make You Save Money


Many of us would like to have money in savings. Frankly,a dollar spent now seems to prov5 Messures to Make You Save Moneyide a lot more pleasure than a dollar saved,how can you make sure you’re motivated enough to put money aside on a regular basis?

Here are five things that could work for you…

Save Little And Often

Do you tell yourself that it’s not worth saving if you don’t have at least 100 (or 500,or 1000) to put into a savings account? This is a bit like telling yourself that it’s not worth getting some exercise unless you have a whole day clear to jog.

How about saving just a dollar or two each day? Most of us can cut a couple of dollars of unnecessary spending every day (how about skipping that latte,carpooling,ditching your daily newspaper) It’s a tiny amount that you’ll barely notice on a daily basis,but over the course of a year,you’ll have saved several hundred dollars.

Read Personal Finance Blogs

I find that I get encouraged to save-and to adopt good financial habits in general-by reading about others’ tips and success. One of my must-read blogs for this is The Simple Dollar.

Other good blogs on personal finance are Get Rich Slowly and Wise Bread.

Keep a Savings Log

Something that’s often recommended for those sorting out their finances is to keep a spending log—to write down what you spend,so that you have a clear picture of where all the money is going. I’ve done this in the past,and it’s always revealing (and occasionally a bit horrifying!).

A twist on this,though,is to keep a savings log. Each time you make a deposit into your savings account (or each time you shove a few dollars into the jam jar hidden under your bed),write down the date and how much you saved. This can be a great way to motivate yourself to save more. You could also use your calendar or diary for this.

Save Towards A Specific Goal

Having a very clear goal in mind can make it much easier to save up. If you know that you need 1,000 for that new computer,or if you’re determined to reach 5,000 in your emergency fund,focusing on the end goal can keep you motivated.

Your end reward might not be a tangible thing like a vacation or a new purchase: it might be peace of mind,or a sense of security or freedom. Consider visualizing how you’ll feel once you have your target amount in the bank. Will it take a weight off your shoulders? Will you be proud of what you’ve achieved?

Automate Your Savings

Finally,if you do find that your motivation waxes and wanes,simply automate your savings. Get your bank to transfer 100 (or 200 or 500 etc) from your checking account into a savings account,at the start of each month. If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger,chances are that you’ll simply let it head off into the savings pot.







我是通过阅读别人的小技巧和成功经验才学会了存钱和理财的。我必读的一个理财博客是The Simple Dollar。

其他好的理财博客还有 Get Rich Slowly 和 Wise Bread。










motivate [5mEutiveit] v. 给……动机;刺激;激发

tangible [5tAndVEbl] n. 有形资产

visualize [5vizjJElaiz] v. 想象;设想

wax and wane盈亏







Frankly,a dollar spent now seems to provide a lot more pleasure than a dollar saved,how can you make sure you’re motivated enough to put money aside on a regular basis?

Your end reward might not be a tangible thing like a vacation or a new purchase: it might be peace of mind,or a sense of security or freedom.

If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger,chances are that you’ll simply let it head off into the savings pot…

第一章 20 Tips Which Can Improve Your

Financial Conditions


Improving your finances improves your happiness,in general,so I thought it would be important to share stuf