
第13章 A Call to Serve (4)

These are the voices that will tell you - not just what you can’t do - but what you won’t do. Americans won’t come together - our allegiance doesn’t go beyond our political party,region,or congregation. Young Americans won’t serve their country - they’re too selfish,or too lazy. This is the soft sell of the status quo,the voice that tells you to settle because settling isn’t that bad.

Let me ask you to stop and consider this meeting that we’re having. You go to the first school in the United States west of the Mississippi to grant women the same rights and privileges as men. You go to a school that resolved in 1870 that race would not be a factor in admission. These may be small changes on the vast canvas of history,but the America we live in is the sum total of that kind of courage,that spirit of progress. If it weren’t for that kind of change,it wouldn’t be possible for someone like me to stand here today to talk to you about the future of this country. You and I are at a place where somebody,at some point,decided that loving their community and their country meant doing something to change it.

Renewing that spirit starts with service. Make no mistake: our destiny as Americans is tied up with one another. If we are less respected in the world,then you will be less safe. If we keep paying dictators to fill up our gas tanks,then those oceans are going to rise. If we can’t give our kids a world-class education,then our economy is going to fall behind.

And that’s how it should be. It is time to recapture that sense of a common purpose: I am my brother’s keeper,I am my sister’s keeper. I’m tired of hearing about how America is on the wrong track - I want us to come together to put it on the right track. I’m tired of hearing about red America and blue America - I want to lead a United States of America. I’m tired of talking about what we can’t do,or won’t do,or won’t even try - I want all of us to stand up and to start reaching for what is possible.

That’s what history calls us to do. Because loving your country shouldn’t just mean watching fireworks on the 4th of July;loving your country must mean accepting your responsibility to do your part to change it. And if you do stand up,I promise you that your life will be richer,and our country will be stronger.

We need your service,right now,in this moment - our moment - in history. I’m not going to tell you what your role should be;that’s for you to discover. But I am going to ask you to play your part;ask you to stand up;ask you to put your foot firmly into the current of history. I am asking you to change history’s course. And if I have the fortune to be your President,decades from now - when the memory of this or that policy has faded,and when the words that we will speak in the next few years are long forgotten - I hope you remember this as a moment when your own story and the American story came together,and history bent once more in the direction of justice.










pivotal [5pivEtEl] adj. 作为支点的;中枢的,关键的

responsibility [ris7pCnsE5biliti] n. 责任;责任感,可信赖性

notion [5nEuFEn] n. 概念,观念,看法;意图

conversation [7kCnvE5seiFEn] n.谈话,会谈,商讨;结交,交往

appreciate [E5pri:Fieit] vt.感激,感谢;赏识,重视

have a point 所言极是,有道理

fit into v.适合,融合

retire [ri5taiE] vi.退下;离开;【军】撤退;引退,退隐[休,职,役]

grass roots 基层,草根。草根的说法产生于十九世纪美国寻金热流行期间,盛传有些山脉土壤表层、草根生长的地方就蕴藏黄金。

精华句型& 翻译

I have no doubt that in the face of impossible odds people who love their country can change it.

If we are less respected in the world,then you will be less safe.


That’s what history calls us to do. Because loving your country shouldn’t just mean watching fireworks on the 4th of July;loving your country must mean accepting your responsibility to do your part to change it. And if you do stand up,I promise you that your life will be richer,and our country will be stronger.

