
第111章 INDEX(3)

epidemics and Health Department, 222.

“Ever-Victorious Army,” 54, 58; disbanded at Kunshan, 61 ; memorial to, 61; Burgevinein command, 58.

exchanges, licensing of, 259.

exports, in 1843, 14; in 1853 of tea and silk, 32.

extraterritoriality and Treaty of Nanking, 14, 15; in Treaty between U.S.A. and China,15, 16; 254.


factories, trading posts at Canton, 4; of Canton, life there compared with that inShanghai, 22; meaning of, 22.

famine relief, 184.

Far Eastern Olympics (1921) in Hongkew Park, 263.

Faure, Captain, 49.

Fearn. Dr. J. B., death of, 305.

Fearon, Mr. C. A., one of the first members of the Municipal Council, 37.

Fearon, Mr. J. F. and settlement Extension, 140.

“fengshui,” 105.

Ferguson, Mr. J. C. and Public School for Chinese, 123; appointed one of the deputieson settlement extension question, 141.

Fessenden, Mr Stirling, Chairman of Municipal Council, 290.

Fire Brigade, Volunteer, 70-71; Jubilee, 215; Volunteer, end of, 239.

fire station, new, opened, 185.

Fitch, Rev. Dr., death of, 280.

flag, the dragon, originated, 61; disappearance of the dragon, 195; five barred, 195.

Fobes and company, introducers of first roller process flour mills, 135.

Foochow, open to foreign trade. 11.

Forbes. F. B., 86.

foreigners, subject to regulations, 18; and Chinese, causes of friction, 94; Judicial powersover, 115.

Forrest, Mr., interpreter of British Consulate, 50.

Forrester, E., one of Ward"s Lieutenants, 52.

Fortune, Mr., describes life in Shanghai in 1843, 13.

Fraser, Sir Everard, H B. M."s Consul-General unveil War Memorial in ShanghaiClub. 268; death of 270.

Freemasons establish school for foreign children, 121.

French Concession, first established (184 9), 18; status of, 20; riot in, 96; has lessopposition from Chinese, 262.

French Municipality, established (186 2), 63 ; establishes two Schools, one for Chineseand one for french and foreign children, 122; Municipal School, 188; and Chinese, 301.

Fryer, Dr. John, at Arsenal School, 62; and Polytechnic Institute, 123; and theInstitution for the Blind, 196.

Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. George B., 196.


gaols, first erected (1856), 74.

Gas company, Shanghai, formed (1864), 73; opposes introducetion of electricity, 112.

General Hospital, 74, 196.

German School, 188.

Godeaux, M., French Consul (1874), 98.

golf, 188.

Gordon, Major Charles George, known as “Chinese Gordon,” 59; victories inKiangsu, 59; advance on Soochow, 59; his resignation, 60.

Gordon, Col. W. F. L., unveils memorial windows, 283.

Gough, Sir Henry, 6, 8.

Gould, Mr. R. F., Secretary of Municipal Council (1862), 69.

government, constitutional, promised, 176.

Graves, Mrs. F. R., 194.

Great Northern Telegraph Cornpany, 107.

Grosse, M. Victor, 293.

Gundry, Mr. R. S., Editor or N.-C. Daily News, 204.

Gutzlaff, Dr. George, 4.


Haikwan Tael, 162.

Hale, Dr., Surgeon on Consul Balfour"s staff, 12.

Hall. Dr., with Mr. Caldecott Smith rescue Taotai from “Small Sword” rebels; 25.

Hanbury, Sir Thomas, 86; provides house for Eurasian School, 120; gives TIs. 5,000 toShanghai at Jubilee celebrations, 128.

Harrison, Miss A., social worker, 260.

Hart, Sir Robert, appointed Inspector-General of Customs (186 2), 62; conferredwith on Whangpoo conservancy, 98; his opinion on conservancy, 99; his opinion on thereforms, 146; statue of, 205.

Health Department, S. M. C., 222.

Heard, Albert, helped to buy Recreation Ground, 83.

Heidenstam, Mr. H. M. Von, successor to Mr. de Rijke, 159.

Henderson, Deaconess M. T, 194.

Hobson, Mr. H. E., commissioner of Customs, organizer with Jui Cheng ofconservancy work, 158; death of, 270.

Hogg, Mr. E. Jenner, death of, 251, 252.

Holland, Capt. J. Y., appointed in command of “Ever-Victorious Army,” 58.

Hongkew, meaning of, 19; Kiangnan Arsenal first located there (1865 ), 62.

Hope, Admiral Sir James, visits Nanking, 51; arrests Ward, 52; approves of Ward"sarmy, 55; has general direction of operations against Taipings, 56.

Hornby, Sir Edmund, first Chief Justice of H. B. M."s Supreme Court, 75.

Hospital, need of, 74; General, 74; first, for Chinese at South Gate, 91; Shantung Road,91; Lester Chinese, 92; St. Luke"s, 92; Gutzlaff, amalgamated With St. Luke"s (188 2),92; Country, 305.

How, Mr. F., murder of, 204.

Hsu Kuo-liang, General, assassinated in Yunnan Road, 273.

Hsü, PAUL, 3; helps to build church in seventeenth century, 89.

Hsu Shu-cheng, General, known as “Little Hsu,” 289.

Hsuan Tung, Emperor, 189.

Hu Pao, Chinese edition of N.-C. Daily News, 181.

Huang, Taotai, 64.

Huang Hsin, raises standard of revolt in Nanking, 199.

Hung Hsiu-ch"uan, leader of Taiping Rebellion, 42.

Hung-t"ou, or Red Heads, 24.


Ilipu, Imperial commissioner, 10.

Iltis Monument, destruction of, 233.

Imperial Maritime Customs begin, 34.

Imperialists, obtain possession of the native city from rebels, 31.

imports, in 1843, 14.

industrial conditions in 1925, 305.

industry, beginning of industrial revolution, 133, enterprises, effects of, 137; conditions,305.

Inspector-General of Customs, first, Mr. Lay, 34; second, Sir Robert Hart 62.

International Institute, 316.

International settlement established (1863), 20. summary of government, 114.


Japan, pirates, 4; Twenty-one Demands, 209; earthquake, 278.

Jardine, Matheson and company"s new building opened (1922), 265.

Jernigan, Mr. T. R., death of, 252.

Jessfield, origin of name, 77.

Jesuit missionaries, 20.

Jinricksha, introduced into Shanghai (1874), 107.

Joffre, Marshal, visits Shanghai (1922), 270.

Johnson, Mr. F. B., Chairman of Chamber of commerce, 102.

JohnSon, Col. R. Marr, comMandant, S. V. C., 264.

Johnson, Mr. Justice Finley, 299.

Jordan, Sir John, presides at British Chambers of commerce Conference, 247.

Jubilees; Shanghai (1893), 127; Queen Victoria"s Diamond (1897), 131; Shanghai Gascompany, 203; Mixed Court, 203; North-China Daily News, 204; Fire Brigade (1916),215; St. Luke"s Hospital, 215.