
第24章 模板作文赏析(5)


Fast Food and Traditional Chinese Cuisine

Since American-style fast food was introduced into Chinese market,it has been spreading at a blazing speed.Many people like to go to McDonald’s and KFC for hamburgers,French fries and ice cream,but I still prefer traditional Chinese meal.

First of all,by eating traditional Chinese meals,one can keep a well-balanced diet.Foods in McDonald‘s and KFC typically contain high calories and excessive calories that will accumulate in the form of fat in the body;this may make people overweighed.But a typical Chinese food provides one with enough vitamins and protein that are needed to keep the physical ftness of humans.

Therefore,although one can eat western fast food once in a while for a change,eating Chinese food is more healthy and enjoyable.



1.Since_______________was introduced into_______________,it has been spreading at a blazing speed.

2.Many people like to_______________but I still prefer_______________

3.First of all_______________,one can_______________this may make people_______________.

4.Therefore,although_______________,_______________is more



Since_______________was introduced into_______________,it has been spreading at a blazing speed.Many people like to_______________but I still prefer

First of all,_______________one can_______________this may make people_______________.But_______________that are needed to keep_______________

Therefore,although_______________,_______________is more_______________

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled Youngsters’Worship.You should write at least 150words following the outline given below:





Not so long ago,a piece of news made everyone reflect on the“fans”phenomenon again.Beyond anyone’s wildest dreams,a young girl,who is crazy about Liu Dehua,had made her father into death recently.For her own part,she can do everything for her star,such as giving up her study,work,and even her life.

In western countries,people believe in God.However,we don‘t have a faith to rely on.In this case,there comes a large number of“fans”.They look on big stars as if they were their God.Blind and ridiculous,they made all kinds of crazy behaviors just to please their own stars.To some degree,young people nowadays lead a hollow spiritual life.They won’t do such things if they feel fulfllment every day.

As is mentioned above,this phenomenon is popular and instructive.Nevertheless,we don‘t expect that kind of things to happen again.



1.Not so long ago,a piece of_______________made everyone refect on the_______________phenomenon again.

2.For her own part,_______________

3.In western countries,_______________

4.In this case,_______________

5.To some degree,_______________



Not so long ago,a piece of_______________made everyone refect on the_______________again.For her own part,_______________

In western countries,_______________.In this case,_______________To some degree,_______________

As is mentioned above,_______________

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled More Striving Spirit Needed.You should write at least 150words following the outline given below:




More Striving Spirit Needed.

It is now said that the young generation is lacking of striving spirit.As I see it,this phenomenon is truly footed in fact.They are easy to give up and always turn a pessimistic attitude to failure.But why does it happen?

First of all,I have a sense that it is the living condition that matters.Born in the 1980s,most of us are the only child in the family living in the green house,we receive endless care like fowers.It is the love from our parents that set us away from the real world.As this goes on,when we step into the society one day,we cannot get accustomed to the ferce and competitive social life.

What’s more,with a negative attitude,many young people are easy to be tired with everything.When coming across with a sticky problem,they are willing to stay behind rather than have a crack.Perhaps the so-called sloth has claimed them for its own.

The last but not the least,nowadays,the competition in the society is fiercer than we could imagine.In order to survive,the young people have to struggle under burden of study and work.Be adapted to the press and failure,the young people lose their self-confdence and self-esteem little by little,not to mention about the striving spirit.



1.It is now said that_______________

2.As I see it,_______________

3.They are easy to_______________But why does it happen?

4.First of all,I have a sense that_______________

5.As this goes on,_______________



It is now said that_______________.As I see it,_______________They are easy to_______________.But why does it happen?

First of all,I have a sense that_______________,As this goes on,_______________

What‘s more,with a negative attitude,_______________

The last but not the least,_______________

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic:Something I admire about the Western Culture.You should write at least 150words according to the outline given below:

1.Is there anything in the Western culture you admire?

2.What is it(are they)and why do you like it(them)?


Something I Admire about the Western Culture

Despite the cultural conficts between the Orient and the Occident,there do exist some admirable ingredients in the Western culture.