
第21章 模板作文赏析(5)


A Theft Incident

Yesterday,I witnessed a theft incident on my way home.A woman took her wallet out and paid for a newspaper at Xinzhuang around 9:00am.She put her wallet back and turned to Ieave when a mid-aged man rushed past her muttering“Excuse me”.She didn‘t notice her wallet was missing.

The rampant pickpocket has become a national epidemic and poses a grave threat to residents’and visitors‘property safety.Pickpocket prevention,a heary task for police,makes sense.All sides involved in this problem must join their forces to remove this social cancer.

We all expect“A World Without Thieves”.Everyone shares the huge responsibility for demonstrating his justice at proper time.Personal responsibility is vital to building a socialist harmonious society.



1._________,I witnessed_________on my way home.

2.All sides involved in this problem must_________.

3.We all expect_________.

4.Everyone shares_________at proper time.



_________,I witnessed_________on my way home._________.

_________become a national epidemic and poses a grave threat to_________._________,makes sense.All sides involved in this problem must_________.

We all expect_________.Everyone shares_________at proper time.Personal responsibility is vital to building_________.

Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My Most Respectable Teacher.You should write at Ieast 120words according to the outline given below in Chinese:



My Most Respectable Teacher

In my life,I have met many teachers who are really worth recalling.But the most respectable teacher is my Chinese Ianguage teacher,Mr.Zhang.

What frequently brings back my memories of the teacher is his special qualities.First of all,I was attracted by his lively wit.I remember that we always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his Iecture was humorously delivered,never failing to provoke chuckles or Ioud Iaughters.Second,he gave us the greatest gift a teacher could offer an awakening of passion for learning.He not only Ied us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and Iiterature,but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field.

AIthough it has been nearly 10years since I attended his Iast class,I often think of him,and I know he has already stayed in my heart.



1.In my Iife,I have_________.

2.What frequently brings back my memories_________.

3.First of all,I was_________.




In my Iife,I have_________.But the most_________.

What frequently brings back my memories_________.First of all,I was_________.Second,_________.

AIthough it has been_________,I often_________,and I know_________.

Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic A Real Test in My Life.You should write at Ieast 120words according to the outline given below in Chinese:





A Real Test in My Life

It happened when I was ten years old.I was asked to deliver a speech before the whole class for the first time.It impressed me most because it is the first real test in my life.What happened next was quite unforgettable.

At first,I stood on the platform,my mind blank and my Iegs trem-bling.Almost at the same time,my teacher encouraged me with a smile.What’s more,my classmates waited patiently without any signs of rushing me.As a result,I found myself back,stammering out my speech and finished it with their applaud.

As I understand,what I made was far beyond a simple speech.On one hand,my fear for speaking before an audience disappeared.On the other hand,I got to know that the greatest obstacle on our way to success is our fear.In conclusion,as Iong as we overcome the fear and Iet our potential out,we will achieve our goals.



1.It happened_________.

2.It impressed me most because_________.

3.As I understand,_________.

4.In conclusion,_________.



It happened_________.I was_________.It impressed me most because_________.What happened_________.

At first,_________.AImost at the same time,_________.What’s more,_________.As a result,_________.

As I understand,_________.On one hand,_________.On the other hand,_________.In conclusion,_________.

Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Families of the Past,Present and Future.You should write at Ieast 150words according to the outline given below in Chinese:



Families of the Past,Present and Future

Since the beginning of the century,great changes have been made in families.It is because of the development of industry that families have become much smaller than they were before.

In the past when more people lived in the countryside,a typical family had many children.In a family,parents and their children Iived with grandparents.Often,too,uncles and aunts Iived nearby.Women traditionally stayed at home,with their husbands working in the fields.

But since industry became more important,agriculture families have become smaller.Moreover,industry requires wokers who are ready and able to move off the Iand and to move again wherever necessary,and more and more women began to earn money by working outside.So smaller families can move from place to place.