
第104章 Take Risks,Dare to Fail(3)

Develop your own compass,and trust it.Take risks,dare to fail,remember the first person through the wall always gets hurt.My junior and senior years at Syracuse,I shared a five-bedroom apartment at the top of East Adams with four roommates,one of whom was a fellow,theater major,named Chris.Chris was a sweet guy with a sly sense of humor and a sunny stage presence.He was born out of his time and would have felt most at home playing Mickey Rooney’s sidekick in“Babes on Broadway”.I had subscriptions back then to Time and Newsweek.Chris used to enjoy making fun of what he felt was an odd interest in world events that had nothing to do with the arts.I lost touch with Chris after we graduated and so I‘m not quite certain when he died.But I remember about a year and a half after the last time I saw him,I read an article in Newsweek about a virus that was burning its way across the country.The Centers for Disease Control was calling it“Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”or AIDS for short.And they were asking the White House for35million for research,care and cure.The White House felt that35million was way too much money to spend on a disease that was only affecting homosexuals,and they passed.Which I’m sure they wouldn‘t have done if they’d known that35million was a steal compared to the2billion it would cost only 10years later.Am I saying that Chris would be alive today if only he‘d read Newsweek?Of course not.But it seems to me that more and more we’ve come to expect,less and less of each other,and that‘s got to change.Your friends,your family,this school expect more of you than vocational success.

Today is May 13th and today you graduate and the rules are about to change,and one of them is this:Decisions are made by those who show up.Don’t ever forget that you‘re a citizen of this world,and there are things you can do to lift the human spirit,things that are easy,things that are free,things that you can do every day.Civility,respect,kindness,character.You’re too good for schadenfreude,you‘re too good for gossip and snarky,you’re too good for intolerance—and since you‘re walking into the middle of a presidential election,it’s worth mentioning that you‘re too good to think people who disagree with you are your enemy.Unless they went to Georgetown,in which case,they can go to hell.

Don’t ever forget that a small group of thoughtful people can change the world.It‘s the only thing that ever has.Rehearsal’s over.You‘re going out there now,you’re going to do this thing.How you live matters.You‘re going to fall down,but the world doesn’t care how many times you fall down as long as it‘s one fewer than the number of times you get back up.

For the class of 2012,I wish you joy.I wish you health and happiness and success,I wish you a roof,four walls,a floor and someone in your life that you care about more than you care about yourself.Someone who makes you start saying“we”where before you used to say“I”and“us”where you used to say“me”.I wish you the quality of friends I have and the quality of colleagues I work with.Baseball players say they don’t have to look to see if they hit a home run,they can feel it.So I wish for you a moment—a moment soon—when you really put the bat on the ball,when you really get a hold of one and drive it into the upper deck,when you feel it.When you aim high and hit your target,when just for a moment all else disappears,and you soar with wings as eagles.The moment will end as quickly as it came,and so you‘ll have to have it back,and so you’ll get it back no matter what the obstacles.A lofty prediction,to be sure,but I flat out guarantee it.

Today is May 13th and today is your graduate,my friends,thank you.Congratulations!














当我的第一部电影《军官与魔鬼》开拍时,剧组成员中有一个10个月前刚刚修完加州大学洛杉矶分校戏剧表演课程的演员。他很讨人喜欢,在剧中饰演一个不是很重要,但是很显眼的角色——一位傻气但很讨喜的海军下士。这位演员曾干过10个月Domino披萨的送货员,所以能够获得第一次出演的机会令他倍感兴奋。而这部电影是由Rob Reiner导演,汤姆·克鲁斯和杰克·尼克逊主演。这是影视圈经常发生的情况,你还没准备好前,成名的机会就接踵而来了。一周后,这个演员的经纪人给剧组打电话,说米洛斯·福尔曼一部尚未命名的电影邀请这位演员担任主角。他感到欣喜若狂,虽然他认为应该对第一个机会表示忠诚,但是毕竟那部电影是个主角。于是我们回复他说,我们了解,没问题,祝你好运。于是我们用了替补演员,我们确实这么做的。2周以后,米洛斯·福尔曼这部影片停拍了,我们的替补演员因此得到了他职业生涯中的第一次机会,而这位演员叫做Noah Wyle。Noah之后成为电视《急诊室的春天》主角之一,至今仍在演艺圈大放异彩。我不知道第一位演员现况如何,甚至也想不起他的名字。所以有时候,就在你以为自己已安全上垒时,却只能回到Domino送披萨。欢迎来到野蛮世界。