
第127章 What Educated Women Can Do(1)

Indira Gandhi,the fourth Prime Minister of India


Woman is the home and the home is the basis of society.It is as we build our homes that we can build our country.


Indira Gandhi








What Educated Women Can Do

Indira Gandhi,the fourth Prime Minister of India


An ancient Sanskrit saying says,woman is the home and the home is the basis of society.It is as we build our homes that we can build our country.If the home is inadequate-either inadequate in material goods and necessities or inadequate in the sort of friendly,loving atmosphere that every child needs to grow and develop-then that country cannot have harmony and no country which does not have harmony can grow in any direction at all.

That is why women’s education is almost more important than the education of boys and men.We-and by“we”I do not mean only we in India but all the world-have neglected women education.It is fairly recent.Of course,not to you but when I was a child,the story of early days of women‘s education in England,for instance,was very current.Everybody remembered what had happened in the early days.

Now,we have got education and there is a debate all over the country whether this education is adequate to the needs of society or the needs of our young people.I am one of those who always believe that education needs a thorough overhauling.But at the same time,I think that everything in our education is not bad,that even the present education has produced very fine men and women,specially scientists and experts in different fields,who are in great demand all over the world and even in the most affluent countries.Many of our young people leave us and go abroad because they get higher salaries,they get better conditions of work.

Our country is a very rich country.It is rich in culture,it is rich in many old traditions-old and even modern tradition.Of course,it has a lot of bad things too and some of the bad things are in the society-superstition,which has grown over the years and which sometimes clouds over the shining brightness of ancient thought and values,eternal values.Then,of course,there is the physical poverty of large numbers of our people.That is something which is ugly and that hampers the growth of millions of young boys and girls.Now,all these bad things we have to fight against and that is what we are doing since Independence.

As I said,we do have many shortcomings,whether it is the government,whether it is the society.Some are due to our traditions because,as I said,not all tradition is good.And one of the biggest responsibilities of the educated women today is how to synthesize what has been valuable and timeless in our ancient traditions with what is good and valuable in modern thought.All that is modern is not good just as all that is old is neither all good nor all bad.We have to decide,not once and for all but almost every week,every month what is coming out that is good and useful to our country and what of the old we can keep and enshrine in our society.To be modern,most people think that it is something of a manner of dress or a manner of speaking or certain habits and customs,but that is not really being modern.It is a very superficial part of modernity.

For instance,when I cut my hair,it was because of the sort of life that I was leading.We were all in the movement.You simply could not have long hair and go in the villages and wash it every day.So,when you lead a life,a particular kind of life,your clothes,your everything has to fit into that life if you are to be efficient.If you have to go in the villages and you have to bother whether your clothes are going to be dirty,then you cannot be a good worker.You have to forget everything of that kind.That is why,gradually,clothes and so on have changed in some countries because of the changes in the life-style.Does it suit our life-style or what we want to do or not?If it does,maybe we have to adopt some of these things not merely because it is done in another country and perhaps for another purpose.But what clothes we wear is really quite unimportant.What is important is how we are thinking.