
第29章 Don’t Close Your Mind to Possibilities(2)

After college,I went to law school for three years,and then into my dream job at a big NY law firm.But even though it had been my dream,I didn’t like it once I got there.

For the first time,I was feeling financially secure,but I knew I wasn‘t passionate enough about what I was doing.And because I didn’t love it,I would never be fulfilled from it,or be really good at it.Someone who loved it more would have greater enthusiasm and focus.For some it was fun;for me it was always going to be a chore.

After five years at a law firm,I decided I wanted to try something different.I came home and told my wife I was quitting,and she cried.And not out of happiness.Anyway,it worked out.I got a new job at a small Wall Street firm,we got bought out by a larger firm,and I ended up remaining at a large firm……Goldman Sachs.

In my career,I‘ve been fortunate to know and work with many of this country’s top CEOs and business leaders.I‘m always struck by a certain passion that defines them.While they may be wealthy and powerful,their passion goes beyond money and power.

I won’t stand here and tell you those are bad things.They can be pretty good,but only if you have a larger purpose in mind.If you don‘t have passion for your work or the drive to make a better life for your kids than your own,then you won’t have what it takes to keep you going.

So,I‘d like to leave you with some specific advice that will hopefully keep you going:

First,confidence really matters.

Recognize you have earned the right to be confident.Most of you have made great sacrifices and overcome great obstacles to get where you are today.You built up muscles that others who’ve had an easier time don‘t have.Those muscles will serve you for the rest of your life.

My struggle to get to and through college turned out to be an advantage for me.The disadvantages you have had become part of your personal history and track record,all advantages in your later life.So confidence is justified.

Second,find a job that you like.

You’ll be better at it and you‘ll last longer in it.Having said that,in a tough economy,or because of family pressures,you may not always be able to take a risk with a job choice.And,no doubt,we’ve all settled at various times.

But,don‘t let necessity in a given moment become the excuse for a lifetime of inertia.Keep trying to get yourself to the right place.If I’d stayed a lawyer,I could have made it work for a while,but I would have fizzled out eventually because I didn‘t love it.

Third,be a well rounded,complete person.

Many of you will go for further education or career training.Of course,it’s important to learn the things that you need to make a living.But,don‘t forget to read,and to learn history,literature and about current events.

You’ll be more interesting to others,more interesting to yourself and you‘ll be more successful in your job.Most of the books I’ve read didn‘t apply directly to my job or industry,but I’ve applied their lessons in unexpected ways.

Fourth,be involved in the community.

Find ways to contribute to make yourself proud and set an example to your kids.Making a living is not life.It is a means to an end,not the end.You have to feel proud of yourself.There are always going to be people who struggle and for whom community work is not a realistic option,but try.

I‘ve done plenty to advance myself over the years.But,the older I get,the more satisfaction I get from serving and advancing others.In fact that’s how I first got involved with President Mellow and LaGuardia-through the 10,000Small Businesses program we initiated at your school.

Finally,appreciate that life is unpredictable,so don‘t close your mind to possibilities.

Try to surround yourself with people who are equally ambitious.Put yourself in situation where you can grow—where you’ll not only push yourself but others will push you.

What were the chances that a kid from the poverty would run one of the great financial institutions in the world?You just never know.That unpredictability is the great thing about life.You change.The world changes.

You live in a country where we are still blessed with enormous opportunity.Leave yourself open to the world of possibility.You have the ambition,you have the smarts and you have the toughness.So,turn the page on your biography-you have just started a new chapter in your lives.

Good luck and congratulations to you and your families.














